A Note From The Author 3

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Okay hi. This is just going to be me rambling a little bit, feel free to comment telling me to shut up or just skip over this note altogether.

Clearly my updates are going to happen in bursts because I get distracted easily. Also I don't know if leaving after that last update was a good thing or not.

On one hand it might have given you enough to get you through with the inclusion of that kiss. (Finally)
But it might have given you the reading equivalent of blue balls (bad analogy is bad) because you probably want more.

My point for this is that I'm not sure I'm satisfied with the last part I wrote but if you guys like it I don't think I'll change it... I don't want to create confusion so let me know what you think of what I'm doing so far. I'm not done with this fic yet and I won't be for a good while so don't worry about that.

Thanks. - Caitlin.

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