Can't Help It

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"You look nice." Jade said, feeling her heart flutter as Cat got into her car. She was wearing a short, baby blue dress and had her hair in a high ponytail.

"Thanks. I didn't know where we were going so I didn't want to over dress." Cat smiled sheepishly.

They had decided to take things slow, and in an attempt to have a somewhat normal relationship, decided to go on a 'first date.' Jade was nervous despite the fact that Cat was her best friend and spending an evening with her should have been easy.

"Don't worry, it's nowhere fancy. It's just a bit of a drive."

Jade drove off and the girls sat in silence for a few minutes. Jade searched for something to lighten the air. Drawing a blank on conversation, She reached out and switched on the radio. It came to life and a cheesy pop song was playing. Cat giggled and started singing along loudly, gesturing for Jade to join in, which she did happily.

Eventually both girls were scream singing along to all manner of songs, Jade began wildly air drumming at red lights and Cat nailed the rap to Swish Swish by Katy Perry, quietly mumbling the bad words of course, much to Jade's amusement.

The long drive seemed to go so fast because they were having so much fun. Eventually Jade rolled to a stop. The sun was beginning to set and Cat had to squint to see where they were. Somewhere in the hollywood hills, overlooking the lights of the city.

Cat looked over at Jade who was watching her, waiting for a sign of approval.

"It's not like, totally lame is it?" Jade murmured, looking down at her hands. Cat reached over and took a hand, squeezing it gently.

"No, it's great. Really. I'm surprised you came up with something this... sweet." Cat replied, turning up the radio as an Elvis song came on.

Jade smiled and closed her eyes, running her thumb across Cat's hand.

"So, I've kissed you and you've kissed me. But what is this? What are we?" Jade said, keeping her eyes closed.

"What do you mean?" Jade opened her eyes as Cat replied. She was staring out at the city, looking serene and beautiful. Jade found herself blushing as she realised what she was thinking whilst looking at her.

"Girlfriends? It sounds so weird to say... right?" Jade continued, frowning a little.

Cat finally turned to look at her. She thought about Jade's question for a moment.

"I think it sounds... right." Cat said. She looked away, then nodded. "Yeah... just right."

Jade sighed gently, leaning her head back against the seat and closing her eyes again. She allowed herself to absorb Cat's words. A tiny smile appeared on her face. She leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on Cat's cheek. Cat turned, and pulled Jade back in. It was a short kiss, but one full of meaning. They pulled apart and looked out of the window together, still holding each other's hand tightly.

Feeling entirely comfortable again, the girls opened their mouths and sang together as the sun set.

"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea.
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be.

Take my hand
Take my whole life, Too.
For I can't help falling in love with you.
For I can't help falling in love with you."

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