Gathering information

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The next day I woke up, I immediately went back to my room and asked Nezu about any information he had based on someone with a blue fire quirk. I couldn't just dismiss that mans and the girls eyes. They both looked like lost souls. Something was wrong and I wanted information. At the same time I didn't wanted to freak anyone out by the future.

Thankfully Nezu just gave the information I asked and didn't question me. Well he tried doing but after me avoiding his eyes and remembering what happened I couldn't help but let a tear slip down and fall to the ground. That was all it needed for Nezu to understand that I was not comfortable telling him why. He understood and I was sure that he knew that it was Arashi's ability that I used.

The topic quickly changed to Ferluci. It was the first time for him to see me with a cat around my shoulders and so I told him what happened at the amusement park. His reaction was scary but funny at the same time.

Nezu: I will make the man suffer! How dare he rig a game and then accuse others to be cheating!!!

After our little talk, he told me I was excused and could stay at home. Not only that but he let me be alone with Shiggy together.

Shiggy: Hey light titan! What's up?

Me: Nothing much...

Shiggy: You were crying and I hear you scream NO in the middle of the night but when I was to check upon you, you were gone.

Me: Oh...

Shiggy: You can tell it to me. I'm your big bro after all and not to mention an end boss too!

Me: I know.

Then without even announcing his appearance or knocking at the door, Hawks came in through the open window we had.

Hawks: I heard you are staying home today! What happened?

Me: Nothing really!

Shiggy: He probably had a bad dream.

Hawks: Oh. It's okay feathers! You can talk to us! It will make it easier for you.

Me: It.. it wasn't a dream.

Shiggy: Hm?

Hawks: What do you mean?

Me: I saw the future.

Shiggy: ...

Hawks: ...

Shiggy: The future?

Hawks: ... As in you know what will happened tomorrow?

Me: Next week while the sports festival to be more precise.

Shiggy: ...


I was sure they were buffed both of them looked at me with open mouths and just gasping. It was a lot to take in after all and I took that opportunity and told them what was about to happen.

Hawks: Blue fire you say?

Me: Yes.

Hawks: There is a villain that goes under the name of Dabi. He is very active lately.

Shiggy: A pyromaniac.

Hawks: As for the girl. I never heard of someone with blond hairs and fangs wilding knifes and killing people.

Shiggy: I know of one. Her name is Toga. I also heard that these two were like siblings and doing a couple of things together. Never had the opportunity to meet them in person but I know that my Sensei was after them.

Me: So there is a chance that they might not be in the LOV yet?

Hawks: Well yesterday was a full moon and it was also a night filled with burning houses. They were all abandoned though...

Me: We need to find them!

Hawks: Wow! Slow down feathers!

Me: But! I don't want to see you all die!

Hawks: We won't!

Shiggy: Titan calm down! Now that I know what will happen, there is no way I won't be careful. They won't beat us by surprise.

Me: But..

Hawks: Nope! You also look terrible right now. How much sleep did you get?

Me: I did sleep the whole night though I kinda used Arashi's ability unconsciously.

Hawks: So it might have drained your energy. This is probably the reason why Nezu told me to come over too.

Me: I don't need rest if I know that my family and Shochan is in danger!

Hawks: Okay then how about this? Tonight we will go out and have a look around?

Me: Kay!

Shiggy: I will inform Kurogiri too. We will assist you.

Me: No telling to my dad's!

Hawks: I promise!

Shiggy: Of course not!

After that small talk they both insisted that I should go to sleep for a little bit and the moment I did I only woke up in the afternoon due to hearing Shochan's voice from the couch. I also found myself covered in red feathers and Fenrir and Ferluci laying on the ground in front of me sleeping too.

Shochan: I will not go back until I saw him!

Shiggy: He is resting you small fry!

Hawks: You shoud give it a rest. I know that you are his boyfriend but he is exhausted and need rest.

Shochan: NO! I won't give up until I see his condition with my own eyes. I won't wake him up just let me check on him!

I slowly began moving the feathers away from me and the moment I touched them I saw them beginning to hover over the bed and flying away. Not a moment later, Hawks came into the room and Shochan followed him.

Hawks: How was your nap?

Me: Good thanks!

Shochan: How are you feeling?

He didn't slow down until he was at my side and gave me hug. Shochan was now sitting close to me and I couldn't help but remember the way he died. After all the information that I got from Nezu and after talking and going through them with Shiggy and Hawks for a bit before taking the nap, I knew it was his own brother that would take his life.

Me: Good.

Shochan: Why are you so sad?

Me: I...

Hawks: He just read a really sad novel and couldn't believe the sad ending.

Shiggy: That's Izu for you.

Shochan: Sounds like you.

I smiled at both of my brothers and nodded. It was a gesture to tell them that I appreciated the help. After that I spend some time with Shochan talking and just enjoying out time with each other. Hawks and Shiggy even left us alone in the room.

If I had known that the night would went that way then I wouldn't have went out in the first place. Only if I had known that AfO was not the only one after us. Although the number 1 villain wasn't after me he was after my family and my family goes to war together. We had each other's back after all. The people that were after me were a lot more powerful and didn't need to hide in the shadows. All they wanted was my quirk.

The Light in the darkness (Good Enough?! Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now