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Jade stood near the back of a crowd of students by herself, a drink in hand, watching people flit excitedly back and forth.

The open mic was in full swing, and at that moment there was a kid on stage juggling while riding a unicycle.

The last few days had been normal. Unusually normal. Of course there was the massive elephant in the room that neither Cat nor Jade was willing to address, but they had been interacting in a friendly and casual manner. Pretending they weren't both heartbroken.

"It's to protect her. It's to protect her." Jade muttered to herself quietly.

"Talking to yourself? You really have lost it." Tori said, approaching with an amused smile on her face.

"What's got you so happy?" Jade grumbled, sipping her drink.

"Oh, nothing." Tori winked, nudging Jade in the ribs. Jade narrowed her eyes, but didn't question her, instead turning to scan the sea of people. She looked around for a telltale flash of red hair. Finding nothing, Jade's eyes fell on the stage again as scattered applause rippled across the crowd and the kid with the unicycle bowed dramatically.

A few minutes passed with nobody going on to perform, and then Jade saw Andre take to the stage joined by a few boys whose names she couldn't remember. They took up positions on stage, each with an instrument.

"Jade?" Andre spoke into a microphone from behind his keyboard. Jade froze up and met his eyes, blinking in confusion.

"Yes, you." He smiled. "There's someone here with something she wants to say to you."

"Oh no."

The opening bars of a slow song started as Cat stepped on stage holding a microphone. Jade felt her heart jump into her throat. Moving to the centre of the stage, Cat's gaze found Jade immediately as she put the mic onto its stand. She smiled warmly down at Jade, her expression earnest and free.

"Loving can hurt. Loving can hurt sometimes.
But it's the only thing that I know."

Cat started singing, never taking her eyes off Jade. Heat crept across Jade's face, and as Andre and the boys began providing soft harmonies, Jade struggled to fight the tears threatening to spill over.

She tore her eyes away from Cat for a moment, bewildered. She glanced around at the crowds, her eyes falling on people smiling at her, nodding in encouragement, a few people wiping away tears of their own. Tori was nearby, watching. Her eyes shining proudly. Across the crowd, Beck looked at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Jade looked back up at Cat, releasing a shaky breath she had been holding. Cat was still smiling, performing only for Jade, unrestrained adoration in her eyes.

"So you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans.
Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet. You won't ever be alone."

"Dammit. She's really got me good."

"When I'm away, I will remember how you kissed me under the lamppost back on sixth street.
Hearing you whisper through the phone
Wait for me to come home."

The song finished and a hush fell over the entire crowd, everyone turning to look at Jade, the air thick with anticipation. Tears were streaming down Jade's face, her eyes fixed on Cat.

Cat made her way to the edge of the stage and carefully hopped down onto the ground below. As she straightened up, the crowd parted down the middle leaving a straight path stretching out between Cat and Jade.

Jade couldn't help but smile, it was small, barely there.


Jade's feet moved on their own, moving towards Cat. Slowly. Then faster. And faster still, until she was almost running. She closed the gap in moments, throwing her arms around Cat.

Cat's surprised gasp was cut short as Jade crashed their lips together desperately, tugging Cat's body flush against her. Cat's response was eager, she gripped Jade tightly, hands tangling into the taller girls hair. They were both crying now, Cat's lips tasted salty from tears.

Jade couldn't breathe, but she didn't pull back, refusing to let Cat go just yet. The crowds around them erupted into thunderous applause, cheering joyously in celebration.

Jade pulled away, breathless. She looked at the crowd in surprise, then back at Cat who looked exhilarated.

Suddenly, Cat grabbed Jade's hand and took off running, dragging Jade quickly away from the raucous crowd.

They kept running until the noise of the crowd was far behind, and Cat yanked Jade into a dark, quiet corner on the other side of the school grounds.

There was a moment of silence, then both girls doubled over laughing. Cat reached out to hold herself up against Jade's side, but Jade caught her by the wrists and backed her up against the wall, kissing her fiercely.

"Don't... leave me... again." Cat barely managed to whisper between kisses. Jade breathed an affirmation against her mouth, nodding slightly.

"Promise..." Cat insisted, pressing forward against Jade's lips and running her hands across her back.

"I promise. I promise." Jade uttered the words over and over again sinking into Cat's embrace. They were pressed so tightly together it was unclear where one ended and the other began. Their lips never parted for more than a moment.

Jade didn't know how long had passed when they finally broke apart, and she didn't care. She sat down on the ground with her back against the wall, tugging Cat down beside her. Cat leaned into her and Jade cradled Cat against her chest, stroking her hair.

They stayed like this for a long time, holding each other and watching the stars.

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