Tori Should Weep

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"I can't believe I did that!"

Tori was laughing hysterically as Cat finished telling her about the incident with Jade.

"I can't believe you did that. Did Jade totally wig out? Did she hit you?" Tori was living for this 'definitely not gay' but absolutely gay drama.

"Did Jade wig out over what?"
Tori whirled around to find Jade standing behind her holding a bag of chips.

The whole gang had gathered in Tori's house to rehearse together. Currently Andre was rummaging in the fridge while Beck and Robbie were sitting on the floor. Beck was unsuccessfully trying to teach Robbie how to do a Scottish accent. Rex was sitting in a chair across the room, motionless.

"Oh nothing. Just that 'The Scissoring' was nominated for an award for worst movie." Tori answered quickly.

Jade sat down slowly with a suspicious glint in her eye.

"Is Robbie making a low budget remake of Braveheart over there?" Andre asked, walking over from the kitchen drinking orange juice.

Tori rolled her eyes. "Sadly no. Robbie and I are doing a scene from 'Men Should Weep' which should be called Tori should weep because we have to do very strong Scottish accents, Glaswegian no less, and Robbie sucks at it."

"Seriously? You guys get a kinda hard accent as your challenge and Sikowitz tells me 'hey Jade, you gotta kiss your best friend in front of the whole class. It'll be a blast.'" Jade said in disbelief.

"So?" Beck chimed from the floor.

"What do you mean 'so?'"

"What's the big deal? It's just Cat. You've kissed plenty of people you like less than Cat for plays in the past. It's no different." Beck explained carefully, trying not to anger Jade.

The others seemed to nod in agreement. Cat looked at Jade and tilted her head.

"Have you two tried it yet? I mean for real. The whole scene with the kiss?"
Beck continued.

The two girls shook their heads in response.

"Well why don't you do it now? Just take the plunge. Rip the bandaid off, so to speak." Robbie suggested with great enthusiasm. Jade glared at him.

"Okay, you guys can critique." Cat said, standing up. Jade's eyes widened in protest but Cat pulled her to her feet anyway and everyone else gathered on the couch.

"We can do this, Jade." Cat placed a hand on her shoulder in reassurance.

"And, ACTION."

SARA. What was  I thinking.

CALLIE. That was like - going to a birthday party when you don't know the person whose birthday it is.

Cat and Jade began running through the short scene. They already knew all their lines and stage directions off by heart and so they had no issue putting in a believable and heartfelt performance. Cat could feel her heart start to race a little as the moment drew closer. In actuality, the scene contained two kisses. One short and sweet followed by a moment of surprise. Then the scene would end with a full on make out as the stage faded to black.

SARA. Do you wait in line or on line?

CALLIE. Oh. Now I wait on line. But I used to wait in.

SARA. But physically, you're in a line, not on one, right?

CALLIE. Yeah, stick by your guns, I caved in.

SARA. You say on, I say in.

Silence. There was a long pause. Cat could see Jade tensing up. It was Jade's character Callie that was supposed to make the first move but in every rehearsal up to this point Jade had avoided it. The silence was drawing out and the others were sitting awkwardly, expecting something.

"Screw this." Cat sighed. In one motion she stepped forward, grabbed Jade's face, tugged it downwards to meet her own, and planted one on her gently but with palpable determination.


Cat felt Jade stiffen, so she loosened her grip on the back of her neck but kept their lips pressed firmly together somewhat uncomfortable and motionless. Still Cat couldn't let go. She didn't expect what happened next. Cat had expected Jade to push her off and slap her, or at the very least reprimand her because that wasn't what she was supposed to do in the scene. But Jade instead slid her arms around Cat's waist and pulled her close, pressing their bodies together. Cat felt a hint of relief when she felt Jade's lips start to move in sync with her own. Her stomach was churning and she could feel heat rising throughout her body. Jade's skin was burning too, and whilst her senses were all heightened in the moment, her mind was racing at a thousand miles a minute.

"Ahem." An uncomfortable cough came from the couch causing the girls to separate from each other in panic as they were reminded of their surroundings. They stared at their friends, then at each other, then back at their friends, both looking like deer caught in headlights. Cat's face had turned a bright shade of crimson whilst all the colour had drained from Jade's face leaving it ghostly white.

The others were still on the couch, motionless, staring. Tori's eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open in a very slight smile.

"Uhh, I'm gonna order a pizza." Andre said, breaking the silence and prompting the others to scatter from the couch and go about business elsewhere.

Cat and Jade found ways to be as far away from each other as possible for the rest of the night.

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