Don't Forget To Breathe.

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It was late in the evening before everyone headed home and the sun hung low in the sky.
Cat and Jade said their goodbyes and headed for Jade's car. They drove in silence for a time, basking in the warmth of the days revelations.

At a stoplight, Jade glanced across at Cat who rested her head against the window, eyes closed, a serene smile on her lips. Jade reached across and gently took Cat's hand in her own. The smaller girls fingers curled into hers without hesitation, though she otherwise didn't stir at all. Jade laughed lightly, running a thumb across Cat's soft skin.

She looked out into the street, the slowly settling night casting everything in a soft orange glow. Groups of people passed by, children and teenagers, couples both old and young, all looking relaxed and free, chatting and smiling as they went. Jade saw two boys sitting on a nearby bench, one using baby wipes to clean rainbow paint off the others face.

She watched sadly for a few moments longer, only pulling her gaze away when the light turned green.

There was a comfortable silence for the rest of the drive home, Jade stealing glances at Cat on occasion. When the car rolled to a stop Cat's eyes fluttered open and they smiled warmly at each other. They hopped out of the car and Jade unlocked her front door, leading Cat into the kitchen.

"You hungry?" She asked, already rummaging around in the fridge.

"A little." Cat shrugged, watching her with a grin.

Jade pulled her head out of the fridge with a huff.

"Well there ain't shit in here to eat. I'll order a pizza."

"You mind if I take a shower while we wait?" Cat asked, running her fingers through her hair.

"Yeah, go ahead. You know where everything is. Should be some of your clothes in my room somewhere for when you're done too."

Cat nodded and disappeared upstairs while Jade pulled out her phone and called the local pizza place.

When she was finished, Jade darted back and forth around the living room, pulling a large fleece blanket out of a closet and draping it over the couch. She grabbed some cups, soda and candy and pulled up a Disney movie on the tv.

After that she quickly took her makeup off and changed into more comfortable clothes.

The pizza arrived a little while later and Jade set it out on the table and plopped down on the couch just as Cat wandered back in, running her fingers through her naturally curly hair. She sat down next to Jade, leaning against her while looking at her phone.

Jade watched over her shoulder as she scrolled through photos she had uploaded from the day, looking at the likes and reading comments. She nuzzled into Cat's hair, which was soft and wispy from being washed and smelled of flowers.

"Food's gonna get cold. Here." Jade said, holding a piece of pizza in front of Cat's mouth.

Cat leaned forward to take a bite but Jade pulled it back just enough to make Cat lean even further forward. Again Jade pulled it away at the last moment and instead planted a kiss on her girlfriends lips, grinning mischievously and biting the pizza herself.

"You're a dork." Cat said giggling and taking a slice for herself.

"A dork that you love." Jade beamed, starting the movie and pulling the blanket down around them.

"Yeah, I do." Cat smiled.

They passed a few hours like this, talking and eating and watching a few more movies, slowly becoming more tangled up in the blankets and each other. When the food and drink was all gone and the last credits rolled, Jade nudged Cat who lay on top of her, curled into her chest.

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