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Everything is so dark...I can't see anything. I feel like I am drowning. Where am I?

Where is Fenrir?

Me: Fenrir!!!

As I looked around me, I saw nothing besides a door. It looks like normal door but leads to nowhere. Just a door, no path, no walls. I could walk around the door and look behind it. There was nothing just darkness and a door that has a faint glow to it.

This isn't my domain!

Where the heck am I?


Again nothing.

I slowly approached the door and opened it. I could see a stadium like building and my class participating in some kind of games.

How is this possible?

This looks like the Sports festival that is in a week's time?!

Me: Pandora!!

I tried calling out to my shadow creatures but nothing. No one of them responded or heard my call. I also couldn't feel them at all. I was all alone.

What is going on?

I walked right through the door escaping the void. Everything is better than the darkness behind me. It feels like it wants to consume me. The moment I closed the door it disappears and I was in a hallways.

I was in the middle of it and I could see no one there so I began walking towards some voices. I could hear Shochan's voice but he sounded upset and sad and so I went towards it. Just a couple of seconds later I saw him standing there with his father.

I couldn't understand what they were saying but I saw his father slap him so hard that it send Shoto down to the ground.

Me: Shochan!!!

I immediately started running towards him but no matter how much I ran, I wasn't moving at all. Then all of the sudden I could hear some screams behind me and people running out of the stadium.

Then the scenery changed and I saw a man with black hair and some scars walking down a hallway towards me and he was putting everything in blue flames. His eyes looked so much like Shochans.

Beside him was a girl with some knifes in his hand. They looked like they were enjoying making chaos but that was only from the outside. Their eyes were telling me that they were sad and about to break.

As I watched them go past me, I hear someone shout and Toshi coming out of a hallways screaming at them and trying his best to make them answer him but nothing.

Me: No! Toshi RUN!

Noe respond again.

Me: Toshi, please run! They are gonna hurt you! RUN!

I began begging him. Tears began flowing down my check as I watched the girl going after him and cut his throat open. As if that was not enough, Shiggy came running towards the man with eyes like Shochans and fight him.


It was a short fight. Although Shiggy managed to disintegrate the man a little bit the man still managed to burn him leaving nothing but ashes behind him.

The scenery once again changed and I saw the same creature that were attacking us before attacking the sports festival and then I saw Nezu, Hawks, Aizawa and Mic working together to evacuate the sports festival and defeat them only to fail and end in a massacre of them.

I watched the monster kill my fathers.

Blue flames clashing against ice and consuming and melting it killing Shochan.

Blue flames and a monster after Hawks and ripping his wings of his back.

Me: NO!!!!

I fell down to my knees crying not able to focus or even see anything more. They all died.

Than all of a sudden, the room I was in, started to fade only for me to be greeted with the same darkness one again. I couldn't stand up, my eyes wide open and crying. I was alone! No quirk, no power, nothing! I lost everything!

I was crying my eyes out until I could hear my griffin calling out to me.

Arashi: MASTER!!!

I was too weak to stand up. I didn't wanted to be here any longer!

Arashi: MASTER!!!

I could hear Arashi calling for me. I wanted to answer him but nothing came out of my mouth.

Arashi: Master, this is only my ability you subconsciously call upon!

This woke me up and I was crying and sweating. Once I opened my eyes I was immediately met with all of my shadow creatures. I was in my domain.

It was only just a dream! No it was more than that it was the future that awaits us!

I could feel something soft around me. Still laying on the ground, I slowly moved my shaky hand to it. Soft and warm, that was all I could tell from touching it. It Ferluci on my chest watching me and trying to calm me down.

Me: This .... This was the future?

Arashi: Looks like it.

Me: I need to do something about it!

Abyss: We won't let something like this happen!

Me: But where was I? All the time I saw what happened to them but what's with me?

Arashi: I don't know. The future is complicated.

Me: We need to be on out guards from now on. The sports festival is in one week if that is what happened then we need to do something against it!

Pandora: And that's something we will!

Kuro: You need some rest Master! Stay with us for the night!

Blaze: Yes. This should calm you down!

Fenrir: We are always here for you!

Me: Thanks!

I saw them all coming towards me. Ferluci was in my hands, while Arashi was around me. Pandora had its head close to me hand. Fenrir and Kuro were in their small for and on the other side of me. Abyss was laying close to my feet and Blaze had one of his wings around me like a nice blanked.

Just like that I let darkness consume me and take me hopefully to a better place this time.

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now