Where's Cat?

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Monday came around quicker than Jade expected. She hadn't spoken to Cat since she left her house on Saturday and she was still a little concerned about her red haired friend.

It was when she walked into Sikowitz's class that this concern was renewed. Cat wasn't there.

"Ah, Jade. Lovely to see you, you're looking as angry and fashionably late as ever." Sikowitz commented making the class turn to look at her.

Jade saw Tori rise from her seat and come towards her.

"What do you want Vega?" Jade barked.

Tori rolled her eyes, she was used to Jade's attitude by now.

"Have you seen Cat? Sinjin said he saw her early this morning but nobody has seen her since."
Tori asked.

Jade's eyes flickered slightly and she furrowed her brow.

"Nope. I haven't seen the little dingus since Saturday."
Jade replied, trying to maintain her calm demeanor. She sat down in her seat.

"She called me last night, crying about some nightmare she had and how she couldn't sleep."
Tori said, sitting down as well.

Jade flinched slightly at Tori's words.

"Cat called Tori?"

Jade pulled out her phone and brought up Cat in her contacts.

#Cat, where the hell are you? Why haven't you called me?

"Jade, please put your cellular communication device away. It's time to begin."
Sikowitz said, putting his coconut to the side.

"Dammit. What if Cat needs me?"


Jade had done nothing but watch the clock the whole period. It had been one of the longest classes of her life. Cat hadn't replied to her or anyone else who tried to text her.

As soon as the bell rang to signal lunch, Jade rushed out the door to find her best friend.

Jade tried calling several times and sent five more texts. Cat didn't reply to any of them. It was like the girl had fallen off the earth or something.

Then Jade had an idea.

"SINJIN!" Jade yelled, turning to face the awkward, skinny, curly haired boy who froze at the sound of his name.

"J... Jade! I didn't take your toothbrush I swear!!!"
Sinjin whimpered, curling up in a ball on the floor as Jade approached.

Jade grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and hoisted him up, leaning close to his face.

"Where's Cat!?"

Sinjin had a look of terror on his face. He spoke, stuttering.

"I don't know. I..I..I haven't seen her since this morning!"

"Jade, let him go." She heard Beck call out calmly from across the hall. Jade dropped Sinjin and he flopped onto the floor.

Jade watch her ex boyfriend approach, as calm and cool as ever. She felt the acid burning in her stomach. She didn't have feelings for him anymore, but she still felt a little bitter.

"Why don't you mind your own business and let me find my friend, Beck?" She spat.

"She's my friend too. So why don't you stop terrorising people and just ask Sinjin nicely for his help?" Beck rebutted. Jade sulked slightly. Beck turned to Sinjin who had stood up now.

"When you saw Cat this morning where was she headed? Did she say anything?" Beck spoke softly.

"No, she didn't speak. She looked really tired. I saw her go into the Janitors closet. That's the last I saw her."

Jade let out a dry, empty chuckle.
"Idiots!" She retorted, storming away and making a beeline for the Janitors closet.

Jade stopped dead as soon as she opened the door. There was Cat lying curled up on the floor, fast asleep, clutching her purple giraffe tightly. Jade let out a huge sigh of relief as she felt every cell in her body relax a little.

"Cats okay. She's okay. Everything is fine. Breathe Jade."

Jade crept closer but was startled by Cat, who started mumbling as she slept.

"Jade... Jade! No no. Please... wake up Jade!"
Cat was dreaming again. The small girl was slowly becoming more and more distressed. Jade had to do something.

"Cat! Cat wake up!" Jade said shaking Cat gently. Eventually Cat stirred, jerking upright violently.

"Jade?" Cat whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek.

Jade immediately pulled Cat into a hug, rocking her gently in her arms. Cat cried quietly into Jade's shoulder.

Jade felt like her heart was in a vice, the same way she felt at Cat's house the other day. She rubbed the back of Cat's neck, trying to be comforting.

"Why did you call Vega last night and not me?" Jade whispered.

"I didn't want you to be worried. It was the same dream again Jade." Cat's voice was muffled as her face was still buried in Jade's shoulder.

Jade sighed. "I am worried Cat. And hiding things from me isn't going to change that. Please, just let me be there for you. Please." Jade spoke, trying and failing to keep her voice steady.

Cat sat up and looked at Jade, her face still tear stained. She nodded gently.

Jade felt relief wash over her.

"Alright good. Let's get you cleaned up and go get some lunch. C'mon Kitty." She stood up and held out a hand for Cat, which Cat took immediately, gripping it tightly.

"Thanks Jadey." Cat whispered in Jade's ear, placing a chaste kiss on the taller girls cheek before skipping out of the closet ahead of Jade.

Jade felt a weird sensation in the pit of her stomach, but chose to ignore it.

"Cat's okay. Everything is okay."

Jade smiled and followed Cat out to the asphalt cafe.

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