Chapter 7- the football team

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Clarks POV:

*3 weeks later*

On Monday's the classes go bye really slowly.  French boy, Greek god, and turtle boy somehow convinced the coach to let them join the team, I have no clue how. The one dude is French too, I don't even know if he knows English. I liked Alexander from the start so I convinced him to try out and he got on the team he has been going to the practices like the rest of us but the other 3 boys haven't. It's the new boys first practice today. The final bell rang and I ran, well, speed walked out of the classroom. I got to my locker and grabbed my bag out of it. Annleigh was already at her locker and she was digging out her pink backpack. She was talking to the French boy.

"Hey Ann." I said as I leaned up against the locker next to hers.
"Clark I have told you once and I will tell you again stop calling me Ann, my name is Annleigh." She said and closed her locker shut. This made the French boy jump. "Sorry." Annleigh laughed.
"Watch it French fry she's my girlfriend." I said and Annleigh along with the French boy looked shocked.
"You are not my boyfriend." Annleigh said and walked away with the French boy. I followed them.

"What do you see in Frenchy over here?" I asked.
"His name is Lafayette."
"That's a stupid name." I said.
"None to your concern, but he is just a friend, he needed help getting to the football field. He doesn't understand much English so I have to help him because he can't find the Schuylers or Maria." Annleigh said and grabbed the over sized baguettes hand.
"You don't speak French." I said.
"I know enough to help him to the football field." Annleigh and that French boy walked down the hall. I just looked down the hallway. I felt someone brush up against me.

"Hey." I looked over and it was Maria. I forgot I asked her out, and I forgot she said yes. She was in the normal cheer uniform like the rest of the team, but each girl has a different way of wearing their hair. I guess Maria chose a messy pony tail. Her hair is really curly so it barely looks like a ponytail, it looks more like a blob.
"Hey." I said. Riley came walking down the hallway to Maria and I.
"Clark, quit hitting on the freshman." Riley said said and grabbed the back of Maria's uniform and pulled her down the hallway. "Let's go to football." Alexander said. He was the only chill one, I didn't like that Turtle boy kid and I didn't like that one named after a Greek god or something. That Lafayette kid is stealing my woman so I obviously don't like him.

"What are they new boys names?" I asked as we were walking down the hall to the football field.
"John, Hurcules, and Lafayette." Alexander said. His backpack wasn't zipped the full way.
"Your books are going to fall out of your bag." I said.
"There isn't any books in my bag." He said, the bag was obviously filled with something.
"What's in the bag then?" I asked.
"I'll show you later." He said and we walked out the door and started walking up the hill to the field. When we got there, the Cheer girls already had Farrah up in the air.

"Drop her." I yelled. Farrah moved her Pom Pom from her one hand to the other one and flipped me off. I looked back at Alex. "What's in the bag?" I asked as we were crossing the field to get to the rest of the football team. Alexander peeled back his bag to reveal a yellow Chihuahua. "Who's is that?"

Alexander's POV:

"According to Liz, his name is Satan." I said.
"Is that Farrah's dog?!" Clark yelled. I quickly looked over at the cheer team, they were too busy throwing each other up in the air than to listen to our conversation.
"Shh." I whispered.
"Sorry." Clark whispered.
"You kidnapped Farrah's dog? Farrah already hates me, if she sees me with her dog she will kill me."

"Take a chill pill. When the crazy eights," Clark looked confused.
"Eliza named us the crazy eights in middle school and we just went with it. Anyway, when we were walking to get to school we passed by this ally way and there was this dog in it. Liza read the tag on the collar and saw it had Farrah's phone number. We quickly put him in my backpack and we went to school." I said.
"You put the the dog in your locker?" Clark asked.
"I carried my backpack around school." I said.
"How are you going to tell Farrah and her over protective sister and her over protective team that you took her dog?" Clark asked.
"They're not that over protective, right?" I asked. Clark pulled up his sleeve to reveal a scar that he had on his shoulder.
"When I was dating Annleigh, Riley and Farrah found me kissing a girl under the bleachers. Farrah broke a mirror she has in her pocket and cut me with one of the glass pieces that came off of the mirror. Farrah was in 8th grade, she was 13." Clark put back down his sleeve.

"Oh my god what did Riley do?" I asked. Clark sighed and showed me his other shoulder. It looked like he was stabbed. "Nothing that night, but she stabbed me a few days before school started."
"I'm sorry what?" I asked. They are going to kill me.
"I snuck into one of their sleepovers and made out with Annleigh, Riley didn't like that very much." Clark walked over to the coach and I followed.
"Hamilton has a dog so his backpack needs to stay outside." Clark said and the coach looked at me.

"Hamilton you have a dog in there?" The coach asked.
"Yes sir." I mumbled.
"Who's dog is it?" He asked.
"Farrah's." I responded.
"Farrah Thomas?"
"Is that he last name?" I asked.
"The one being thrown in the air right now?"
"I think." I said.
"Does she even have a dog?" One of the team members asked.
"Yeah, she has two." Clark said.
"FARRAH!" The coach asked. She looked confused, her team dismounted her and Farrah ran over to us.

"Yes coach?" Farrah asked. Her team were kind of close to her, they looked like they were about to jump Clark and I. The rest of the football team scattered, I think everyone is scared of them.
"You have a dog?" The coach asked. Farrah looked very confused.
"Yes sir, I have two. One got out last night and we can't find him, but yes. I have dogs, why?"
"This yours?" The coach took my backpack and handed it to Farrah. She took the backpack and took out the dog.
"Where did you find him?" Farrah asked as she was pulling her dog out of the bag.

"Liz, Peg, Mars, Angie, Laf, Hurc, John and I found him in an ally when we were walking to school." I said.
"Alright everyone get to your proper side of the football field, Farrah take you dog somewhere." The coach said and Farrah turned to her team with her tiny dog in her arms.
"Riley can I cheer with Satan?"
"Only if you let me video it."

"Dont mind the Cheerleaders there are all very weird. New guys go with Clark and Alexander to go get you uniforms." The couch yelled.
"I have only been on the team for a month." I said.
"So you should know what your doing. If not you have Clark, so go away." I turned to look at John, Hurc, and Laf.
"Alright come on."

John's POV:

"So what color are the uniforms?" I asked as we are walking into the locker room. "Orange. Now find your last name." Clark pointed to a table then he walked over to a locker.
"When you get your jersey the number on that will tell you what number your locker is." Alex said and he walked to a different one.

I grabbed the jersey that said 'Laurens' on the back and the number 69 on it, I have the best jersey by far. I looked at Hurc and his had the number 42, and Laf had the number 23.
"JOHN GETS 69?! THATS NOT FAIR!" Hurc yelled.
"Oui! pas juste!" Laf yelled.
"What did he say?" Clark asked.
"Laf we all know you speak English, just translate it." I said.
"Yeah, not fair." Laf said.
"I still can't understand him." Clark said. I guess he does have a accent that is hard to understand if you don't know him.

"It's not important. Just everyone go to your lockers and get changed." Alex said and we walked to our locker. We all changed into the uniforms and Clark threw me a ball.
"You're gay right?" He asked.
"Excuse me?" I asked. Liza always said that if you heard someone but you want them to explain you should say excuse me and not something mean like what did you say buttface.
"Oh I just assumed your gay, you don't look like a straight guy." He walked out of the room. Alex, Laf, Hurc and I just stared at each other.
"That was interesting." Alex said.
"Let's just go to practice." I said and walked out of the building and on to the football field. The boys followed me.

After football practice

"GUYS!" Liza yelled as she was running from her team to the boys and I.
"What's up Liz?" Alex asked.
"So Farrah and Annleigh invited us over to their house, I know it's a Tuesday and we have school in the morning. They said you can come." Peggy said.
"Like all of us?" I asked.
"John, Alex, Laf, Hurc, and Clark." Maria said.
"I told my dad I would watch Mary Eleanor and I told Martha I would help her with her science project." I said.
"I told Hugh that I would help him with football." Hurc said. Hugh was his 13 year old brother.

"Laf, Alex, Clark?" Eliza asked.
"I'll come." Clark said.
"Non." Laf said.
"You can't just say non to things. It would make no sense if I were just to say no." Liza said.
"Well I can't." Laf said.
"What ever, Alex?" Maria asked.
"I told Henry that I would help him with his essay, sorry." Alex said.
"Fine. Let's go Clark." Peggy said and grabbed Clark's wrist. They yanked him over to the cheer girls. I thought the football team was going to hang out after this practice.

"Well so much for the football team." Hurc said and turned away.

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