Chapter 32- summer

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Farrah's POV:

"Okay!" Annleigh said as she flicked on the camera. "I don't want to do this." I complained. "I'll blackmail you." Annleigh said and turned the camera back off. "With what picture?" I asked. "Sss." I gave her a confused look. "You mean pictureSSS." I gave her another confused look, this time, I tilted my head to the right. "You don't want to find out so I advise you to suck it up and do it." I rolled my eyes and Annleigh turned back on the camera. "Hey! It's Annleigh!" She said extremely cheerleaderish. "I'm not matching that enthusiasm." "FARRAH!" Annleigh yelled and turned the camera off again. "This is a school project!" "Fine!" I said in the exact same tone Annleigh used the first time. "Thank you." She turned back on the camera.

"Hey it's Annleigh!" "And Farrah!" Please kill me now. "It is currently June 29th, school let out June 5th so that means it has been 3 weeks since school let out." I looked down at the scrip Annleigh had written out about 2 hours ago. "We drove to..." I couldn't tell what the next word said. "Does that say Virginia?" Annleigh nodded. "We drove to Virginia to visit family." I looked straight at Annleigh. "YOU WERE RELATED TO THOSE PEOPLE?! HOLY CRAP THOSE PEOPLE WERE SO RELIGIOUS I DIDNT EVEN THINK YOU COULD BE RELATED TO THEM! I THOUGHT THEY KEPT MOST OF THAT IN THE FAMILY. Did you know the one is married to a cousin?" Annleigh cleared her throat. "Stick to the script." She whispered through her teeth. "Oh right." I looked back down at the printer paper. "We also have been hanging out with our friends." I looked back at Annleigh. "What the hell is this script?!" "FARRAH!" "Sorry, sorry." Annleigh shook her head and finished the script. I waved at the camera and turned it off. Our god awful school assigned that every three weeks we document what we do. Annleigh wrote the entire script and I just followed along. I didn't want to do it.

Annleigh rewatched the tape. "It's been two hours. I'm not doing that again." I said and leaned back in my chair extremely fast which caused it to fall backwards. I hit my head on the ground. Annleigh stood up. "Oh no! Did you get another 'concussion'?" She put air quotes around the word concussion. "LISTEN HERE BITCH." I stood up. "FARRAH! WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!" Mom yelled as she passed Annleigh's room. Annleigh stuck her tongue out and sat down on her bed. "I'll edit it later." She mumbled.

"What were the pictures you were gonna 'blackmail' me with?" I asked as I grabbed my water bottle. "Water?" Annleigh raised an eye brow. "Sure let's go with that." Annleigh grumbled and went into her closet. She pulled out a shoe box and threw it down on her bed. I hesitantly went over to it and opened the lid. There were pictures of us. Little us. I pulled out a handful of pictures. "That's 2 or 3 years ago. That box is from when we first met." I looked through the pictures. Us having a snowball fight, making a snow fort, playing in the sand at the beach, playing in the ocean, playing video games, making Christmas cookies, Christmas morning, me on her back, normal sibling stuff. "What's so special..." I trailed off. The picture she had next was of my biological mother. I set all the pictures down except the picture of her. "How did you get this picture?" I asked as I was standing up. "What picture?" She stood up next to me and looked at the picture. "Who's that?" She asked, taking the picture from me. "My bio mom." I took it back. "Why do I have a picture of your bio mom?" She took the picture back. "No Annleigh why do you have a picture of her?" I took the picture back. She snatched it from me not even a second later. "I didn't put that in here, I have never seen this picture in my life." Annleighs mom walked in.

"Girls? Whatcha doin?" "Do you know who this is?" Annleigh asked and handed the picture to her mother. "Lidia?" I cringed. "Don't say her name out loud." Dad walked in the door. "I heard the name of that psychotic bitch." "Richard!" Mom yelled and hit dad in the arm. "Did Farrah hear about the child custody thing?" I took a step back. Annleigh put off a confused look. I think we both were confused. Annleigh was the first to break the awkward silence. "Custody? I thought you had full custody of Farrah." "You've always had custody of me. I haven't seen that bitch since I was 8." "Farrah Grace I do not want to have to tell you to watch your language one more time." Mom snapped. Annleigh gave me a 'you probably should watch it considering you just drank' look. She gives me that look a lot. "Maybe we can have this discussion at dinner." Dad said. "I want to have it now. This is my life we are dealing with." I snapped. "Fine. Family meeting in 5. Annleigh you don't have to come if you don't want." Dad said. I looked at Annleigh. She stepped forward. "I want to know what's going to happen to my step sister." Mom and dad exchanged a look.

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