Chapter 2

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Bloody hell! I did not know that Lisa who my twin brother hangs around with at school has a banging body like that and her legs just go on forever. I mean I have always noticed Lisa Hudson don't get me wrong I notice all the girls at school but she may not like me and what I am being a football star and popular. Seeing her for the first time in a skirt gave me an instant hard on, I felt like my cock was a rod of steel, I had to check her out I couldn't help it when I opened the door. My brother told me Lisa and Cassie were coming to the party but I didn't believe that they would turn up but I couldn't take my eyes of Lisa from the moment she stepped inside. I heard my brother's warning and I so wanted to roll my eyes but I know Lisa is a good one and not an easy girl who would drop her panties if I just smiled in her direction.

My twin brother Bradley is the only person who knows about my crush on Lisa because he is my best friend and I trust him 100% and I won't be who I am without him he has kept me grounded since mom died five years ago but I have never had the courage to talk to her or ask her out. I am a pretty shy guy and even though I do play football and I love the sport but I love films just as much but I couldn't tell her that. Whilst I know Bradley has no crush on Lisa I am jealous of how close they are as friends but I know he has a major crush on Cassie.

I look into Lisa's eyes blocking her from entering the bathroom I was just in with Britney getting a by average blow job because I knew she was willing to do it and not complain. We have been on and off most of my high school journey but whilst I was with her I was always thinking of the other girl who was always at the back of my mind, never wanting attention drawn to her not like Britney. "Cole I would like to use the bathroom if that is okay with you?" Lisa asks looking around seeing if anyone was in ear shot or anything. "You don't want to go in there use my own one it's attached to my room, follow me" I say leading the way with Lisa's foot steps following behind me. I unlock my door no one comes into my room that is a rule, only my dad, the house cleaner, and my brother are allowed in my room. Now I am allowing the only girl who i've dreamed about having in my bed with me in all sorts of ways and I don't mind one bit I think I want Lisa to see the real me and that is by showing her my room, I push the door open and step aside. Lisa steps in and I follow closing the door behind me making sure no-one comes in after us.

I stay by the door watching Lisa take in my room, I have classic film posters on my wall and football stars on the other plus family photos sit on my desk, there's a mini fridge in the corner stuffed with energy bars, protein drinks and sport drinks, next to the fridge is the bathroom door. I point to the door "bathroom is through there" Lisa turns round tucks a hair behind her ear blushes and mutters a "thanks" opening the door and sliding through then closing it. I let out a breathe and flick through grabbing a t-shirt to pull over my head. I hear my brother do our special twin knock at my door and I open it "Is Lisa with you?" He asks pushing the door wider as the toilet flushes and taps turn on "yeah she was just using my bathroom as I didn't want her to use the family one because I was just in there with Britney" I say embarrassed of my weakness for the head cheerleader at any given chance so some sort of sexual release. Bradley rolls his eyes at me "she is no good for you man can you not think about pussy for at least sometime" he says just then we hear a major crash sound happen downstairs as Lisa opens the bathroom door. We run out and down the stairs to find what has caused the sound. Cassie is with us now and I walk ahead my brother next to me the girls behind us, we enter the reception room and there's teenagers everywhere music pumping, body grinding against one another, people making out with each other on the sofas then I see it the glass plate my father got from the mayor in pieces and I look at Bradley, his expression says it all he is disappointed in me and leaves the room shaking his head. I turn and look at Lisa and Cassie as they take in the scene without saying a word I can tell they don't want to be here anymore.

I look at the clock on the wall and walk over to unplug the music and the sound cuts out and everyone stops I clear my throat and bellow at the top of my voice which travels throughout the house "WHOEVER BROKE MY FATHERS AWARD GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" the student bodies pale and look at each other gazes glassed over from the drinks they have had. I have had enough and I want everyone gone now because now I am going to have to clean this place from top to bottom including banging on all closed doors I hope no-one has gone into my parents room. "EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT NOW!" students stagger from everywhere, different stages of undress. I head up stairs pissed I close my fist and bang on doors then it comes to my parents room taking a deep breathe and I swing open the door to two people are on top of my parents bed I flick on the light "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY PARENTS ROOM!!" I see my buddy Dillion jump out of his skin everything hanging out with Britney just casually sitting up smiling at me leaning back on her elbows, Bradley comes running up the stairs hearing me shout and looks at who I have just caught and he slips past me and right hooks Dillion "this is our father and late mothers bedroom you bastard and whore get the fuck out of here and out of this house you lowest of the lows" His chest is heaving. I am standing back shocked at how much brother just right hooked my friend. Wondering when did he learn to right hook like that.

He then turns not looking at me at all Dillion picks up his clothes pulling on his boxers and jeans "I didn't know man she told me it was a guest room" Dillion mumbles a look of regret and guilt all over his face. "Get out" I say through gritted teeth, locking eyes with Britney who is slowly getting dressed "he was a better lay than you, plus your parents bed is so much better than your own" She says and slips past me and I watch her walk, stop and looked into the kitchen then out of the front door. I head down the stairs to find Lisa and Cassie helping Bradley tidy up the kitchen and my anger calms down not believing these two are staying to help tidy when they have not done anything wrong.

Grabbing a garage bag "Lisa can you maybe help me with the reception room please" I ask embarrassed I can't look at my brother and Cassie. "You two going to be okay in here?" Lisa asks them and I lift my head and see them two nod looking at each other. "Bradley..." I start to say "Don't Cole let me calm down first before we talk, Dad arrives home in 48 hours from now" Bradley says standing a chair up right and wiping down the table whilst Cassie puts red cups in the bin bag. I nod and walk out the room entering the reception room but stop in the doorway Lisa walks right into my back. "Oh sorry" She stutters "It's okay Lisa, I've fucked up massively and the only people who are here to help are friends of my brothers" I say embarrassed. "Cole I don't got to parties, I never get invited to them I like to stay in the shadows I hate alcohol and drugs due to my dad, he left when I was five" She tells me I had no idea. "Do you still speak to him?" I ask as we enter and start picking up the cups and throwing them in the garage bag "I don't know where he is or if he is alive or dead" She tells me and I just want to find out more about this girl. "I am sorry about your mom Cole it must be hard loosing a parent at the age of thirteen" Lisa says flipping the couch cushions over. "We need stain remover Cole" She saying looking at the stain forming on the arm of the couch. "Bradley where's the stain remover?" I shout "Under the sink dumbass" He calls back. I leave the room briefly then come back and hand it over to Lisa.

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