Chapter 12- the party

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Annleigh's POV:

"Put Stella in the closet, or a bed room. I don't want her getting hurt." Riley said and I scooped up the black and white cat and walked up the stairs. I have never entirely been in Rileys room so I walked to the door that had gchs cheerleading sticker on in and tapped the door with my foot, the door opened. I stepped inside and looked around. The walls were a light orange, almost the same color as a wallflower. She had pictures of the team, from all 4 years of her being a tiger, on her wall. She had a picture her and I on her bedside table. I walked closer to Rileys desk, still holding Stella. She had her cheer uniform draped over her desk chair and gchs shirts close by it. She had a picture of, her, Farrah, and Kate? They all were smiling too. It looked like the picture was taken Farrah's freshman year, the same year our parents got married. There was a picture of Riley and Cairo, they looked really young too.

"ANNLEIGH! HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO PUT A CAT IN A ROOM?!" Cairo yelled. "SORRY!" I set Stella down. "IM COMING!" I yelled as I was running out of Rileys room. I shut the door behind me. I ran downstairs and almost ran straight into a wall but I stopped myself.
"Someone's excited." Riley said, not looking up from looking out the window.
"I saw baby Cairo." I said and Cairo looked like she was going to slap me.
"YOU SAW WHAT?!" Farrah yelled.
"Cairo and Riley, they were no older than 10 in the picture." I said and Farrah flew past me and ran up the stairs, Cairo ran after her.
"A car just pulled in." Riley announced and Eliza stepped outside to greet the 4 boys who stepped out of the car.

"Cairo wouldn't let me see it." Farrah pouted as she came down the stairs.
"No one needs to see 4th grade me. That was when I only had my hair in braids. With those purple and pink beads." Cairo shuttered at her flash back.
"Anyway, everyone should be in here-" "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" A boy with curly hair and freckles yelled over Riley.
"John, calm down, it's a Riley party, not a Farrah party." Clark said patting the other boy on the shoulders.
"Oh hey, you in my Spanish class. You look different when your not in your cheer uniform." One of the boys said.
"Hurcules Mulligan? 3rd row 5 seats back?" Riley spitted out without thinking twice.
"Yeah, how did you remember that?" Hurcules asked.
"I just do." Riley shrugged.
"What is everyone's names? I have a terrible memory." A boy with a French accent said. We all introduced ourselves which takes as long as usual. Well, plus a few extra minutes because Reese and Farrah disappeared
"Angelica, or Angie, will be wearing something pink when she decides to come." Peggy said and a girl with the same pink skirt as me came in.

"Nice skirt." I said and the girl smiled.
"I like yours too." She said.
"Everyones here! I'm putting everyone's phone numbers on a sheet of paper. Everyone put their parents phone down too, just in case anything gets out of hand." Riley said as she was scribbling out everyone's phone numbers on a sheet of paper. She handed everyone the pen so we could put down our parents numbers because she had memorized ours for some strange reason.
"Does anyone need the wifi?" Riley asked as we were passing around the paper.
"Yeah." John finally said.
"WilliamsS5G and the password is 009  exclamation point capital B dash 498 capital X3 star star capital Dy19." Riley said, i still don't know how she memorized that.

"Um, I guess the only rule is that you can only be on this floor and the basement." Riley said, as she was grabbing the paper from Angie. "Uh we can start the party now?" Riley said, unsure of herself.
"Oh, I invited the entire school, they're coming any minute now and they are leaving at 3." Farrah said and everyone looked at her.
"Why do you insist on doing stuff like this?!" I asked.
"Seriously Farrah, you're going to get us killed someday." Chess added.
"Like how you almost killed me?" Farrah tested.
"IT'S FINE." Riley yelled, cutting Kate off. She ran upstairs with a key. Cairo walked away from the door that everyone was gathered around and walked to the couch, everyone followed.
"Are you like my puppies now?" She asked as everyone was trailing behind her. "Basically." Farrah said and the door flung open and way to many people came in.

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