Not Goodbye, But Farewell.

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All too soon, the day of Cat's departure came. Jade drove to Cat's house the previous evening and the two spent one more night in the same bed, for they knew it would be the last time for a while.

Early that morning, Cat loaded her prepacked bags into her moms car before showering and eating the breakfast Mrs Valentine prepared.

"Did you remember to put your charger in your backpack?" Cat's mom asked, flitting back and forth stacking dishes."

"Yeah, mom. I triple checked everything when I woke up." Cat replied with a mouthful of waffles.

"What about your ticket? And your emergency cash?"

"Yes, all there. Relax mom."

Cat's mom sighed and came over to Cat, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. It's not every day your kid travels hundreds of miles across the country. I guess I'm a little freaked."

"I'll be fine. I promise."

Mrs Valentine stroked Cat's cheek for a moment then glanced across at Jade. She squeezed Cat's shoulder and wandered out of the kitchen, leaving the two girls alone.

Jade stared into her coffee mug, pensive. Her knuckles white from gripping the handle.

"Make sure you call me when you land. I wanna know that you're safe." She spoke after a moment, looking up at Cat.

Cat smiled softly back at her, putting her fork down.

"Are you sure? I get in pretty late."

"I don't care. Promise you'll call?"

There was a pause, and then Cat reached across the table, little finger outstretched. Jade hooked her pinky through Cat's with a nod.

Cat took Jade's hand in her own, running her thumb over the ring on her finger. She smiled slightly.

"What're you smiling about?" Jade asked with a smirk.

"I'm excited."


Cat nodded.

"Excited about everything. New York, the future, meeting new people. And I'm excited to be with you."

Jade blushed a little at this. She stood up from the table, picking up the plates and taking them to the sink. Cat followed behind, wrapping her arms around Jade's waist and squeezing her gently.

"I'm gonna miss you." She said as Jade turned in her arms to face her.

"I'll miss you too." Jade replied. Just then she snapped her fingers and reached for her backpack.

"I have something for you." She said, rummaging in the back for a second. A moment later she pulled out a flash drive and a small scrap of paper with writing on it. Jade held it out apprehensively.

Cat took the items, peering at the paper. On it was a list of songs numbered from one to fifteen. She looked up at Jade, raising and eyebrow.

"I recorded some songs for you. Andre helped." Jade looked embarrassed.

"For when I can't sing you to sleep." She rubbed the back of her neck, not looking at Cat.

Cat couldn't help but grin widely. She pulled Jade in, kissing her fiercely. Jade's hands grabbed the edge of the counter to steady herself, a small gasp escaping her lips.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, before a small cough came from the doorway.

"Ahem." They spun around to find Cat's mom had returned.

"We should get going soon." She said, looking slightly apologetic. Cat nodded sadly.

Cat did one more check of the house to make sure everything was in it proper place and that she hadn't forgotten anything.

Mrs Valentine was already waiting in the car as the two stepped out into the early morning sun.  Jade felt the warmth on her skin, and feeling Cat's hand in hers radiated warmth into her very core.

Cat turned to her and placed a hand on her cheek.

"I love you."

"I love you."

"And I'll see you again soon." Cat whispered, stroking Jade's face.

They hugged each other tightly, and shared one more gentle kiss before Cat pulled away and got into the car.

A tear slid down Jade's face, but she smiled warmly as she watched the car pull out of the driveway.

"I'll see you soon." She whispered, looking down at her hands where Cat's touch still lingered.

Jade got in her own car, pulling out and driving off.

She could see her future stretching out before her. She saw Cat right there with her.

And she knew they would be together again one day soon.

The End.

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