A Note From The Author 2

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Hello friends.

Now I know what you're probably thinking. Probably a mixture of "Where have you been?" and "Omg she isn't dead!" and "Yay! It's finally getting updated!"

I'll be honest, I'm really bad at this updating thing. Life has been rough and it's taken me a while to remember that this is important to me and apparently to some of you as well.

So I'm done making promises about update schedules and stuff. But I really am going to try and get this thing finished... eventually. I can't guarantee that updates will be regular but I promise I won't let this fic die. So if you can be patient with me I will continue to give you quality content.

Thanks for the support from you all. I really appreciate every comment and vote. It's all very unexpected and kind and that's why I know I need to keep going.

Look out for a new update soon.


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