Fighting fire with fire!

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I woke up to a nice and fresh aroma of raspberries and vanilla. It was so out of place that it woke me up completely. Once I was awake I couldn't process what happened. Not only that but I couldn't remember why I was in the same bed like Shoto and on top of that naked.

Me: ....

All I could do was blink at him. At least he had some things on or otherwise I was sure I was having a nose bleed. Screw that I was sure I was having one right now. He looked soo beautiful while he was sleeping and then I realized that it was him that smelled like raspberries and vanilla.

Me: ...

He was still asleep and I was beginning to think that I was dreaming because this was certainly not real at all.


However my memories began to knock on my brains door telling me what happened yesterday. I was hit by a quirk because I ran into a stranger and got transformed into a cat. At least I wasn't a cat anymore but this situation was just weird and something I could only dream off. Call it love at first sight but I knew that he was my missing link.

Me:.. Is this real?

I began questioning the reality this looked like a dream, this also felt like a dream so it must be a dream right.

Shoto: Yep.

Once I heard him replying to my question, I was met with his duel colored eyes and the first thing I did was stare at him and blink just blink and then blink again and again.

Then it hit me. This was very real and so I backed away from him falling of the bed and pulling the whole blanket with me.

Shoto: You okay?

He immediately came to my side.

Me: I- You- We- What?

Shoto: I brought you back yesterday after finding you as a cute cat. Looks like the quirks effect wore off a bit.

Me: A bit?

Shoto: Ahm... You have a cat tail and cat ears...

Me: Say what?

I looked at my side to see a fluffy green tail and then I touched my head and felt something even fluffier thing then my own hair.

Me: Oh no...

Shoto: Relax. I didn't do anything to you.

Me: That is not it. Dadzawa will kill me if he sees me like that.

Shoto: Dadzawa?

Me: Oh right, you don't know... Aizawa and Mic are kinda my parents as well as Nezu. They all have guardian ship over me. Don't ask how that works. I don't know.

Shoto: Okay... But why would he kill you?

Me: Because he loves cat and he would do everything to see me as one...

Shoto: Oh that's what Shinso meant with crazy cat person.

Me: Yep....

Shoto: Well you can stay with me until the effects wears off.

Me: But I don't want to bother you!

Shoto: I was the one offering it! So you are not a bother.

???: SHOTO!!!

Me: Is that?

Shoto: My personal trashcan calling me for some special training. Izu I don't know if my things will fit you but feel free to choose anything from my wardroom. Oh and I didn't get you things. I am sorry.

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