That Word

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The weekend came quickly. At Cat's insistence Jade went over to Cat's house that morning to get ready.

"Okay, come here." Cat said, patting the bed beside her and holding up her makeup brushes. Jade turned from the mirror, smoothing down her shirt.

"You won't make me look crazy, right?" She said, sitting down next to Cat. In response, Cat held out her pinky with a smile and Jade shook it with her own, closing her eyes as Cat began working.

"You look cute. I like the shoes." Jade said her eyes fluttering open after a few minutes. Cat placed a finger on Jade's lips, grinning.

"Thank you, now stay still and stop talking."

Jade leaned towards Cat, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Or what?" Jade asked, kissing Cat lightly. Cat pushed Jade back, giggling and trying to look stern.

"Or I'll add glitter." She said, crossing her arms.

Jade put her hands up in surrender and sat up again, allowing Cat to continue. Cat worked quickly and precisely, and the finished product didn't take much longer.

"There. What do you think?" Jade got up and strode to the mirror, looking carefully at the look Cat had created.

Somehow it was perfect. It was subtle, and matched the colour scheme Jade preferred, but the rainbow theme was clear and present, and not at all at odds with Jade's dark aesthetic.

Jade turned to Cat, who was watching her nervously, awaiting a response. Jade gave her a reassuring smile.

"Its perfect." Cat let out an audible sigh of relief, a grin spreading across her face.

Jade walked towards Cat, an arm outstretched, taking her hand and pulling her towards the mirror. She pulled out her phone and tugged Cat closer to take pictures. Cat kissed Jade on the cheek for one photo and they pulled silly faces for another. They smiled in one photo and looked serious in the next.

The girls spent a little while longer putting the finishing touches on their outfits and making sure they had everything they needed. Then they headed out.

"The others are on their way too, Beck just texted." Cat said from the passenger seat of Jade's car.
"Oh, he sent a photo." Cat continued excitedly, showing Jade the photo at the next stoplight.

Jade leaned over to look. It was a selfie taken by Tori of her, Beck, Andre and Robbie all making silly faces, each of them covered in various colours of glitter and face paint.

Jade couldn't help but smile.
"They really went all out didn't they?"

A short drive later, Jade and Cat arrived at the meeting point and Jade parked up nearby. They stepped out of the car and looked for the others, hand in hand.

"Jade! Over here!" A voice up ahead called out. Jade tugged Cat through the crowds and found the gang gathered near an information stand. They greeted eachother warmly, chatting enthusiastically about their outfits.

"Your makeup looks nice." Beck smiled, looking Jade over and nodding in approval.

"So does yours." Jade teased Beck, nudging Cat gently and smiling.

"Ha, the glitter suits me, I know. It was Tori's idea."

"A nice lady gave me rainbow shoelaces!" Robbie announced excitedly, lifting up his foot to show Cat.

"We have some time before we need to find a place in the parade, theres a stand nearby with signs, flags, pins and other cool stuff. We should hit that up before we go." Tori cut in, gesturing in the direction of a busy stall across the way.

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