Chapter 3

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My first party and it was just drama, except Cole let me use his own personal bathroom rather than the one that he was just in with bitch face Britney and I shudder. As I leave the bathroom Bradley is at the door to  Cole's bedroom with Cassie behind him was I gone that long? I didn't know Cole was a mad classic movie fan from what I saw of his posters in his room. There was a loud crash and we all sprinted to where the sound come from then all shit hit the fan. Cole just lost it! I've never seen him get angry he always seemed easy going. He cut the music and got everyone out of the house then disappeared upstairs banging on doors, me and Cassie watch our classmates run around picking up items of clothing from different states of undress, swaying from the drinking and walked out the door. I turned to Cassie and we watched Bradley run up the stairs to where Cole is shouting at someone. "Fuck something bad is going down" Cassie whispers and I look towards the door. "Maybe we should start tidying up, you know help Bradley out it's not his fault" I say then we look towards the door as Bradley stomps back down the stairs and gets a bag of ice out of the freezer and places it on his knuckles. "Who did you punch?" Cassie asks "Dillion Michaels, he was fucking Britney on our parents bed, she knew that room was out of bounds" He says shaking his head as he looks up just as Dillion walks towards the door head down. Cole is still upstairs then Britney comes down bag on shoulder and looks over at us "oh the losers are helping with the clean up how nice, to know where you stand" "fuck off Britney" Bradley says not looking at her she stares at him shocked then she walks out the door slamming it behind her "what an absolute bitch" Cassie mutters "agreed" I say.

Cole comes down the stairs and is surprised to see us still here and cleaning up after his party, he is embarrassed never thought I would see Cole embarrassed he wouldn't look at Bradley in the eye or actually any of us. I look at Cole then to Bradley and Cassie, "are you okay Cole?" I ask after moments of silence, he clears his throat "Bradley..." he addresses his brother, "don't Cole I can't talk to you right now I need to  calm down, Dad returns in 48 hours from now" Bradley says looking at his brother then walks round stands a chair up right and wipes down the table. "Lisa can you help me in the reception room?" Cole asks me looking at me then walks out grabbing a garage bag on the way out. I look at Bradley and Cassie "you two going to be okay in here" I ask them, Cassie nods at me as a response. I head out and walk straight into Cole's back "oh sorry" I mutter. "It's okay Lisa, I've fucked up massively and the only people who are here to help are friends of my brothers" Cole says embarrassed. "Cole I don't got to parties, I never get invited to them I like to stay in the shadows I hate alcohol and drugs due to my dad, he left when I was five" I tell him. "Do you still speak to him?" he ask as we enter and start picking up the cups and throwing them in the garage bag "I don't know where he is or if he is alive or dead" I tell him  "I am sorry about your mom Cole it must be hard loosing a parent at the age of thirteen" I say placing a hand on his forearm then walk over and flip the couch cushions over. "We need stain remover Cole" I saying looking at the stain forming on the arm of the couch. "Bradley where's the stain remover?" He shouts out and I roll my eyes "Under the sink dumbass" He calls back and he leaves the room briefly then comes back I take it from him "you know how to use this?" he asks me coming over and watching me attack the stain "Well it's been just me and my mom for so long that I just know how to keep a house in order" I say shrugging my shoulders "we have a house cleaner who normally tidies up after my parties my brother refuses to help as its my mess" He says embarrassed as he looks around taking in what we have to do before morning. "Come on Cole we can get this done as long as me and Cassie can crash in one of the spare rooms that has not had drunken teenagers having sex in it's too late to get a cab but we need to check all rooms for any condoms" I say flinching and screwing up my nose. "Me and Bradley will check the rooms it's the least I can do after you're helping me" He says embarrassed again. He leaves the room to go and talk to Bradley as Cassie comes in to see how we are getting on. "So we are crashing at the Morris's house" she lifts a brow " don't look at me like that, by the time we are done here it will be almost morning we crash in a room then leave early afternoon or so" I say looking at my bestie. She rolls her eyes "fine "anyway I thought you and Bradley were getting cosy earlier" I whisper as I continue to pick up red cups and find a bra behind the couch and stuff it in the garage bag whoever lost it is a slag.

Cole and Bradley come back down the stairs after checking all the guest bedrooms (there were only three to check) for any condoms or items of clothing. Each holding a t-shirt for me and Cassie. "Room looks great Lisa" Cole says looking around then eyes landing on me. "Thanks" I say looking back at him. "Do you two want a drink?" Bradley ask looking at me and Cassie "water would be great thank you" I say feeling rather dry mouthed. "Do you two want to share a room or seprate rooms" Cole asks as the four of us head to the kitchen. I look at Cassie and shrug a shoulder "I don't mind" "we'll share a room" Cassie says repling. Both Cole and Bradley nod "well here is a t-shirt for you both to sleep in" Cole says handing histto me and Bradley's to Cassie. "Thanks Cole" I leave the kitchen and find the first guest room to get undresssed in. Laying my clothes on the chair I take of my bra leaving on brazilian briefs of course and pull Cole's t-shirt over my head it smells just like him. The t-shirt stops at my midthigh and I walk back out of the room.

As I leave the room Cole appears wear pyjama bottoms that hug at his hips and no t-shirt showing off his abs. He stops just as I do and we stare at each other for a moment. "Lisa you look hot wearing my t-shirt" Cole says taking a couple steps towards me as the surrounding area around us starts to sizzle with some sort of heat between us like there's a pull happening that you can not ignore. "You aren't wearing a bra are you?" Cole says his flicking to my chest, my lips finially back to my eyes. "How...did you...know? I Stutter "your nipples are pointing" He responses in a sort of low whisper. "Shit" I say trying to cover the girls up. "Don't cover yourself, you are gorgeous" Cole whispers now he is so close to me I feel his breath on my skin. He has cleaned his teeth as I can smell minty freashness.

Cole takes my arms away from my chest and places one of my hands on his bare chest feeling his heart beat under my palm and my other hand placed on his forearm "what...are you doing?" I whisper he places one of his hands on my hip and brings my body closer to him so we are chest to chest sort of. I look into his eyes and they are flashing with something I am not sure oh shit is Cole going to kiss me? Fuck this is happening I can't look away, I lift my head slightly as his lowers and our lips touch the lightest of kisses till we hear a door close somewhere and we spring apart, our own spell broken. Cole clears his throat "erm...good night I guess" he says rubbing the back of his neck and then walking away not giving me a second glance till his bedroom door shuts behind.

Cassie comes out of the room we are sharing "what are you doing out here?" She asks me and looks up and down the coridoor. I just stand there blinking thinking of an answer "oh to get some water" I mutter and turn to my bestie "I brought one in for you" she says and I blush at the lie "lets go to bed then, mom is coming home tomorrow so I want to be there when she gets home" I say turning looking briefly at Cole's door then walk into our room throwing the covers back and getting in. "What time shall I set an alarm for?" Cassie asks placing her cell on the bedside table "how about midday?" I whisper fighting sleep "sure" Cassie sets it then placing the phone face down and turns on her side and I listen to her breathing it helps me fall asleep better in a bed I don't know.

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