Meddling Tori Part 1

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A large crowd had gathered to watch Sinjin being mercilessly pecked by an extremely unhappy pigeon. By the time the bird finally let up, the curly haired boy was curled up in a ball on the floor, whimpering quietly.

Tori glanced across to the other side of the crowd and saw Jade and Cat, slightly obscured by numerous phone cameras capturing the event. Several videos were probably already uploaded to The Slap.

"What do you think is going on with those two?" Tori asked Andre, trying to sound casual.

He shrugged his muscular shoulders and made a sort of high pitched "I dunno" sound.
"Whatever it is, it's their business. Not yours."
He said, looking at Tori knowingly.

"What? I wasn't gonna meddle!"

"You're so gonna meddle aren't you?"

"Okay so maybe a little meddling." Tori pleaded. Andre simply sighed and shook his head.

"You do you Tori. But your meddling alway goes wrong. So leave me out of it." Andre replied nudging her gently before leaving to join Beck at the food truck.

Tori rubbed her hands together and grinned as she looked over to Cat and Jade again.

"Time to investigate."


Jade had been hesitant to leave Cat with the others while she went to her locker but Cat insisted she'd be okay. So there she was, aimlessly shuffling books around in the small space.

"Hey Jade!" Tori's overly cheerful voice came from directly behind Jade and made her cringe visibly, her shoulders tensing.

"Vega! To what do I owe this great displeasure?" Jade replied, sarcastically mimicking Tori's cheerful tone.

Jade hoped that her unpleasant response would cause Tori to be disheartened, but much to her disappointment, Vega was totally unfazed.

"What's up with Cat?" Tori asked pointedly.

"She likes the colour pink, her brother is a permanent resident in crazy town and she laughs like a toddler who's had too much bibble?" Jade answered firmly, trying to deflect.

Tori rolled her eyes but persisted despite her annoyance.

"I meant besides the usual stuff. What's up with Cat that isn't usually up with Cat?"

Jade purposely closed her locker with extra force, startling Tori slightly.
"Why do you assume I know anything about that?"

"Come on Jade. I know you know. I can tell just by looking at you. And the way you're trying to avoid the subject is a dead giveaway."
Tori pleaded, trying to soften her tone.

Jade's eyes were darting nervously around, looking anywhere but into Tori's eyes. She felt herself weakening.

"What was Cat's nightmare about? That's a start." Tori asked, trying to give the conversation a little more direction.

"You know Cat, it was stupid. Just like all of Cat's dreams. She keeps dreaming that she's being chased by clown that wants to hit her with a huge spoon."
Jade lied, trying to create a story that was typical of Cat's normal dreams.

"Aha!" Tori exclaimed, pointing a finger excitedly at Jade.
"Cat told me she dreamed that someone put her purple giraffe toy in a smoothie and made her drink it."

"Ah crap." Jade thought, cursing herself. Of course Cat had already come up with an equally stupid lie.

"And that means... that you're both lying to me!" Tori said, as if the realisation had only just hit her.

Realising she had no other option, Jade attempted the escape the conversation entirely by making a beeline towards the drinks machine.

"So what was the dream really about then? And why all the secrecy about it?" Tori was persistent.

Tori seemed to stop and think for a while giving Jade the chance to buy a drink. Just as she opened it and took a large gulp, Tori's eyes widened.

"The dream was about you wasn't it!?" She exclaimed in slight disbelief.

Jade breathed in sharply, forgetting about the liquid in her mouth. She choked and started to cough and splutter. It was only by her sheer willpower that she managed to keep it in her mouth and not spit all over Tori.

A sly grin crept onto Tori's face as Jade's began to turn red.

"W...why would Cat dream about me? Come on Vega, get real." Jade responded, her attempt at false confidence convincing nobody.

"Why indeed?" Tori agreed. "You two were awfully touchy-feely at the table today. That anything to do with it?" She teased, causing Jade's face to burn again.

A humourless laugh came from Jade's throat.

"Cat is my best friend. She's been my best friend since long before you came here. You know nothing Vega."

"Yeah, you've been best friends for years. You've never considered the possibility of being more than that?"

Tori pressed onward, finally saying what she'd been thinking this whole time. Her suspicions had always been somewhat unfounded, especially when Beck was still in the picture. But now she had some sort of proof.

Jade's mouth gaped open, then closed again. She was silent. Eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.

"Bingo" Tori thought.

"I gotta go, Vega." Jade said, fleeing the scene with her eyes lowered. Clutching her drink tightly.

Tori watched as she left. I tiny smile on her face. She was already plotting her next move.

"Detective Tori strikes again."

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