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Jade leaned against some lockers, intently watching the door to Lane's office.

The entire school was abuzz from the rumours that surfaced the day before. Of course, everyone had initially believed that Jade was the one who hurt Cat, but once Cat spoke with Lane, word travelled quickly. Everyone knew what Jade had learned yesterday.

Not only was Dylan Scott responsible, he was also Lane's trusted "witness" who had lied and made Jade look guilty.

Jade shook her head, idly looking down at her hands, whose knuckles had turned sickly shades of purple and red. Small cuts stretched like spider webs across her skin and Jade winced slightly as she stretched out her fingers.

It was probably a mistake to punch the mirror in the school bathroom, but Jade had been upset, and it was better than hitting a person.

Suddenly the door to Lane's office opened, and all the whispering going on in the hall stopped abruptly. Every student nearby was watching, collectively holding their breath.

Lane stepped out, shutting the door behind him. He looked stressed. Wringing his hands, he approached Jade.

"Hey, Jade. I'd like to apologise to you."

Jade raised an eyebrow, turning to face him fully. She could feel the eyes of the other students on her.

"I was lied to, and as a result made unfair accusations toward you. I'm sorry. I thought you would like to know that Mr Scott has been suspended, pending expulsion. He confessed to everything. And I assure you, we will work to make sure this kind of thing never happens at this school again."

Jade smiled slightly, crossing her arms. Lane's eyes drifted to the bruises on her hands but he made no comment. Nodding, he took his leave and returned to his office.

Satisfied, Jade started walking, not really sure where she was going. Eventually she found herself approaching Cat's locker, which the small redhead was rummaging around inside.

Jade came to her side and leaned a shoulder against the lockers, watching her quietly.



Silence followed.

"Holy shit this is awkward."

Out of the corner of her eye, Jade could see Dylan Scott approaching them with a scowl on his face. She instantly took a defensive stance, standing in front of Cat and using herself as a shield.

Before he could say anything however, Beck, Andre and Robbie surrounded him from all sides. Beck stepped in front of him, putting a hand firmly on his chest, while Robbie and Andre held him under his arms.

"Where do you think you're going?" Robbie said sternly, his anger actually making him seem a little intimidating.

"The door is that way." Andre continued, equally angry.

"Guys. Let's talk about this. We're all friends here." Dylan laughed, putting his hands up and trying to diffuse the situation.

Beck shook his head. "You're right, come with us and we'll talk. You know, like friends."

He started pushing the boy in the direction of the parking lot, Andre and Robbie helping to drag him along despite his protests

"Beck! Come on man! Guys we don't need to do this." His pleading continued as he was dragged out of sight. Beck looked back at Jade, nodding at her with a reassuring smile and thumbs up before following the others.

Jade smiled in spite of herself, her shoulders relaxing. She turned to face Cat again, letting out a breath she didn't realise she was holding.

The two girls looked at each other for a painfully long moment, the air cold and uncomfortable between them. It broke Jade's heart to see the sadness and exhaustion clear on Cat's face, but everything she wanted to say seemed to halt on the tip of her tongue, refusing to come out.

"What happened to your hands?" Cat asked, reaching to take Jade's hand but reconsidering and pulling back.

"Broke a mirror in the bathroom." Jade answered with a shrug.

"Jade!" Cat scolded, earning an eye roll from Jade.

"You asked, I answered."

The bell ringing stopped either of them from arguing further. They looked at each other, both hesitating slightly.

Then they silently parted ways and headed to class.

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