The Symbol of Light!

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3rd POV:

After AfO was defeated Izuku quickly went back to a normal life style. He had his family and he had his boyfriend who didn't let him alone for one second after what happened to green bean. Izuku told them everything what happened in while he was held captive by the hero commission.

In fact Izuku and Shoto became very close to each other. They knew basically everything about the other. This only showed how much they cared for each other. Their feelings for each other were very strong and there was nothing that could stop them from finding each other's. They were after all soul mates bound by fate even I there was no such thing as a soul mate bond.

Recovery Girl insisted that Izuku would stay one week with her in her office. No one knew how Izuku's quirk worked and not only that but he just defeated a quirk and not only that but was tortured moments ago too. There were visible stains on Izukus health and thanks to Chiyo he quickly recovered.

Nezu had his hands full since he was now able to start the first step towards his long wish of world domination. However he had Chiyo on close to him watching over him so that he wouldn't do that. The world was simply not prepared for him yet. That was what she said to him. Not only that but he would have fun playing russian roulette with the people that were on the top of the human food chains too.

Nedless to say that Nezu was rebuilding the hero commission from the scratch and that Hawks was the new leader of it together with Aizawa and Nezu.

Hawks was free for the first time of his life. He didn't need to obey any command and he could live the life he wanted thanks to the hero that didn't turned a blind eye towards the growing darkness. It was all thanks to Izuku, his little brother.

Aizawa began teaching his class with more enthusiasm. He appreciated the effort they put into finding his son when he went missing and so he began teaching them proper hero lesson and make less hell versions of it. This still didn't stop him from going hard on the class from time to time because he felt like they did something to his son.

Dabi and Shoto quickly became like brother again. They needed some time together but after that they began acting like normal brother training and playing together. The Todoroki family also made a drastic change since Endeavor was behind bars thanks to Nezu and Izuku. It was a promise that Izuku made after all. This was how the Todoroki siblings began growing together with their mother and could finally recover from all the shit they needed to take because of the one and only flammable walking trashcan.

As for Toga and Shiggy... They both became very close to each other since Toga also liked playing games. She loved spending time with Izuku and Shiggy since they were now her new brothers. Nezu officially adopted Shiggy and Toga. Kurogiri was also living in the same house with them making sure that they would not do something stupid.

UA also got a new English teacher since Kurogiri was able to hold his own ground in a class, Nezu decided to give him full privilages of a UA teacher. This meant he no longer had to do classes with Mic together. However both of them got so used to do it together that they refused to do it on their own. It was much more fun this way or something like that they said to Nezu.

???: Did you hear about AfO?

???: Yes. The kid that saved them all is a true hero. Hands of him!

???: Oh so the hero killer Stain finally met a true hero other than the symbol of peace and is even willing to protect him.

Stain: Who said he is no symbol?

???: What do you mean?

Stain: Oh Spinner you have much to learn yet. He is the symbol of light.

Spinner: They symbol of light. Wait didn't the kid had a shadow quirk.

Stain: That has nothing to do with that! It is his heart it is laying on the right place. He is even willing to save us lost souls. The once that were long forgotten or given up by fake heroes.

Spinner: Oh that's why you and the others are calling him the symbol of light.

Stain: Yes. He is the only hero that is willing to dive into the darkness.

Spinner: Well it is part of his quirk after all.

Stain: You fool! You will never understand the greatness of this kid!

Spinner: If you say so...

Izuku quickly became known as the hero that was willing to give even lost souls a chance of getting saved. He was still a student of UA but his story was told even in the darkest corner of alleys. Every street kid knew the story of Shiggy, Dabi and Toga and how AfO was defeated by the one symbol of hope and light. The one and true light in the dark.

Everyone knew that and this was how the legend of the Symbol of Hope was born even before he became an official hero. This title was reserved for him and only him alone.

The villains on the street suported the new hero of light as did the people living there. He was the new bringer og Hope after all!


A/N: Thanks for reading this and I hope you enjoyed it too!

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