Chapter 15- Annleigh's breakdown

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Annaleigh's POV:

May 29th. The day my dad died 4 years ago. "Annleigh, honey, are you okay?" My mom said as she walked in the door of my bedroom. I quickly wiped the tears off of my face with the stuffed animal I was holding and looked up at her. She was holding buttercup in her arms. "Are you holding puppy?" She asked and I looked down at my 17 year old stuffed dog. My dad gave me puppy when I was first born. "Yeah." I said and sniffled. She handed me buttercup and Farrah's new kitten, Loire, walked in. Farrah named her kitten after a type of alcohol but she told our parents that Loire was just a cute name she thought of and it has Celtic roots and means 'river' or something like that. "Farrah come get your cat!" Mom yelled. After a few seconds Farrah rounded the corner to my room, her dogs following her.

"Sorry!" She squealed and picked Loire up. The small kitten started batting at Farrah's Dutch braids. "Why is Ann crying?" She started pushing Loire's paws away from her hair. "Don't call me Ann." I said and started crying again. "It's may 24th." Mom said. "Am I supposed to know what happened on that day?" Farrah asked. "You know her dad?" "Well no but is today like his birthday or something?" Farrah asked. "Death date." Farrah turned white. "I'm going to go, Annleigh do you want me to call Riley and Mattie?" "No definitely not Riley and why Mattie?" "She's like everyone's comfort human, I figured she could help." "Yeah, call them." Mom said and Farrah left my room.

"I'm in a fight with Riley." I said to my mom. "What? Why? I thought you two were like in love of something." She sat on the foot of my bed and started petting buttercup. I pulled out my phone, went on YouTube, and showed her the video. "She looks drunk." Mom said. "Idk that's just why I'm mad at her." I said. "I'm sure she meant it in a friend way or something like that." "Probably not." Mom looked back up at me. "Can you leave? I just want to be alone." I said and she got up. Libby walked in my room and jumped on my bed. "Libby get-" mom started pulling Libby off my bed by the collar. "-No, she can stay." I cut her off and she left. Buttercup jumped out of my arms and ran out the door with my mom.

Libby climbed in my lap and I started petting her back. My eyes started to fill with tears and I started crying again.

Farrah's POV:

"Where is Libby? Satan is by my feet and Loire is on my head. But I can't find Libby." I said as I was looking around the house for the black puppy. "She's in your sisters room. Buttercup ran out and Libby walked in." Mom said. "Oh, I just wanted to make sure she was safe."

Farrah's peasants

*songs4satan added thelittlethings*
*songs4satan added chords4Christ*
*songs4satan added the_tiger8*
*songs4satan added prom.princess*
*songs4satan added notagoodidea*
*songs4satan added thedeadones*
*songs4satan added shutupandcheer*
*songs4satan added betsythegoat*
*songs4satan added pegglestheunicorn*
*songs4satan added mariathemarshmallow*

So your probably wondering why I have gathered you all here

You sound scary when you say it like that

Did you really make a full on group chat without Riley?

And did you name it "Farrah's peasants"?


That's mean

Wjat she doesnt know cant hurt her


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