On Your Side

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For the next few weeks Jade was like a ghost around Hollywood Arts, often spoken of but seldom seen. She was never seen in the halls, only ever in class. That was if she showed up at all. With each rare sighting, she seemed paler, wearied, and with an ever growing tiredness in her eyes, like a woman who had never known sleep.

Cat, for her part, was still around. But she was different. She rarely engaged in conversation, her participation in class was minimal and she always seemed just a moment away from bursting into tears.

As he had done so often before, Beck passed by Cat's locker and found her staring glassy eyed into it, unblinking.

"Hey." He said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder. Very slowly, Cat seemed to return from wherever she had been mentally, and she smiled weakly up at him, the smile not reaching her eyes.

Beck reached into his back pocket, fishing around for something. Finding it, he spoke again.

"Can you do me a favour, Cat?" He said, holding out a candy bar. Cat looked at it, then back up at him, puzzled.

"Eat this."

"Why?" Cat said, her voice small and raspy.

"You haven't been eating. I wouldn't normally bring this up but you've lost weight recently. Everyone's worried."

Cat looked surprised, and slowly took the bar from his hand, gripping it tightly at her side.

"I just don't want you getting sick. I know you aren't hungry lately, but..." Beck explained calmly.

Cat simply nodded, unwrapping the candy slowly.

He waited quietly while she ate, wanting to make sure she finished it. It was clear on Cat's face that she was forcing it down and not enjoying herself, but after she swallowed the last bite, she thanked Beck quietly and he knew she was being sincere.

"I didn't even realise I was hungry. I'm sorry I worried you." She said, closing her locker and leaning against it.

Beck shook his head, taking the wrapper from her and throwing it into the trash.

"We're your friends, we're supposed to worry." He replied, leaning on the locker next to her. They were quiet for a moment.

"Have you seen her?" Cat asked after a minute.

"Once, a few days ago. She didn't want to talk. I tried." Beck sighed. Jade never really listened to him at the best of times. It wasn't surprising that she was being stubborn, being in pain as she was.

"It looks like she's handling things as badly as you are." Cat crossed her arms, frowning at him. He shrugged.

"I don't like seeing either of you hurting. I think if you just talked things out you wouldn't be able to stay away from each other."

Cat sighed, shaking her head and pushing off from the locker. Beck followed along behind her as she walked.

"I know you didn't ask for my opinion, but I think you should tell Lane who hit you for a start, so you can move on from that whole mess."

Cat stopped and turned to face him again, she looked annoyed but made no attempt to argue.

"Then you need to talk to her, alone. Without all these judging eyes on you." Beck gestured broadly around at the students nearby. Cat looked thoughtful, shiny tears began to form in the corners of her eyes, but they didn't spill over. Beck gently scooped her into a hug and she hid her face in his shoulder.

"It'll be alright. Just take care of yourself." He said, still holding her gently. He waited patiently for Cat to let go, knowing she needed it.

"If I get the chance I'll talk to Jade too. I'm not sure she'll listen but I don't care."

When she finally pulled back, Cat actually smiled. It was small, but it was there.

When the bell rang, Beck walked Cat to class before heading to his own.

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