Of Course That Would Happen

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Jade sat at the other end of Cat's bed, reading and grumbling to herself.

"I don't care about these chicks being gay, I'm just mad that Sikowitz is making us do this in front of actual people."

She was trying to convince Cat that she wasn't just being a homophobic asshole, because she really wasn't. Jade was scared. She knew there were weird undiscussed feelings burning within her and she was worried that kissing Cat would just make it all ten times worse.

"Is it because its me? Or because you think people will make fun of you?" Cat asked, looking curious but also slightly like she didn't want to know.

"Nobody is going to make fun of me Cat. They know better." Jade replied.

Then Jade suddenly stiffened as she realised what she said.

"So it is me. You think I'll be that terrible to kiss?" Cat looked slightly bummed out.

"No! No no no no, Cat that's not what I meant. I just..."

"Ugh, dammit."

"I guess it just weirds me out a little," Jade was lying. "I know some best friends have casually kissed just to get it out of the way but we never did anything like that so I think it would be..."

Before Jade could figure out what she was saying, Cat lunged forward suddenly, clumsily attempting to kiss Jade but hitting her nose against Jade's instead.

"Ow! Dude what the heck?" Jade was genuinely baffled.

"Oh, of course that would happen!" Cat cringed, slapping a hand into her forehead.
"Sorry, I was just trying to 'get it out of the way' like you said so that we could do this assignment without any weirdness."

Jade was rubbing her nose and shaking her head gently. A painfully awkward silence filled the air.

"Uhh, I'll get some ice." Cat decided, quickly getting up and darting out of the room, mortified.

Jade watched her leave and chuckled slightly in disbelief.

"I can't believe she did that."

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