Things Go Wrong... As They Do

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In the weeks that followed, things were surprisingly calm. Jade's mom, although slightly surprised, was accepting of Jade's relationship after getting over her initial confusion about how Jade could even be gay after being with Beck for so long. And whilst Jade didn't know for certain what she was exactly, she simply explained to Ms West that some people like both men and women, maybe even everything in between. Jade didn't say that part of course, gender identity was a whole different can of worms that she didn't feel like opening yet since it would only confuse her mom further.

Jade's car rolled to a stop in front of her house and she turned to look at Cat sitting in the passenger's seat twiddling her thumbs. Feeling Jade's eyes, she looked up and smiled softly.

"It's still a little weird, isn't it? Your mom... she just knows. And is totally cool with it."

"I thought you'd be happy about that." Jade replied, placing a hand on Cat's shoulder

"Oh I am. I really am. I just thought things would be harder than this. All you ever hear is sad coming out stories. I guess I'm just worried that the hard part is still to come for us."

The redhead looked pensive, drawing a sigh from Jade. She ran her hand down Cat's arm to grasp her hands, giving a light, reassuring squeeze.

"Cat, listen. Everything is fine. We are fine. I understand that you're worried but it'll be okay. I think you've just been reading the wrong stories. Positive ones are out there." Jade said, drawing circles on the back of Cat's hand with her thumb.

Cat nodded gently and smiled at Jade before glancing out at Jade's house. A silence stretched out between them, prominent but not uncomfortable. Neither girl willing themselves to move for a minute. A stray thought drew an involuntary smile to Jade's face and she slowly pulled her hand away from Cat's, tilting her head when Cat turned around to question her.

"You know," Jade said, purposely drawing out the words, "We don't have to go inside yet." She continued, beckoning Cat slightly with one hand whilst a wicked, playful grin spread across her face. Cat laughed slightly, shaking her head. In one fluid motion, the small girl slid out of her seat and over to Jade, firmly straddling the tall girl's lap. The surprise move from her girlfriend seemed to steal all the breath from Jade's lungs as she gaped up at Cat with a dumb expression of pure shock. Before she could respond, Cat covered Jade's mouth with her own in a kiss which was both sweet and intense. Jade's hands found their way to Cat's waist whilst the redhead's hands rested on Jade's shoulders. Their touches were careful, but not quite chaste and innocent.

Pulling back for a second, Jade spoke. "Well, I didn't expect that. Warn a girl next time, huh?" Jade smiled. Noticing that the steering wheel was digging into Cat's back slightly, Jade drew her in closer and kissed her again.

A rush of cold air hit Jade's side suddenly as her car door was pulled open. Cat let out a squeak in surprise, tearing her mouth away from Jade's and almost falling off her lap. Jade steadied her and both girls looked at the figure standing outside the car with wide eyes.

"What the hell is this!?" Mr West yelled, disgust dripping from his words.

Quick as lightning, Cat slid back into her own seat, shaking, refusing to make eye contact with Jade's dad.

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit."

"Get out of the car, Jade." Mr West continued, impassive now. There was a vein bulging on his neck, but he remained composed.

While it may have been in Jade's best interest not to fuel the fire, she was already beginning to see red. She looked at him coldly. "Or what?" His eyes widened, the man looking  like the last shreds of his composure were threatening to abandon him.

"What did you just..."

"I SAID 'OR WHAT' ERIC?!" Jade yelled, glaring daggers at him, arms crossed in typical, standoffish Jade fashion.

A switch seemed to go off somewhere deep inside Mr West, his face twisted with rage in a split second. He grabbed Jade roughly by her wrists and dragged her from the car. Jade tried to stumble to her feet, but in her surprise she could only manage to roll awkwardly to avoid injury as she tumbled gracelessly onto the tarmac. She could hear her mom and Cat yelling, but couldn't make out their words over the swimming in her head and pain searing through her arms from the way her father had pulled her around. She shook herself and they became clearer as she slowly stood up. Her mother had ran from the door where she was standing and placed herself between Jade and her dad.


"And now, this." He continued, gesturing between Jade and Cat who was still in the passenger seat, trembling. "Parading around, pretending to be a damn dyke. Are you trying to embarrass me Jade? Is that what it is?"

"You don't need my help embarrassing yourself dad. Why are you even here?"

His jaw tightened as he fought the anger which was still bubbling within him. He tried to appear aloof.

"I came to see my son. He's still a respectable member of society at least. I can say he's my son without the  shame I feel when I tell people about you." He turned to Jade's mom.

"I won't be embarrassed like this anymore. We're putting a stop to this. You need to leave kid. Your kind aren't welcome here." He said, first talking to Ms West and then turning to address Cat. Jade was disgusted. How dare he even speak to Cat. Finally losing all her self control, Jade took a step forward and punched her dad directly in the face. He stumbled backwards clutching his mouth with both hands, and blood slowly began to trickle through his fingers. Jade saw Cat's hands move to cover her mouth in shock.

"Jade! Stop it!" Ms West raised her voice now, pushing herself between Jade and her dad. "Eric, this is my property. The only person who isn't welcome and needs to leave is you!"

Jade's parents continued screaming at each other long enough for Jade to slip away. She quietly opened the passenger side door and knelt down to Cat's eye level. The redhead was still visibly shaken. Tears had began to form in her eyes and her hands were shaking. She had them clasped in her lap in an attempt to mask the trembling, to no avail.

"C'mon. I got you." Jade whispered taking Cat's hand. "I got you baby." She continued softly, more gentle and sincere than she had ever been in her life up to that moment. Cat tentatively stepped out of the car and the girls snuck away whilst Jade's parents were still at each other's throats.

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