Just Do It

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"So, why do you have that dumb smile on your face?" Tori asked Jade with a sly smile. Jade was leaning against her locker with her eyes closed. She hadn't realised that she had a goofy look on her face as she thought about Cat... again.

"I'm sure you know the answer to that by now Vega. Since Cat insists that you aren't intolerable and actually likes to spend time with you, I'm sure she told you everything." Jade replied flatly, the smile instantly being replaced with her usual stern expression. Still, she hoped that Cat actually had told Tori because she didn't want to be the one to do that.

Perpetually unfazed, Tori laughed. "Yeah, she did. I'm just messing with you." Tori smiled warmly at Jade. "You seem happy, Jade. Believe it or not, I'm glad. Just don't treat her the way you treated Beck and I won't mind." Jade felt a twinge of pain in her chest in response to Tori's words, and this evidently showed on her face because Tori's eyes widened and she began stammering uncomfortably.

"Uh... so does your mom know about Cat?" Tori asked, rubbing the back of her neck. Jade shook her head, still shaken by what Tori said. A fresh wave of pain washed over her as she remembered she still had to tell her mom about her relationship. She knew her mom probably wouldn't care, but if her Dad found out, it would be a disaster. She didn't want to sneak around or make Cat feel like she was embarrassed to be with her, but she was so nervous it made her stomach turn every time she thought about it.

"I don't get it, would she really care?" Tori asked, pulling Jade out of her thoughts. "No, she wouldn't. She's always been the kinder of my parents. If my dad doesn't find out It'll be fine but..."

"But what?" Tori cut her off, placing her hands on Jade's shoulders. "I've never known you to be afraid. Just do it Jade. Even text her if you can't do it face to face. It's your choice of course, but I think you'll be happier once you get it over with." Jade just nodded as the bell rang signalling it was time for class and sending the girls in opposite directions.


"Hey." Cat whispered, creeping up behind Jade and snaking her arms around the taller girls waist. "Happy to see me, Cat?" Jade said, turning around and returning Cat's embrace. People in the hallway began to stare at them but Jade shot them a look and they got the idea that they should look literally anywhere else. Cat giggled and nodded into Jade's chest in response to her question. They stayed like this for a few moments, appreciating the contact.

"So... Cat." Jade eventually spoke, sounding more ominous than she intended. This didn't go unnoticed as Cat leaned back, a tiny glint of fear in her eyes. "Yeah?"

Jade barely stifled a laugh. "Hey, relax. It's nothing scary. I was thinking of telling my mom about us." Cat looked at Jade, her expression unreadable, which was rare for Cat. Jade just waited, certain that Cat would speak when she was ready. It was best to give her a moment to gather her thoughts and consider these things.

"I told my mom already." The response surprised Jade. "You did?" Jade paused. Then chuckled lightly. "Of course you did. You're brave, and your mom is probably the sweetest lady alive."

"I really don't think your mom will mind, Jade. I know you haven't always seen eye to eye but she loves you, and she's never shown any signs of being the ignorant type." Cat said, taking Jade's hand in hers and running a thumb across her skin.

"I know. It's my dad." Jade replied. Cat's face dropped and her eyes widened like she'd only just had the same realisation that Jade had the moment she and Cat got together. That realisation being that her dad is a weapons grade asshole. Cat looked at her feet, troubled. This caused some kind of reaction deep inside Jade and in an instant she had her phone out of her pocket.

"You know what? Fuck my dad! I'm telling my mom because she deserves to know this about me. HE doesn't, and mom should know that." She said tapping away with precision at her phone.

#Mom. I just wanted you to know that if you had your suspicions, you were right. Cat and I are together now. Please don't tell dad, you know how he gets. :/

Her thumb hovered for a moment in consideration. Then Jade hit send.

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