Chapter 20

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After coming clean to my dad about me and Lisa he took it rather well but was shocked but accepted it. We arrived at the store to sort out the suits for the wedding with his assistant who was flirting with me but I didn't give her much attention and she gave up trying thank god my mind was on Helen and Lisa who was with her mom looking at bridesmaid dresses and wedding dresses. "Hey bro fancy watching fast and furious with me?" Bradley asks me pulling me from my daydream stare "sure" I say getting up from the couch and following him to the cinema room because what else can I do except wait to hear from Lisa, I pull my phone out of my pocket to check to see if she has texted me but nothing yet. "Cole I'm sure it's going well you know or otherwise you would of heard from her" Bradley says patting me on my back and I exhale "yeah you're right have you spoken to Cassie lately?" I ask him feeling kind of bad I haven't really had a heart to heart with my brother/best friend for a while. 

We enter the home cinema room and Bradley goes to set up the film and everything as I collapse onto a bean bag and he plants himself next to me. "How do you feel about Helen's news?" I ask him as the opening scene begins "it's shit but we have to sick by and support her" Bradley says looking at me "yeah you're right, she's been our second mom since..." I couldn't finish the sentence "you mean the accident" Bradley says looking at the wall quickly wiping at his eyes "Brad...I miss mom" I choke out "so do I Cole so do I" Bradley says I bring my brother in for a hug one we haven't done a hug for a while and it felt good. "So how are things going with Cassie?" I ask as we pull apart and the movie plays on. "Things are great we video chat every night and she is coming home tomorrow so I'm going to go and pick her up from the airport and bring her back here" 

"That's nice, Lisa will be so excited to see her she's been gone for like two weeks or something" I say in the distance I hear the front door go and I hear Sally call for our dad "Michael we are back!" Both me and Brad pause the film and get up heading downstairs. Lisa looks up at us and our eyes meet and I stop and take in how beautiful she looks with the sun shining behind her as it comes through the front door but there is something in her eyes that tell me something is not okay. "Everything okay" I mouth to her and she gives me a small smile and I know something is up. I watch our dad come out of his study and gives Sally's a kiss there is a look between them that says something but it's between them, Lisa walks over to me and I bring her in for a hug then so does Bradley. "How was it?" I whispered in her ear "mom was fine about us how did it go with your dad?" She whispers back as we watch out parents walk away hand in hand. 

Me and Lisa breathed a sigh of relief "so do you two want to finish watching the movie we started?" Bradley asks me and Cole "what you guys watching?" Lisa turns and ask us both "Fast and Furious" Bradley says and we all climb the stairs back to the cinema room and I take Lisa's hand in mine, I just want to hold her, kiss her, have her. "God I missed you today" I whisper into her hair and kiss her head and she just smiles at me knowing she has missed me too. We enter the cinema room and me and Bradley take our seats and I pull Lisa into my lap because she has been gone from me for too long. 

"So can you tell us anything about today?" Bradley asks as I kiss the back of Lisa's neck "yeah like what colour is your dress? and is it sexy?" I whisper and Bradley rolls his eyes at us and I throw a pillow at him "the colour scheme is purple it's moms favourite colour and the dress is gorgeous but I won't give anything away" Lisa says "how did your mom take about you and Cole?" Bradley asks Lisa and I want to know the answer too "she took it rather well and was fine she actually told me some news of hers too but I think you should know but if your dad tells you please act surprised" Lisa says looking at me then to Bradley "what is it Lisa, I could tell as soon as you walked through that door tonight something was up" I say looking at my girl "mom is pregnant so we have a sibling coming" Lisa says in a small voice I stiffen my hold on Lisa "say that again" I say shocked "mom is pregnant so we are going to have a sibling" She says turning her head into my neck and presses her lips to my pulse which quickens "what does that mean for you guys?" Bradley asks "fuck it, Lisa is still my girlfriend, we aren't blood related except for this sibling who is going to be a half sibling and I am not going to give up my happiness" I squeeze Lisa so she knows we are in this together. 

"I love you" I whisper I feel her stiffen then look at me with love in her eyes "I love you too" She mutters back to me "don't say too please I feel like you are just agreeing with me to save face" I say running my nose against hers she shakes her head. "Did you two just declare your love for one another" Bradley says lifting his head I completely forgot he was here "Erm yeah brother we did and what do you think of the baby news" I ask as the credits roll none of us paying attention to anything that was happening. "I think it's weird to be honest I mean there is a lot going on at the moment like today was just fixing up suits to you telling dad about you and Lisa, dad telling us about Helen's news now the news that Sally and dad are going to be parents again its madness" Bradley says looking at the ceiling and I place a hand behind my head and stroke Lisa's back "I am sorry to hear about Helen have you guys seen Helen today?" Lisa asks us and we shake our heads "she had the day off but we want to see her tomorrow you going to come with?" I ask. "Boys! Lisa! can you come down here for a minute we need to talk to you" dad shouts up the stairs and we all raise a brow. "Wonder what this is about" I joke as we get up from our spots and head down stairs again me and Lisa holding hands we have nothing to hide our parents know and Bradley is so use to it. 

"Boys, Lisa come and take a seat we think we need to tell you something as it has been a day of being honest with each other" dad says to us as we take a seat on the couch with Lisa in between me and Bradley I hold her hand in mine and we look at dad and Sally. "Well Lisa knows this already from what Sally just told me" dad looks at Lisa and she blushes so I know it's to do with the baby. "Dad is everything okay?" Bradley asks planting on a concerned expression and I follow his lead. 

"Me and Sally are expecting our first child together it is still every early days of course and with the wedding approaching this weekend, we thought we should tell you plus Lisa I can see how happy you make my son and that brings me such happiness as he is back to the old Cole before we lost...." Dad says getting emotional wiping a tear and I feel a tear escape too. "Dad, Sally thank you for accepting me and Lisa as a couple, I hope this won't give you any bad publicity, I know how hard you have worked to get where you are today" I say not wanting to hurt my dads reputation. "Of course not son, nothing has made me more proud than of what you boys have grown up to be such honest, grateful young adults" I get up and hug my dad Lisa and Bradley follow "well I guess it's congratulations then" I say seeing my dad this happy again everything will be okay. So the wedding is this weekend, Lisa and Sally are fully moving in to this house I mean I know they still have their home and are selling it, I mean Lisa has a full closet here but they aren't her own clothes like she didn't by them. I am so happy we told our parents today about us it feels like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders. 

Dad and Sally head off to bed because she is feel tired and dad wants to be by her side incase she is sick "wow so we are going to have a baby brother or sister this is crazy" I say as the three of us are still in the lounge "I know but main thing is mom and your dad are okay with us" Lisa says "no more sneaking around" I say and Lisa nods "you could sleep in my bed instead of sleeping in yours like we always do" Lisa says giving me a knowing look and suddenly I want to go to bed even if it is early. "Hey you two fancy ordering a pizza?" Bradley asks us "yeah sure we could play some pool I will whip both of you" Lisa says getting up looking at us two. "We should make this interesting" Bradley says looking at me giving me a knowing wink. "Go on" Lisa says looking between us. "If you win you get to choose which one of us has to cannon ball into the pool butt naked, but if either me or Cole win you have to pencil jump into the pool butt naked" Bradley says proud as much as I want to see my girl naked I don't want my brother to see her completely naked. "Your on" Lisa says and shakes hands with my brother and I shake my head as in this is crazy. 

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