Look At Me.

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Jade's lungs were on fire. Cat had ran straight out of Karaoke Dokie and halfway home without stopping in the POURING RAIN. It was late in the evening and the beams from streetlights were leaving bright flashes on the wet ground. The small redhead was fast, unbelievably so, and it was a wonder Jade was able to keep up at all. But Cat was clearly tiring and Jade was gaining ground. Cat rounded a corner and seemed to disappear.

"Dammit! CAT!?" Jade called out for the millionth time, her voice beginning to crack. She kept running and went a different way. She hopped a fence and sprinted down a dark alley in an attempt to head Cat off.


Inevitably, the two girls crashed into each other at top speed as Jade turned the corner. Jade threw her arms around Cat as they did a complete 360 spin and crashed onto the wet floor. Jade had landed clumsily on top of Cat and both of them were gasping for breath. Jade rolled onto her back and continued panting desperately.  Cat and Jade lay still on the ground for a minute to catch their breath. Eventually Jade stood up and extended a hand for Cat to grab onto. She pulled her to her feet and immediately tightened her grip on the small girls arm, tugging her closer so their faces were inches apart.

"What the hell is wrong with you? This isn't safe Cat. Ugh... and it's soaking wet out here." Jade barked, trying to shake water from her hair, which was impossible because they were both soaked to their skin. Cat refused to look up from the floor. She was pouting or thinking or both. Either way she wouldn't meet Jade's gaze.

"Look at me... Cat... Look. At. Me."

Cat shut her eyes tight and lowered her head, shaking it gently, like a little girl. Jade sighed and put a hand under Cat's chin, tilting it upwards forcing Cat to look into her eyes. She stood there frozen, blinking back at Jade in bewilderment. For a moment everything was silent save for the rain, the girls took a moment to look at each other. Then Jade smiled.

"What a cliche this is, huh?" Jade said noting the rain and grinning. Cat finally smiled and let out a small giggle. In that moment both girls knew what was up. They inched closer to each other and finally allowed themselves to let go of their fear. Their lips touched for what felt like the first time. No audience, no characters or assignments. Nothing but the rain.

Jade pulled Cat in and hugged her closer to her chest, deepening the kiss. She couldn't quite believe what was happening. It was exactly like Tori said, and Jade had firmly denied. But here she was, holding Cat in her arms, kissing her and loving every second of it. She didn't even care that it was raining harder than it had in a long time because she felt warm and comfortable. Although her legs felt weak and her heart felt ready to burst out of her chest.

Eventually Jade felt herself needing air and so they begrudgingly separated. Cat looked up at Jade with a funny little smile on her face.

"No more secrets, okay Jade?" Cat said, her words coming out as little more than a whisper.

Jade smiled warmly and pulled Cat into a hug. 

"Yeah Cat. No more secrets. You wanna go back to the others?"  Cat shook her head which was still buried in Jade's chest. Jade chuckled.

"Okay Cat. I'll walk you home."

Jade took Cat's hand and they headed down the street in the rain.

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