Stop Kiss?

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"Alright everyone, come to the front of the class in your pairs and I will distribute your scripts. Remember, it is your own responsibility to research your text in order to gain some context. I would recommend that you read the entire text so you understand the scene you will be performing and how it fits with the plot."

Sikowitz had a large pile of different books in his hands, two of each. Cat joined the line, Jade stood in front of her. As she waited, Cat could hear him briefly summarising the plays and directing the other students on which scene to work on. Andre and Beck were partnered and Tori ended up with Robbie, much to her chagrin.

Cat was watching the others as they reacted to their scripts, some with delight, others with confusion. There was a low humming in the room as everyone discussed the project. Cat had not noticed that she and Jade were up until she heard her partner barking at Sikowitz.

"What the hell is 'Stop Kiss'?" Jade queried, looking at the book in her hands. Sikowitz grinned.

"It is a play written in 1998 by Diana Son. Set in New York, it is about two women, Callie and Sara, who are involved in a vicious hate crime. Read it and you will see what I mean, and you will see why I chose it. You and Miss Valentine will be performing the final scene, though I would recommend reading the rest before starting on your scene. You'll see why soon enough."

Jade's eyes narrowed on her teacher in suspicion, but Cat wasn't fazed by the mystery. She took Jade's hand and tugged her back to their seats where they began to read.

"Who do you want to be Jade?" Cat asked as Jade's eyes scanned the first page.

"Well I assume our options are Callie and Sara. Who really cares? Lets just flip a coin. Heads, you're Callie. Tails, you're Sara." Jade pulled a coin out of her jeans pocket and tossed it high into the air. It whirled through the air before landing firmly back in Jade's hand. She slapped it down onto her other hand and stopped.

"Heads, Callie. Tails, Sara." Cat repeated what Jade had said, earning a small nod in response. Jade slowly removed her hand and uncovered the coin.

"Tails." Both girls said in unison before looking at each other and laughing.

"Okay so I'm Sara then. Unless you changed your mind and actually do care which part you get? I don't want to end up like Tori after the steamboat Susie fiasco." Cat asked, smiling.

Jade chuckled lightly, remembering the trouble she had put Vega through. "No, Callie is fine. I don't care as long as we pass. So don't screw us up." She said, punching Cat playfully on the arm. Cat gasped in fake offence. "Me? Screw up? How dare you?" Cat hit back at Jade, and the two were quickly locked in a mock slapping fight, giggling all the time.

"Cat. Jade. The period is over now, please leave." Sikowitz was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. He seemed to be rubbing his face on one of his coconuts. Looking around, Cat realised everyone was leaving and the two grabbed their bags and headed outside.

"We'll look the play up online at lunch and talk more then." Jade said to Cat before the girls headed in opposite directions to their next classes.


"Okay, so it was first shown in 1999, hey and Sandra Oh played Sara in the original cast." Jade spoke, looking down at her phone. She and Cat were researching their play.

"The woman from Grey's Anatomy?" Cat asked, surprised by this fact. "I can't believe I haven't heard of this play before. It's so sad but it's funny and heartwarming too. Callie and Sara are sweet." Cat was reading ahead whilst Jade searched the internet for more information. This small play had already made Cat tear up. At first she was telling Jade about it as she read but it became obvious that Jade wasn't totally listening so Cat ended up reading silently to herself and she was finally ready to take notes on the last scene. The scene. Their scene.

"Oh they just came out of the gay bar and they're walking together!" Cat said, knowing Jade was still focused on her phone.

"Whoa, what?! Gay bar? When did that happen? Why did that happen?" Jade exclaimed, looking totally lost.

"They like each other Jade. Seriously how did you miss that? You're reading about it right now, aren't you?" Cat replied incredulously. Was Jade researching a totally different play?

"Yeah, but I got as far as learning that Sara gets beaten up by some dude and I got to wondering if I could play that guy instead. That sounds more fun." Jade spoke with a wicked glint in her eye, looking Cat up and down. Cat shook her head and continued reading, the last scene wasn't long so she got through it quickly. Then her jaw dropped.

"Oh God." Cat thought.

"Hey! What is it? Cat? Cat!" Jade was snapping her fingers in Cat's face again. The redhead slowly handed the book to Jade and pointed to the last few lines.

CALLIE. I don't want to go anywhere, I don't want to change anything. Lets just-

SARA. Okay

CALLIE. Try again. (They get their heads right, connect lips, put their arms around each other. And kiss)

Jade's mouth gaped open as she looked up at Cat. The sat, staring for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly Jade started shaking her head.

"Oh hell no! " She said, getting up and storming off in the direction of Sikowitz's class.

"WHAT?!" Cat exclaimed, this time slightly offended for real.

Sighing deeply she steeled herself and followed Jade, shaking her head as she went.

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