Dance With Me?

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Jade fiddled idly with Cat's fingers where they rested on the table between them. Cat was thumbing through some class notes with her other hand, occasionally pausing to take small bites of a sandwich. Jade watched her quietly, sipping her coffee and making occasional glances towards the food truck, where a crowd was beginning to form.

Jade could see Tori and Andre approaching, Tori with her nose in her phone while Andre was unwrapping a burrito. Tori was visibly gleeful and Jade could feel her eyes rolling before she even spoke.

"Is anyone else crazy excited for Kara's party tonight? Apparently her house is huge."

Jade's fingers tightened around her coffee cup and she frowned slightly.

"Kara Winters is a stuck up jerk, I don't think 'freaks' like me are invited, Vega."

She felt Cat squeeze her hand lightly, the small girl drawing comforting circles with her thumb. Just then, Beck approached, unscrewing the cap on a soda.

"Everyone is invited," he said taking a seat, "It says so on The Slap."

Tori continued speculating about the party to the others, while Cat leaned in close to address Jade privately.

"It could be fun. And if not you could always cut up her curtains as revenge for all the times she called you 'emo'."

Jade couldn't help but smile at that. She shook her head gently before meeting Cat's gaze.

"Okay. Ya got me. We'll go. Even if it sucks. Only because you kinda don't suck."

Cat giggled quietly. "High praise from Jade West, I must be doing something right."

Jade smiled, placing a kiss on Cat's forehead, and the two returned their attention to the rest of the table.


Cat glanced up at the door for probably the hundredth time since she arrived at the party almost an hour ago. The excitement of the party quickly died away in favour of anxiety, as Jade hadn't shown up yet and wasn't answering any of Cat's texts.

Across the room, Tori gave her a pitying glance before excusing herself from her conversation and approaching Cat, two drinks in hand. She silently offered one of the cups to Cat, which she accepted with a solemn smile. Tori placed herself on the opposite couch and waited silently for Cat to speak.

"She isn't going to show is she?" Cat finally spoke, somewhere between angry and sad.

"You don't know that. She's probably just running late."

"But would it really surprised you if she just bailed?" Cat rebutted sharply. Tori opened her mouth, but closed it again without replying.

"I adore Jade, but we both know she can be selfish. I accepted that about her a long time ago, that if she doesn't wanna do something, she won't. Not even for me." Cat sighed, raising her drink to her lips. "But I still get to be mad about it."

"I don't know. I think she might surprise you." Tori said. Cat looked up at her, and she raised an eyebrow and tilted her head in the direction of the door. Cat followed her gaze to find Jade by the door, looking slightly sheepish.

Tori made an excuse and disappeared into another room, leaving Cat to approach her girlfriend, arms crossed and frowning.

"Where have you been?" She asked sternly.

"I locked my keys in my car, I had to walk." Jade replied, not meeting Cat's gaze.

Cat tutted. "And so you couldn't have texted me letting me know?"

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