A Note From The Author 5

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Hi. First off, sorry for getting y'alls hopes up with this little update. There won't be a proper update for a couple of days probably.

The reason I haven't updated this recently despite saying I would is because I've been going through a bit of a transition period in life and just recently started a new job, so I've been both quite busy and quite stressed out.

The good news is that I have some time off and also I'm going to my local pride celebration this weekend and that should hopefully give me some excellent gay inspiration that I can work with to get a decent update out for ya.

I really appreciate all the support and enthusiasm for this fic and I'm sorry I haven't been able to update consistently of late. But hopefully I can change that soon.

Keep giving me your thoughts and opinions and I will do my best to keep giving you that gay shit that you love.


- Caitlin

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