Cat + Aizawa = RUN!

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After I watched Recovery Girl heal him, I faced Nezu and began telling him what happened.

Me: So you know how I was supposed to stay with Toshi this week?

Nezu: Yes.

Me: We both wanted to visit the new arcade but hadn't time to do so until yesterday. Well I kinda run late due to the last class and sprinted without even looking where I was going.

Nezu: That doesn't sound like you.

Me: Well I was taking a short cut.

Nezu: The one through the abandoned part?

Me: Yes.

Nezu: *Sigh* Izu, why?

Me: It's a short cut and I was late plus I have Fenrir in my shadow as well as a freaking dragon!

Recovery Girl: Fair point.

Me: Anyways I was sprinting towards the arcade and ran into a guy because I took a sharp turn around the corner and he used his quirk on me somehow.

Nezu: I am freaking finding this guy and ruining his life! Quirk usage in public is strictly prohibited and then using it on a kid?! I am turning his life upside down!

I watched Nezu walk out of the room without even letting anyone to tell him otherwise.

Recovery Girl: You are not injured are you?

Me: No, not that I know of. Fenrir and Kuro protected me until Shochan came. That reminds me. How did you find me?

Shoto: Well your wolf found me.

Me: Fenrir did?

Shoto: Yeah.

Recovery Girl: Why were you in such a part of the city?

Shoto: Just hiding from my dad and skipping his training sessions.

Me: Oh I am scratching his eyes out if he touches you again.

Recovery Girl: Izu calm down. You are hissing.

Me: Ooh sorry!

After that we began talking about his dad and how he was treating him until it came to the question as to how he got the injuries and he told her about his training. I was so angry that I started growling and hissing again until Shoto came over to me and hugged me from behind.

Shoto: I am so happy to see you angry in my place but please don't be angry over such a pile of trash. He isn't worth it.

Me: Shochan?!

Recovery Girl: I ship it!

Me: Huh?

Recovery GIrl: Oh nothing. So you left Endeavor with Blaze and Abyss?

Me: Yep.

Recovery Girl: Well he certainly know by now not to pick a fight with you.

Me: I hope so.

As we began talking about how strong Abyss and Blaze were the door to the infirmary was burst open. This scared me so much that I jumped up into the air.

Aizawa: Where is he?!

Me: Oh-oh...

Recovery Girl: Aizawa calm down!

He was looking over the room until he saw me. His eyes fixated on my ears and tail and I could see his expression changes from anxious to angry to amused and then to "Comer over here! I wanna pet you". I didn't like it.

My dad other father was coming into the room and slowly approached me.

Aizawa: Izuku?!

Me: I can explain!

Shoto: No time for that!

Before I could even explain everything or even try to do that, Shoto jumped off his seat and began dragging me by the arm out of the room and even made and Ice wall in front of the door so that no one could come after us.

Me: Shochan?

Shoto: No one is touching you right now!

Me: Ahm Shochan?

However the moment we went down the hallway we both could hear something shatter and just by looking back I saw Aizawa looking at me and he had his quirk activated.



Shoto: It's okay I will protect you.

We began running away from a teacher that was a pro hero and experienced in capturing villains. There was no way of escaping him. The moment he throw his capture scarf at us, I immediately knew it was over. If not...

Me: Pandora!!!

I summoned a tiger-dragon-hybrid that was now running behind us. With one smooth motion I jumped on her back and helped Shoto up.

Me: Get us away from him.

Pandora: FUFUFU this will be no problem! Leave it to me!

Just like that we began running down the hallway in an incredible speed until I opened a portal in front of us and teleported us into my domain. Once we were there Pandora stopped running and went down for us to get off her.

Me: Thanks!

Pandora: No problem, Master!

Shoto: Where are we?

Me: Oh right, you don't know. Shochan this is my domain. It's a space I can enter through my quirk. Every shadow Creature you see here is one that I can summon.

Shoto: Wow..

The huge phoenix went around him and nudged him a little bit. I knew and I was sure that Blaze knew it too but Shoto loved his feathers that were on fire. This alone told me that he wanted to use his fire side but hated it because of his father. I was sure that I was to do something about that. It was a waste to be so ignorant towards a gift of nature because of someone's father.

As I was thinking that Abyss approached me.

Abyss: Welcome back Master!

Me: Oh hey Abyss!

Abyss: I did kill the sorry excuse of flame multiple times using my flames a couple of times. We also ensured to leave him with a reminder on his skin forever.

Me: Good job!

Abyss: That was only expected after being given a task from our Master!

Me: Shochan? How about we spend a couple of hours here before we leave? You can play with them as much as you like.

Shoto: Really?

Me: Yeah. Guys be nice to him!

Fenrir: Of Course!

Fenrir: We wouldn't do otherwise!

Blaze: We know how much you like him!

Pandora: Love at first sight! Soo cute!

Abyss: We will treat him with utmost respect!

Arashi: He is worth being Masters significant other.

Pandora: Agree!

Every one of them nodded in agreement and I sat down on the floor watching Shoto having fun with Blaze while I ha Abyss around me and petting his head which was on my side. Pandora was in front of me having her head in my lap. Fenrir and Kuro were playing with each other and Arashi was with Shoto trying to get some attention which he failed to get.

After a couple of hours or more like the whole day, we both left and I teleported us back to my room and he was spending the night over. Naturally we were birth very hungry and got ourselves a pizza. Nezu had no problem with that and I heard from him that they needed to call Hawks over for help in order to get Aizawa locked up into a room with a coffee machine and some snacks.

All in all it was a very interesting day.

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