Slowly, slowly.

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"You look awful." Cat said to Robbie, looking closely at the cut on his lip.

"Heh, would it be appropriate to say 'you should see the other guy?'" Robbie replied, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

Cat shook her head, but couldn't help smiling.

"He's right though. Scott may have gotten a lucky hit on Robbie but we definitely gave him what he deserved. He was pretty banged up when we were done with him." Beck cut in from across the table.

Andre nodded beside him. "He won't be causing any more trouble. We made damn sure of that."

"I still don't think you needed to do that. Violence isn't any of your styles." Cat said, frowning. The boys opened their mouths to protest but Cat spoke again before they could.

"But I'm glad you have my back. And Jade's back. Thank you. Just don't go beating anyone else up for me, okay?"

The boys nodded, smiling warmly at Cat.

"Speaking of Jade..." Robbie said, turning to level with Cat. She raised a hand to silence him, shaking her head lightly.

"There's nothing to talk about. She doesn't wanna see me." Cat said, biting her lip to stop it from trembling.

"I don't think it's as simple as that." Andre replied, his brow creasing in thought.

Cat leaned forward to rest on her elbows, hands moving to cover her eyes. She let out a small sigh of frustration.

"Everything that's happened doesn't just go away. What I feel doesn't matter if..."

Cat slumped sadly onto the table, hiding her face with her arms.

"Something's broken. And I don't think I can fix it. I don't know how."

"Well what if..."

"Hey guys." Robbie started to respond to Cat but was interrupted by Tori approaching the table with a familiar face in tow. Cat sat bolt upright.

Everyone tried to suppress their surprise at seeing Jade, glancing at Cat to measure her response. Cat fought to stop her shoulders from tensing up, and forced a small smile at Tori and Jade.

Tori sat down, and Cat could see that she intentionally left a space between them for Jade which Jade didn't take, instead placing herself between Beck and Andre. Cat heard an almost inaudible sigh from Tori but elected not to comment on it.

"So, are y'all hyped for the open mic night next week?" Tori started talking excitedly to the others, but Cat zoned it out quickly. She was vaguely aware of the conversation happening around her but the words weren't reaching her ears. She was watching Jade. Staring. Without a hint of embarrassment or shame.

Jade was trying to keep her eyes on the coffee cup in front of her, tapping her fingers idly, trying not to glance upward.

Cat glanced quickly around the table at the others. They were deep in a conversation she still couldn't hear, but she could see in their eyes. They were paying Cat and Jade as little attention as possible on purpose. Subtly encouraging them to communicate.

Cat's eyes fell on Jade again, her gaze landing on Jade's bruised hands. She slowly trailed her eyes across Jade's arms and up. She had to stifle a gasp when she got to Jade's face and found blue eyes looking intently into her own.

Jade's expression softened fractionally when their eyes met. There was an intense sadness in her eyes, but her gaze still felt warm.

Cat didn't dare to move or speak or blink, for fear of spooking Jade. A lifetime seemed to pass, neither girl looking away.

"Tori! Tori's friends!" A shrill voice made Cat jump, pulling her out of her daze. She jostled the water bottle on the table beside her, but Tori grabbed it, steadying it before it could spill. She sighed in annoyance, giving Cat an apologetic glance, and looked in the direction of the voice.

"What, Trina?"

"Who wants to hear what I'm singing for the open mic?" Trina sang gleefully, a very Trina-esque smugness in her tone.

"I would rather eat my own hands." Jade grumbled, earning a small laugh from Cat. Jade looked at her in surprised, a small, shy smile creeping onto her lips.

Cat looked away, feeling her cheeks heat up a little. She focused her attention on the grub truck until her heart stopped beating so fast.

"You are a very angry person. It's not cute." Trina said, patting Jade's shoulder and earning a disapproving glare from the brunette. Jade stared angrily at Trina's hand until she got the hint and removed it.

Trina took a seat between Cat and Tori, earning an eye roll from Jade. Cat leaned her head on her hand, facing Trina and Tori to hide her smile from Jade.

"Its not just a singing open mic, you know. Why don't you showcase one of your many other talents?" Tori asked, her sarcasm clearly not apparent to Trina.

"I could, but I'm a great singer and everyone needs more opportunities to hear my voice."

Jade shot Cat a sideways glance, her expression a mixture of disbelief and amusement. As Tori and Trina argued, the girls continued communicating with facial expressions. Jade mostly expressing discontent at Trina's presence and Cat pretending to feel sorry for her.

Jade cast her gaze down at the table, suddenly looking troubled. As if she had forgotten what happened for a moment. She took a sip of her drink, no longer meeting Cat's gaze.

Cat felt a pang in her chest, but she didn't blame Jade. Her response was understandable.

Cat slowly got to her feet, tapping Andre lightly to get his attention and gesturing for him to follow. Jade noticed this immediately and Cat could feel her eyes following them as she and Andre headed toward the food truck to be out of earshot.

"So, I was hoping you could help me with something." Cat said, turning to Andre.

She looked at him, then over at Jade. Andre followed her gaze and his eyes brightened immediately. He turned back to Cat, smiling.

"Just tell me what you need."

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