Take It Slow

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In the early hours of the morning, Jade and Cat arrived back at Cat's house, dragging their tired bodies up to her room. They made no attempt to be quiet as nobody else was home anyway.

Jade slumped back onto Cat's bed with a sigh and stretched out her arms and shoulders while Cat searched for the light switch. As the light flickered on, Jade winced and threw her arms over her eyes.

"Dude, that is so bright." Cat laughed lightly, crossing the room to switch on a lamp, before switching the main light off again and silently sitting on the bed next to Jade.

"Tired?" Jade asked, rolling onto her side to look up at Cat.

"Physically, yeah. My brain is wide awake."

Booming thunder from the window interrupted any further answer Cat might have given. Jade got up to remove her shoes and jacket before searching around in Cat's bottom drawer for the various items of clothing she had left over time, hoping to find something to sleep in.

She heard Cat shuffling around behind her and glanced backward at her girlfriend.

Cat had removed her shirt and was folding it neatly. The dim lighting cast interesting shadows over her bare skin and Jade's eyes scanned slowly across her shoulders and down her back.

Cat picked up a fresh shirt before turning to meet Jade's gaze. She smiled softly, a light blush dusting her cheeks, before pulling on her shirt and sliding quietly into bed.

Jade quickly changed her own clothes, acutely aware the Cat was watching her now.
Hoping to help Cat sleep, Jade loaded up a playlist of soothing songs on her phone, set it down on the bedside table, and clambered into bed beside Cat.

Jade lay on her side facing Cat and found the redhead already looking back at her. Jade inched closer, until their noses were almost touching.

Cat kissed Jade slowly, tentatively placing a hand on Jade's stomach. Jade stayed very still, allowing Cat to set her own pace and boundaries. Cat deepened the kiss and started clumsily pushing up the fabric of Jade's shirt with her fingers. Jade calmly took hold of Cat's hands and guided them gently to the bottom of her shirt, carefully helping to tug it over her head, their lips only parting when the fabric passed between them.

They took turns undressing each other until only their underwear remained. Jade peppered reassuring kisses across Cat's skin after each piece of clothing hit the floor. She was trying to keep Cat calm despite the fact that Cat's intoxicating scent and the heat of her skin had Jade's head swimming.

Pressed tightly together, all Jade could feel was Cat's heart thundering under her own and Cat's tongue desperately exploring her mouth.

Cat pulled back, staring breathlessly up at Jade with adoring eyes. She stroked Jade's hair idly before speaking, barely above a whisper.

"You know, I... I think this is far enough for now. If that's okay."

Cat looked away, looking embarrassed, or apologetic or both.

"Of course it's okay, Cat." Jade whispered, immediately taking her hands off of Cat's skin and trying to create a little room between them.

Cat smiled gratefully. "Jade." She said, reaching for Jade's hands.

"That doesn't mean I want you to let go." She continued, putting Jade's arms back around her waist and cuddling into her chest. Jade looked down, nuzzling Cat's cheek. She pecked Cat on the lips once, twice, three times. All while drawing soothing circles on the small of Cat's back with her fingers.

"Just aren't ready for that, huh?" Jade asked quietly. Cat looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I guess not. Sorry." She replied with a sigh. Jade shook her head, hugging her girlfriend close.

"You have nothing to apologise for, Cat. There's no rush. We'll get there. And if we don't, if you're never ready." Jade paused, running a thumb across Cat's cheek. "Then that's okay too."

Cat smiled, kissing Jade's fingers. The two settled into a comfortable silence and eventually drifted off holding one another.

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