Chapter 23- what just happened?

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Farrah's POV:

Chess....and John....dead? Their dead. Mattie's parents were silent. The rest of us were crying in a high school girl feelings blob on the ground behind the couch. "EVERYONE! WE ARE JUST HIGH SCHOOL KIDS THAT HAVE LOST PEOPLE VERY CLOSE TO US. WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW IS WRONG. GET THE *BEEP* AWAY FROM..." the tv was shut off. "Before you girls ask, you can't go see them." Mattie's dad said and left to go upstairs. Mattie's mom went as well. The rest of us were left downstairs crying. We were crying for a good two hours until I finally gathered myself enough to say something. "I'm going to text Reese, just to make sure no one else is hurt." I said and went on my phone.


What just happened?

Chess was stabbed, John was killed, the murderer cut the power, we were inside the house with the dead body for 20 minutes, the cops are going through all of Riley's stuff, and they think one of us did it even though we didn't

Wow that's a lot to have gone on in a few hours

They won't let us leave
Not even to go see Chess

I bet Kate is happy about that

Fay, I could go without the sarcasm rn

Was anyone else hurt?

No just Chess and John
But most of us are covered in their blood

How's your anxiety?
I know your not good with death

I already had an anxiety attack

I'm so sorry

It's fine, Cairo helped me


How are you girls?
I know you weren't here but they are still your teammates and friends

We are in a crying blob
Everyone is touching me

I'm sorry
Crap I'm getting integrated by the cop

Say you plead the 5th
Don't say anything that can be used against you
Don't say anything for that matter
Not without a lawyer there


"No one else was hurt. They think it was one of them." I said and put my phone back in my pocket. "One of them killed John?" Peggy asked. "No, well, they think that. But we know those girls and we know no one there would kill someone." I said. "Except Riley. She has a knife she keeps under her bed. She named it kindness, so if anyone breaks in she can kill them with kindness." Eliza said. "She was serious about that?" Maria asked. "I thought so." Eliza said. "Riley wouldn't kill anyone there, she likes everyone on the team." "What about John, huh? Did she like John?" Maria snapped. "It wasn't Riley, okay?" I said. "How do you know Farrah?" Peggy asked. "I don't, but I know Riley enough that all she wants to do is go to nationals. With the loss of Chess, we can't go." It was silent again.

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