Absolutely Nothing

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"What's 'Gears of War' Jade?" Cat asked, running her finger along the dusty stack of games on Jade's tv stand. She was lying on the floor on her stomach with her feet in the air.
She picked the game up, coughing from the dust.

"It's a video game, Cat." Jade answered, only half paying attention. Cat shot her a look and put the game back down, then she shuffled over to Jade and crawled into her lap.

"You haven't played in a long time. You have all these consoles and you used to like playing but you just stopped." Cat said, sitting in Jade's lap facing the tv. Jade wrapped her arms around Cat's waist and held her controller resting in Cat's lap. She gently nuzzled Cat's neck.

"I still like to play, I just haven't had time lately. Plus it's kinda embarrassing." Jade answered, starting up Fallout 4.

"Why is that embarrassing?" Cat leaned back into Jade's chest, turning to place a kiss on her jaw.

"I don't know. I guess it's just... not what I'm supposed to be. Or something like that."

Jade's game finished loading and Cat watched her run around for a second. The character did kinda look like Jade, but with intense battle scars and war paint. She was carrying a shotgun and wearing dark, beat up armour. Cat understood virtually none of what was happening. There was a French robot and a redcoat with no nose. It was strange.

"You don't have to live up to other people's expectations of what you're 'supposed' to be you know." Cat said, returning to their conversation.

She heard Jade chuckle lightly, and felt her kiss the top of her head. "I know, Cat."


Cat spent the next hour in Jade's lap, pointing out enemies for her to kill and hiding her face whenever she saw a scary monster. Jade even let her have a turn. She died almost immediately of course, but Jade thought the effort was cute.

Right now her girlfriend was curled up, resting on her chest half asleep. Jade's leg was beginning to go numb but she didn't mind, it was worth it.

"What's going on in here, Jade?" A voice from the doorway pulled Jade's attention away from the tv. It was her mom. She had a strange look on her face as she glanced between Jade and the girl sleeping in her lap.

Jade suddenly felt very self conscious about the whole thing and she felt her cheeks flush. "Uh... um... Absolutely nothing, mother." She stammered.

"Hm. Right. Well then, I'm going out for dinner. Behave while I'm gone."

"Yes, mom. I'll 'behave'. I am, in fact, not eight years old."

Jade's mom nodded and silently left the room. Jade sighed and tossed her controller aside. She idly ran her fingers through Cat's hair as she considered what just happened. Her mom didn't know about her relationship with Cat yet. Jade had no idea how she would respond.

She felt troubled, and hugged Cat tightly, trying to calm herself. Cat began to wake and Jade loosened her grip a little to allow Cat to move.

"Hey, you okay?" Cat said sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

Jade carefully stood up, avoiding Cat's gaze.

"Yeah. Fine. You hungry? Let's order food." Jade replied, pulling Cat to her feet and quickly exiting the room.

"Oh... okay?" Cat said. She was confused and still slightly sleepy but she decided just to follow Jade quietly and ask questions later.

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