A Note From The Author 4

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Okay so I thought I'd give you some insight into the last few parts that I uploaded in bulk because I was an asshole and didn't post for like 400 years.

First off, I just had a real urge to get cheesy. These chapters were super sappy and lame but I'm really happy with them. We made some progress. Cat and Jade are finally official. But how long will the honeymoon phase last? Wait and see.

Also as for the most recent chapter 'Absolutely nothing' I basically wanted to play around with something I noticed upon rewatching some old victorious. Jade actually has a gears of war messenger bag that can be seen like every episode of season 1 and so I thought I'd play with the idea that she's actually like a secret (but not so secret) video game nerd. It might not be canon but the bag is evidence that it is at least possible.

I honestly can't believe I didn't notice this before.

There's been a lot of filler content but don't worry, I'll be properly moving the story forward in the next few updates so keep an eye out for those.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it. Let me know what you all think and share this with friends if you want. See ya next time.

Ps. I wrote this while sleep deprived so if there are spelling errors and stuff then you know why.

Pps. It's my 19th birthday on Thursday. So that's a thing...

- Caitlin

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