The Easiest Thing.

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It had been three days. Cat had expected things to be weird considering the entire journey home the other night had been silent. But things weren't weird, they were normal, which was weird in itself. Everyone was just going about their day to day business and Jade and Cat hadn't spoken about their encounter since. Cat was unable to focus as she was in her costume design class, fiddling aimlessly with the thread in her sewing machine.

She was thinking about Jade, as she had been for days. Thinking about the taste of her lips mingled with the salt from her own tears. Soft. Thinking about the smell of her perfume, more intense with their bodies pressed together.

"Hey Cat." Tori said, sitting down beside her. Cat smiled at her. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked Tori, who was not in her class. Tori glanced between her watch and Cat.

"Oh, my class finished a little early so I thought I'd come grab you so we can go for lunch together. I think we should talk."

"What about?"

Tori laughed slightly, crossing her arms and raising a questioning eyebrow at Cat. Cat opened her mouth, then closed it again slowly. Just then, the bell rang signalling the end of class.

"Okay, Tori... What do you want to know?" Cat said, almost whispering. Tori stood up and gestured to Cat to follow her. A class wasn't the best place for this chat and walking and talking would look less suspicious.

"Well first, are you okay Cat?" Tori asked as they exited the class. Cat was nervous, mostly because she knew she was ready to tell the truth, but also because she wanted Tori's advice about her current situation.

"Deep breath, Cat."

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just... It's Jade. The past few days we've both kinda been acting like nothing happened after Karaoke Dokie. I don't know what to do. Or if I should do anything." 

They stopped by Tori's locker and Cat stared at her feet.

"Did something happen?" Tori replied, smiling knowingly at Cat whilst rummaging in her locker. Cat narrowed her eyes, shaking her head. "You're teasing me? Now?" Tori shut her locker and turned to face Cat, leaning against the lockers with her shoulder.

"Sorry, Cat..." She Paused, carefully mulling over her words. "I know. I've known, or suspected, for a while but I didn't want to force it out of you. I want you to tell me because you're ready, not because I make you."

Cat could only stare at Tori, welling up ever so slightly. She spoke, her voice weak and shaky.

"What do I do?" Cat felt pathetic, and probably looked it too. She saw Tori smile warmly, supportive like always. Tori put a hand on Cat's shoulder and leaned down to look directly into her eyes.

"Talk to her dude. It's the easiest thing in the world. If you have something to say, say it. If you have a question, ask. But don't hide what you're feeling from her. Maybe she's having the exact same thoughts and feelings. Only one way to find out."

Tori straightened back up and looked over Cat's shoulder. She glanced at Cat, smiled and walked away without a word.

"Hey!" A voice yelled playfully in Cat's ear as hands grabbed her around her waist and picked her up. "Jade!" Cat giggled, squirming to escape. Jade put her down and spun her around. Cat stiffened when her eyes met Jade's, and Jade looked at her, confused.

"Don't back down. Don't back down."

Cat grabbed Jade's wrist and pulled her along, dragging her into the janitors closet, Jade protesting all the way. Jade stumbled into the closet and Cat calmly shut the door. She took a deep breath, still gripping the door handle. She could feel Jade's eyes on her.

"Are you... okay? Cat?" Jade said, more calm the expected.

Cat turned, strode slowly towards Jade, reached up and cupped the taller girls face in her hands. Heart thundering, she gently kissed Jade. Almost immediately, Jade pulled Cat in, wrapping her arms around her and deepening the kiss. Cat gasped slightly into Jade's mouth but neither girl stopped. By the time the kiss broke Jade had backed Cat up against the door and they were pressed tightly together.

Jade beamed widely, in a way she did not do often. After looking at each other for a moment, Jade spoke, still trying to catch her breathe.

"Finally, what took you so long?"

Cat burst out laughing and playfully shoved Jade away. "Seriously? You're such a jerk." They both laughed together. It was a pure and honest moment and Cat felt relief wash over her. It was comforting. Jade pulled Cat in and hugged her tightly, resting her chin on the top of Cat's head.

"Listen Cat. I didn't want you to worry, I just wanted to be sure that this is what you really want. That's why I made this your choice."

They stood for a few more minutes in silence, holding onto each other. Eventually the silence was broken by Cat's stomach rumbling loudly.

"Okay, let's get you fed." Jade said, opening the door for Cat and following behind her.

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