We are on an island?! HOW?!

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I woke up to the first ray of light and a nice sea breeze. It was nice, cozy and warm. I could also hear the sound of water clashing down at the beach.

I love the beach!

What a nice dream!

I wish to never wake up!

The noises became louder and then I felt some water drops and my eyes flew wide open in realization.

Me: I am not dreaming right now, am I?

Abyss: No, Master.

Blaze: Morning Master!

Sitting up, I saw that I was laying on my dragons back and my phoenix was covering me and the back of the dragon with his giant feathery warm wing.

What in the world is going on?

Did they seriously bring me to the sea?

Me: Blaze, Abyss where is Arashi?

All I could see was these two. Until I heard him from above.

Arashi: Good morning Master! I am honored you are concerned for me.

He landed close to us. I then watched Balze and Arashi back up and my dragon turned to me.

Me: Why are we on a beach and where are we exactly?

Looking around I saw a forest and I was pretty sure we were miles away from where we started. This didn't look like out home or our beach at all!

I hope this is only some kind of Island close to our home...

Abyss: Zakynthos.

Oh no...

Me: Where?

Blaze: An Island.

Me: That I can see but where are we?

Arashi: Greek.

Me: Say that again!

Abyss: We are on a Greek island called Zakynthos.

Me: HOW?

I am pretty sure you guys shouldn't be able to travel that far in only 4 hours!

Blaze: We flew here.

... So they are fast....noted!

Arashi: We thought you would like it but you seem to be shocked. We are sorry to upset you.

Me: No, don't be. I like it here but we need to go back and I can't use Shadow Transportation on all of us.

It was not a problem that I couldn't do it, the problem was that I would be to tired to even stand up or go out of my domain. I would never even be able to make the whole way only to my Domain and this is all I could do.

Blaze: We can fly you back!

Me: That's not the problem Blaze.

Arashi: Then what is?

Me: What time is it?

Abyss: Around 7 a.m..


With that I felt and saw my dragon stand up and get ready to launch into the sky.

Me: Wait a moment!

There was one way and it needed to make due.

Me: Blaze, Arashi, go back to my domain and get Fenrir and Kuro ready! I will need them!

Blaze + Arashi: Yes, Master!

With that they both jumped into the shadow of me and Abyss.

Abyss: Are you perhaps planning on using Shadow Transportation and then use Fenrir to go back to UA?

Me: Yeah.

There was one reason why I couldn't tell Fenrir to teleport others. He simply was not able to do that. All he could was connect to me and teleport me around while I was able to summon everyone. He couldn't teleport anyone else. The connection we all shared didn't work this way. Each of them was connected to me and I to them but they were not connected with each other's.

Abyss: This will tire you out Master! Let me return and you can teleport yourself back.

Me: Abyss, my problem is that there is barely any shadow around and I can use thanks to my shadow but it's easier if the shadow is larger and you are the largest of them all. Yes, it will tire me out and I might even overuse my quirk but if I don't do this right now, then I will be late!

Abyss: I understand, Master!

Me: Here I go!

With that I concentrated on the link between me and Fenrir and the connection between a shadow to my domain. It didn't take long for us to begin sinking into the shadow and reappearing in my domain.

Fenrir: Welcome back Master!

I was about to jump off the back of the dragon but the moment my feet touched the ground, I could collapse. I was dead tired and everything was spinning. This was the very first side effect I felt from using my quirk. Luckily Fenrir caught me and brought us to the principal's office.

Nezu: Ah Izuku, I was wondering where you are after checking all the security cameras. I hope you enjoyed your midnight fly?

Me: Yeah it was nice...

Nezu: So where was the destination.

Me: Zakynthos.

Nezu: Ah a Greek island I see... How did you get there?

Me: I would like to know that too!

Nezu: Huh?

Me: I had trouble falling asleep and went to visit the creatures of darkness... They proposed a quick fly around and it didn't sound bad but I at some point fell asleep.

Nezu: Hmm... I suggest you go to your room and quickly change. I will inform Aizawa about your late arrival.

Me: I am so sorry about that!

I troubled him...

What a great Monday so far what can possibly go wrong?

Nezu: It's quite alright! You are not responsible for them. They are creatures of their own and I am sure they wanted to surprise you.

Me: They did.

Nezu: Did you like it?

Me: Loved it!

Nezu: See, it's okay then. I am sure Aizawa will understand that.

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