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Tori came back over and slid into her seat with a smile, looking at Cat and Jade in the same mischievous way. Cat watched Jade narrow her eyes at the girl across from them.

"What are you up to Vega?" Jade asked, her eyes were slits at this point.

"Nothing, I just went to the bathroom." Tori replied, grinning.

"You did not go to the..."

"Cat and Jade! Do we have a Cat and a Jade in the building tonight?" The DJ announced loudly, cutting Jade off. Tori's smile stretched across her face. Cat felt her stomach jump slightly, not because she had to sing with Jade, but because of the unknown factor Tori had added to the situation.

"Here they are!" Tori announced, standing up and pointing at them like a game show host. Cat sighed and slapped her forehead. "Tori!" She whined. Everyone was looking at them so there was probably no point in fighting it. Cat stood up, prompting a groan of protest from Jade. Cat grabbed her hand and pulled Jade to her feet, tilting her head encouragingly.

"Alright alright! Put your hands together everyone, this is Cat and Jade singing 'Lucky'." The DJ continued, flashing an infuriating smile. Cat and Jade made their way on stage and the music started. They both knew the song but there was a brief moment of panicked looks as neither girl knew who was singing which part. Both their eyes widened as they ran out of time.

"Do you hear me, I'm talking to you                                                                                                                              Across the water, across the deep blue ocean                                                                                                          Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying."

Jade took charge and started first, meaning she technically had the male part. She could hit some pretty low notes but did not sound male by any stretch of the imagination. They turned to face each other and the rest of the room seemed to disappear. Cat felt herself smiling warmly in response to Jade's voice.

"Girl, I hear you in my dreams                                                                                                                                          I feel your whisper across the sea                                                                                                                                  I keep you with me in my heart                                                                                                                                      You make it easier when life gets hard."

Cat took up the female part where Jade stopped and started swaying gently, stepping slowly closer as she sang. Jade smirked, looking intently back at Cat. The entire world could have been ending in that moment and they wouldn't have known. They started dancing close to each other, getting more and more lost in the song. As the song approached its end, the girls were pressed up against each other, grinning widely and trying not to giggle. Cat's heart was racing, the entire world seemed to be blurring and all she could see was Jade, crystal clear amongst the haze. She took a small step back to look at Jade as they reached the end of the song.

"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend                                                                                                                         Lucky to have been where I have been                                                                                                                       Lucky to be coming home again.                                                                                                                                   I'm lucky we're in love in every way                                                                                                                             Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed                                                                                                           Lucky to be coming home someday."

The music faded and the room grew silent for a second. Cat and Jade stared at each other, breathless. The room suddenly erupted with applause startling Cat out of her daze and causing her to flinch visibly. She stared at the audience, shaking. She felt a sudden wave of fear wash over her. She looked back at Jade with a face of pure distress, and Jade's smile immediately dropped from her face. Her eyes widened in concern as Cat began to shake her head gently.

With little warning, Cat fled from the stage in panic and sprinted out of the room.

"CAT!? CAT WAIT!" Jade yelled after Cat, sprinting out of the room behind the crying girl. Their friends just watched in disbelief. Everyone just looked around the room, baffled.

"Girl, I told you not to meddle." Andre stated, slapping Tori on the arm. Tori could only nod sheepishly in agreement.

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