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Jade gripped the steering wheel of her car tightly as she shifted impatiently in her seat. Too upset, she had skipped class and drove in circles for hours trying unsuccessfully to clear her head. Her hands were becoming numb under the strength of her own grip but she didn't let go until she saw Cat exiting the school building.

Taking a breath, she exited the car and approached Cat. Tears had already begun spilling onto her cheeks as she got closer, eyes fixed on Cat's face which mirrored Jade's sad expression.

Jade timidly ran her trembling fingers across the bruise on Cat's eye, recoiling when Cat winced quietly.

"I'm sorry." Jade said, cupping Cat's face with her hands, being careful not to touch the bruise again.

For a long moment they stood, staring into each others teary eyes, trembling, though not from the cold.

"What happened? Who did this, Cat?"

Cat's jaw tightened and she averted her gaze, balling her fists and staring at the ground. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, searching for a way to explain.

"When we were at the mall someone called me a 'dyke' and threw a soda can at my head. It wasn't open, and exploded everywhere. I'm probably lucky I wasn't hurt worse, considering."

Jade let out a slow, ragged breath, trying to contain the rage building up inside her.

"I want a name."

"No." Cat replied firmly.

"Cat!" Jade raised her voice but Cat stood firm, shaking her head again

Jade looked around to see that people were watching her suspiciously, whispering and glaring in response to her shouting. Her shoulders slumped and she backed away in defeat, rubbing her eyes with her hands in frustration. She turned her back to Cat, her breathing quickening like the start of a panic attack.

"Do you see the way they're looking at me?" Jade's words came out in a choked sob and she looked back at Cat, who was watching the eyes on them, tears of her own spilling freely onto her face.

"We need to call this off. You can't get hurt again because of me." Jade cried, clutching her head and starting to retreat to her car.

"What? What are you talking about?" Cat answered, scrambling desperately after Jade and trying to grasp her wrist. She fumbled blindly as her tears blurred her vision but as Jade reached the door to her car Cat finally managed to grab Jade's hand, tugging her back.

Jade closed her eyes tightly, refusing to look at Cat's face.

"Running doesn't fix anything. I'm not safer without you." Cat pleaded, holding Jade's hands tightly.

"Don't do this." She whispered sadly.

Jade looked up, slowly removing Cat's hands. Tears were still trickling down her face but she had forced all emotion deep down within herself.

"I have to." She replied

And with that she silently got into her car and started the engine. Cat stumbled back, catching herself against another car. Jade's chest tightened as she watched Cat sink to the ground, sobbing.

She drove faster out of the parking lot, not allowing herself even a moment to think about turning around.

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