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After the open mic night things went smoothly. Cat and Jade were once more inseparable. Of course the two spent some time reprimanding and fussing over each other with regards to the lack of self care on both parts in the intervening weeks.

Jade was always keeping a watchful eye on Cat to make sure she was eating and sleeping enough, while Cat often took the time to care for Jade's injuries on her hands and arms, all the while insisting that Jade not punch anymore mirrors.

Several weeks later, Jade, Cat and the others were gathered in the parking lot after school.

"What is that, like the fourth time Sikowitz has broken that window?" Cat said, resting on the hood of Jade's car, Jade's arm slung over her shoulders.

"Fifth, by my count." Beck answered with a smile.

As the others started chatting away about Sikowitz and his antics, Jade leaned down close to Cat's ear, stroking the back of her neck. Cat leaned into the touch as Jade pressed kisses to Cat's temple.

"There they go again." Tori chuckled, nodding her head in their direction. Jade pulled back, looking annoyed and Cat wrapped an arm around her waist before glancing at Tori.

"Hey, don't mind us. Glad you guys are comfortable." Beck laughed, earning a glare from Jade.

"Is there a problem?" She grumbled, crossing her arms. Cat gave Jade a gentle squeeze, causing the taller girls shoulders to relax slightly.

The others looked at each other for a moment, then Tori rolled her eyes at them and turned to face Jade fully.

"You know, there's a pride parade in the city this weekend. We should go."

Cat and Jade looked at each other in surprise and confusion. Cat raised her eyebrows in consideration while Jade turned to frown at Tori.

"You guys wanna go to pride?" She asked.

"Sure, why not? I don't think they mind when straight people show up. Do they?" Robbie answered.

"No, Robbie. They don't." Beck sighed, shaking his head.

"So? How about it?"

Cat looked at Jade, waiting to see her response. Jade looked back at her, tilting her head.

"It could be fun." Cat whispered.

At that, Jade turned to the others and nodded.

"Alright. But no hitting on any gay girls." Jade answered, pointing at Robbie sternly. He looked offended.

After a few minutes of planning, Cat and Jade got into Jade's car and started heading home.

"What's their game, anyway?" Jade grumbled, gripping the steering wheel tightly. Cat sighed.

"Why does there have to be a game? Why can't they just wanna do something fun?" She answered, running a hand across Jade's arm.

Jade grunted in a non-committal tone.

"Pull over."

"What?" Jade raised an eyebrow.

"Pull over." Cat repeated. Jade shot her a confused look but complied, pulling over to the side of the road as soon as she was able to safely do so.

As soon as the car was stationary, Cat took off her seatbelt and climbed into Jade's lap, placing her hands on either side of Jade's face. Cat felt Jade's breath hitch in her throat and smiled mischievously down at her, leaning in so their noses were almost touching.

"Are you worried about going this weekend?" Cat asked softly, stroking Jade's cheek with her thumb.

"Why would I be worried?"

At this question Cat shrugged a little.

"Maybe you're worried that the others have some ulterior motive? Maybe you're afraid of being..."
Cat searched for a moment for the right word. "Too public about our relationship. Or maybe you're just worried you'll actually have to admit you had fun."

Jade looked pensive for a moment.

"What do you call yourself, Cat?"

"Huh?" Cat leaned back slightly to meet Jade's eyes.

"When people ask. What do you say you are?"

Cat's eyes widened in understanding.
"Oh. Well... people don't ask really. I haven't thought about it too much."

Jade looked troubled.

"What if everyone else at the parade has themselves figured out? What if they ask me and I don't have a good answer?"

Cat sighed, then leaned in, kissing Jade softly.

"Do you like girls?" Cat asked pointedly when she pulled back.

"I like you?" Jade responded. Cat laughed.

"I meant like in general, Jade."

"Okay, yes?"

"Do you like boys?"


Cat patted Jade on the shoulders and nodded.

"Then tell them that. If you don't want to label yourself then don't. I don't care, and neither will anyone else."

Jade stared up at Cat in surprise for a long moment, then a large, amused smile spread across her face.

"Did you practice that?" Jade laughed.

"Shut up." Cat rolled her eyes, leaning in to kiss Jade again. Jade responded eagerly, wrapping her arms around Cat tightly. A few minutes passed before Cat leaned back to speak.

"We don't have to go if you don't want to."

Jade ran a hand through Cat's hair, shaking her head.

"No, I do. I do wanna go."

Cat smiled, pecking Jade on the lips one last time.

"Good." She said, climbing back into her own seat. Jade made a small noise as Cat's weight moved from her lap and she looked at Cat in mock disappointment. Cat winked at her.

"We can't stay here all day, babe."

"If you say so." Jade sighed, pulling back out onto the road and driving Cat home.

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