Chapter 22

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It's the day Lisa becomes our step-sister via our parents marriage and she has spent the night away with her mom and me, dad and Bradley stayed at home we had a chilled night watched some filmed with mom in and both me and Bradley got a little emotional it was kind of like mom would approve of dad re-marrying. I woke up to someone still all of my duvet and I know exactly who it is because Lisa isn't here and she is normally sleeping with her head on my chest and her hand under chin. I pull the cover back over me as I fell asleep in my boxers and the last thing I wanted was my brother to wake up and my boxers tented because whenever Lisa pops into my head I go hard as a rock. Bradley flips onto his back and I give him a poke as I've been awake for  a little while. Sharing a bed with Bradley brings back so many childhood memories for me that I smile, "Morning brother" I say looking at the ceiling having a sense that now he is awake also. 

"That is creepy how did you know I was awake?" Bradley asks yawning "I just did" I reply "how come you are awake so early?" Bradley asks looking at the clock the wedding wasn't till 2pm but it was 7.30 now "I guess I was thinking about mom you know and you sharing my bed again brought back so many memories of you jumping to my bed whenever there was a thunderstorm" I say turning my head staring at my brothers face and a slow smile appears "oh the days do you remember the fort we built out of mom and dad's bedding and ours and we told mom she couldn't come in because she was a girl" Bradley says and the memory comes to the surface like it was yesterday. "Do you think she is happy now? I mean do you think she accepts that dad has moved on and is marrying someone else, like I mean I am so glad it's Sally because there's Lisa" I say sitting up and Bradley sits up with me. "Yeah I think she is but she is also looking down on us and she would want us to be happy for dad and not hold what happened to her against her" Bradley says and I let out a sigh "yeah you're right" I say just then there's a gentle knock at the door and Helen pops her head round the door. 

"ah you are both awake good your dad is down stairs waiting for you wanting your help with his speech because he still hasn't written one but I hope you two have written yours but boys just to let you know I am so proud of the young men you are growing into and I have to say Cole I am so happy you have stopped all the partying and I think Lisa is a real good influence on you" Helen says giving us a smile obvious today is a good day "shit we have to do a speech" Bradley says besides me and throws the covers of him and heads to my bathroom for a piss. "Oi use your own bathroom pissface" I shout as I get out of bed wanting to use my bathroom myself Bradley walks out moments later "I hope you washed your hands" I mutter as he walks out of my room "see you downstairs quarterback" he sing songs as he goes to his room grabbing a t-shirt and joggers. Err I hate that but what can you do my mind wonders to Lisa and if she is awake now I go to my desk draw and bring out the gift I bought her to wear for today. I get dressed in a t-shirt and joggers and head down stairs just as the front door bell rings, Helen goes and answers it "hi there here to take pictures of the groom and best men getting ready I hope I am at the right address" I look at the guy he looks about twenty-five starting out. My dad walks past then stops "hi you must be Justin Ray's assistant" they shake hands as I head to the kitchen, Bradley already sitting there "boys met Justin he's going to be taking photos of us getting ready and stuff so be natural" dad says in a nervous tone of sorts. 

"Helen can I ask a favour" I say quietly as she hands over my breakfast "sure Cole anything" she replies smiling at me "could you make sure Lisa gets this gift I got her, I want her to wear these for today" I say handing over the box embarrassed "actually Helen I have one for Sally I'll be right back" Dad says rushing out and coming back in with a box similar to mine. Helen smiles "of course Michael" then she leaves. Justin has his camera ready to start taking photos "right boys I need help with my speech" Dad says bringing out a piece of folded paper as Justin snaps away so far all dad has is Sally's name down on the paper "oh dad this is embarrassing" Bradley says taking the paper from him shaking his head "alright Casanova think you can write a speech" I say "all dad needs to do is tell us his feelings for Sally and the love he feels then we get it written or typed and boom done" Bradley says smiling pretending to drop a microphone and I roll my eyes. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I get it out to see who messaged me it can't be Britney as she has been blocked and deleted from everything and besides I haven't seen or heard from her since the day at the pier so I smile so wide as it's Lisa thanking me for the gift. Just spending last night without I realised how far I have fallen for her. 

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