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Time passed quickly after that, the two young women settling into a familiar routine together.  They sought each other for comfort on bad days and cherished the good days they spent in each others company.

Remarkably quickly, graduation day came, and with this both Cat and Jade knew that changes would come too. Yet neither wished to confront that fact, perhaps for fear of what it would mean for their relationship.

It was this very thought that lingered in Jade's mind as she sat alone in her room that morning, staring at the wall and chewing her lip. Just then, her cell started ringing and Beck's name flashed up on the caller ID.

"Hey, what is it? And don't tell me I'm gonna be late, I'm not." Jade said firmly.

"Good morning to you too. I wasn't going to say that, I was actually gonna bring up the other thing you don't wanna talk about." Beck replied matter-of-factly.

Jade groaned, flopping back on her bed. She hit loudspeaker and propped the phone on her chest.

"I already told you, there's no point in trying to talk about it. Cat is leaving for New York in a few days."

Jade stopped for a moment, feeling her eyes start to fill with tears. She bit her lip and continued.

"I'm going to UCLA. She'll be on the other side of the country, rubbing shoulders with a bunch of sexy Broadway performers. Don't you know what the NYC gay scene is like? She could throw a rock and hit like five queer people that could take my place"

"Jade." Beck stopped her, and she breathed out shakily. She spoke again, her tone somber.

"The long distance is doomed. She probably knows that too. She'll probably break up with me today, tell me it's all for the best, you know?"

"Jade, Cat loves you. She loves you so much. After everything you guys have been through there's no way in hell she would ever give up on you."

Tears slid down Jade's face as she sat upright, rubbing her eyes. She sighed wearily and listened to the sounds of Beck's footsteps and a door opening and closing through the phone.

"I'm afraid of what happens next, Beck. I don't wanna miss her. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that one day she'll stop missing me."

Beck sighed. A moment later there was a knock at Jade's bedroom door.

"Yeah?" Jade answered, wiping her eyes frantically, trying to appear composed.

The door swung open revealing Beck in the doorway. Jade shot to her feet in surprise as he swept her into a hug.

"I know you're scared of things changing. And you're right, Cat will stop missing you one day."

Jade pulled back slightly and frowned at him. He smiled warmly.

"Because a day will come when you'll be together all the time. You'll have a life together." He clarified.

"She won't have to miss you anymore."

Jade smiled at him through her tears, and pulled him into another hug.

"Now get cleaned up and get ready, we're gonna be late."

"We're NOT gonna be late Beck, shut up."

A short while later the two were in Beck's car, headed for the school. And Jade felt slightly better.


The ceremony was fairly standard, a few boring speeches and teary eyed students saying goodbye to high school. Cat and Jade acted completely normal, as though nothing was amiss. The afterparty came next, that evening everyone gathered at some wealthy students massive house to celebrate.

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