Lunch and Pigeons

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Cat was distracted at lunch. She didn't know why she had did what she did. Kissing Jade on the cheek just felt like the thing to do, but as soon as her lips touched Jade she felt her heart start to race. Cat wondered if maybe she shouldn't have done it, and if Jade had felt as strange as she did. She shifted her salad around with her fork, completely in her own world. Jade was at her side and didn't seem to be acting any different than usual which was reassuring, but Cat still worried that what seemed like an innocent kiss on the cheek had made things uncomfortable.

"Hey! Earth to Cat?" Tori said waving a hand in front of Cat's face.

"Yeah, sounds good." Cat replied, trying to seem like she was listening. She looked around the table to find her friends staring at her with confused expressions.

"I asked what you got for question five?" Tori said, raising an eyebrow inquisitively at Cat. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks and she looked back at her salad, embarrassed.

"You alright, little red?" Andre asked, trying to skewer a piece of chicken with his fork.

"Yeah, Cat. What's going on? Where have you been all day?" Tori asked, staring. Everyone at the table had their eyes on Cat and she began to feel uncomfortable with everyone looking at her. She didn't know what to say and she couldn't tell them all about the nightmares, they'd ask too many questions.

Cat jumped slightly as she felt Jade's hand on her leg, patting her gently. She looked at Jade and saw that the girl was giving Cat her comforting eyes. She smiled faintly and spoke for Cat.

"Cat is fine and you guys need to mind your own business. All these questions are making her uncomfortable and if she wanted to tell you she would." Jade barked at the others, rubbing Cat's arm under the table.

"But Cat's our friend and she should tell us if... OWW!" Robbie cried out in pain as everyone heard Jade's boot crunch against his toes. Rex howled with laughter in response to the boy's pain.

"Would anyone else like to argue?" Jade asked looking around the table with a smirk. Robbie just sulked and started rubbing his injured foot with a pathetic look on his face. The others diverted their attention to other things and Cat slipped her hand into Jade's and gave it a gentle 'thank you' squeeze.

A moment passed in silence, then suddenly Trina came running towards the table waving her arms wildly. "Tori! Tori! And Tori's friends! Come quick! Sinjin is being attacked by an angry pigeon and it is hilarious."

Immediately everyone was on their feet except for Cat and Jade. They all followed Trina, and Tori looked back at Jade with a raised eyebrow.

"Jade, you're not coming? I thought that seeing Sinjin in pain was one of your favourite things, right under scissors and black clothes?" Tori asked, noticing Cat and Jade's entwined fingers and raising her eyebrow again.

"I prefer the pain that I inflict upon Sinjin myself, the other kinds aren't as fun." Jade replied with a smile that Cat knew was fake. Tori shrugged and followed the others out of the asphalt café.

Cat felt herself relax immediately when it was just her and Jade together at the table. Nobody to ask questions or give Cat strange looks. Jade knew what was going on and understood. That's why she was her best friend and why she trusted her more than anyone else she'd ever met. Cat felt Jade drop her hand and turn on her seat so she was facing her.

"You sure you're alright Cat?" Jade asked, picking a piece of lettuce out of Cat's salad and nibbling the edge of it. Cat felt nervous. She didn't want to lie to Jade but this was one thing she couldn't ask her for advice on, since it was about her. Besides, Cat didn't even really know how she felt. She just knew that she had a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach which she was struggling to ignore.

It felt like the beginning of a crush, and Cat had always been open to the idea of dating a girl. She'd had a lot of stupid little crushes on girls in the school but this felt like more. And to make it all weirder, it was Jade. Her best friend. Her best friend who'd had a serious boyfriend for years and had never so much as mentioned liking another girl.

"Cat??" Jade said with a slightly raised voice, clicking her fingers in front of Cat's face. Cat jumped and glanced at Jade.

"Sorry, how long was I out?" Cat asked, her face starting to match her hair.

Jade shook her head and sighed.
"Like two and a half minutes." She paused, pursing her lips.
"What's going on, Cat?"

Cat met Jade's gaze, the girl's steely blue eyes were steady, and burned into her.

Cat's breath caught in her throat as soon as their eyes met, and she felt heat rising on the skin of her neck and ears.

"It's nothing. I promise. Look Jade I know you're worried but you have to trust me to work through this myself."

Jade's mouth hung open as if she was going to speak, but she slowly closed it again, nodding.

"Why don't we go check out this pigeon Trina was talking about?" Jade asked.

Cat giggled and nodded in agreement and they headed off in the direction of the others.

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