Chapter 25

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So mom and Michael are married and they are on their honeymoon hopefully relaxing after the awful confrontation with Richard during their wedding, hearing his words about me still go around in my head but Cole was amazing throughout, last night was so hot doing a strip down for him with a blow job to finish but then we got hot and steamy and ended up falling asleep at like 3am. At this current time Cole is still asleep beside me, I love watching him, I rest my elbows and arms on his his bare chest and lay my head down listening to his heart beat under my ear. I feel his hand come round and stroke up and down my back "hmm I like this waking up with you good morning gorgeous" he says keeping his eyes closed knowing I am awake. "hmm morning but I know a way to wake you up even better" I say placing  a kiss on his peck where his heart is and let my hand move down his body pass his cock standing to attention and cups his balls giving them a quick massage and gentle squeeze. 

"hmm feels good" Cole says stroking my hair as I play with his balls, he opens one eye and looks at me "come here" Cole say bringing my lips to his it starts off gentle but soon our kisses turn hot and steamy. I'm getting turned on my clit pulsing with need to have Cole's cock inside me and I know Cole is just as turned on as I am for sure so I decide to take a lead getting us in the mood I sit up placing my legs either side of Cole's hips and a line myself so his cock can enter me as I bring my body down, we both moan as he hits my special spot, I make the pace Cole has his hands on my hips "play with your breasts Lis" I have never done that before and I blush at the thought. "I can't" I mutter looking down at Cole and he doesn't push me I circle my hips allowing the pleasure to build "Cole you close?" I pant watching Cole's expression change knowing he was close to release now. "So close babe" He sits up so we are nose to nose and this movement has him deeper inside me and we come together breathing hard just as we we coming down for our climax there's a knock at Cole's door. 

I climb off his lap mine and Cole's juices run down the inside of my thigh as Cole pulls the cover over us "what is it Bradley?" Cole calls just as both Bradley and Cassie come in "shit you didn't say Cassie was with you" Cole says protecting my nudity "oh I've seen Lisa's pussy before nothing to be ashamed off" Cassie says smiling at me giving me a wink and I blush even more than ever. "What! when?" Cole asks looking from me to Cassie and back again "best friends talk you know girl code and all" I say lifting a shoulder "yeah that's fine but me and Bradley never compared cock sizes but I would jokingly brag mine was bigger" Cole says smirking at his brother who rolls his eyes. "Anyway we came in here to say we are going to use the pool and I was thinking of turning it into a pool party just us four I mean we will be leaving for University soon so lets make the most of it" Bradley says that's when I realise they were both dressed in swimming stuff. "Plus me and Lis hasn't have a chance to have a girlie catch up in like forever plus it's gorgeous day for a BBQ which I hear yours are legendary Cole" Cassie says smiling at us "I do want a catch up but do you guys mind if we meet you down there you know we are kind of naked here" I say pulling the bed sheet higher. 

"Come on Cass we will see them downstairs they won't be long I am sure Lisa's pussy has had enough of Cole's cock for a little while" Bradley jokes then ducks as Cole chucks a pillow in his direction and I place my head in my hands with embarrassment "you heard us?" I ask embarrassed "the moans and groans, squeaking of the mattress were a good indication of what went down between you two" Bradley says as they walked out "oh my god! this is so embarrassing" I say throwing back the covers "come on Lis I give it to you good Bradley is just jealous" Cole laughs and I get up and walk to my bedroom butt naked too embarrassed and angry to respond back to him. I open my room and go to my swimsuit draw looking at different bikinis I pick up a pink Pokka dot one and the bottoms come with a matching skirt, the top as a bow in the middle, I feel sexy in it but it's not showing too much, I find my favourite pair of flip flops and sunglasses then I am ready. 

Cole waits for me outside my room looking like an Abercrombie and Fitch model in swimming trunks and flip flops his abs on show and seeing him like this is pant melting, clit pulsing but I am still annoyed at how he responded to his brother comment about our sex life. "Lis are you angry with me for something?" Cole asks me as I walk past him "maybe just keep what we do private" I state "babe you can be loud but I love it when you are it's nothing against you and I am sorry did I have offended you in someway it was never my intention okay" Cole says lightly grabbing my wrist so I stop and look at him and I can see the regret on his face so my angry subsides "okay I forgive you" I state giving him a peck and we head outside to meet up with Bradley and Cass. No-one mentions the conversation so me and Cass slip into the pool whilst the boys go and make us some mocktails, "so did you enjoy the wedding?" I ask Cassie "yeah it was beautiful the speeches everything but I noticed you all disappeared for a bit was everything okay does Michael and your mom accept you and Cole?" Cassie asks me. 

I take a  deep breath "yeah they have been really accepting of us actually I think they just want an easy life especially now mom is pregnant" I say and Cassie gasps "no-way what a spanner in the words does that change anything I mean that baby is going to be a half brother or sister" "I know but that's not the only thing during the speeches my dad turns up calling me little brat and wanting money selling his rights to being my father as apparently mom trapped him when she fell pregnant with me plus he never wanted kids in the first place, he blames me for turning to drugs" I finish tears coming to my eyes as I reply the conversation. Cole notices I'm getting upset and comes to the edge of the pool crouching down he places a finger under my chin lifting my face and wiping my tears away in such a caring matter with his thumb. "What's wrong Lis" he asks me "Just thinking about the conversation yesterday as I was telling Cassie what went down" I respond embarrassed for crying "I am sorry I brought it up" Cassie says hugging me "no don't be you needed to know" I say hugging her back "Lis those words he said to you you need to ignore you are amazing and that is down to your mom nothing more" Cassie says and Cole nods "she's right my girlfriend is amazing" he says smiling at me and I smile back at him. 

"yo Cole!" Bradley yells opening up the bbq grill Cole looks up from me "shall we make a start on getting some food cook?" "yes bro I'll be over just checking my girl is okay" Cole shouts back then bends forward and gives me a kiss worth a thousand words. Cassie fans herself besides me when Cole pulls away and stands up heading towards his brother. "So you and Bradley going well?" I ask trying to keep my voice cool. "Well we are really good thanks and he's been so sweet when I've been away face timing me and everything how did we become so lucky to be dating the hottest twins" Cassie says looking at Bradley all dreamy "I know but I am nervous about Berkeley and the girls that are going to try and get Cole's attention" I state my inner fears "Lis you are beautiful and Cole is besotted with you to the point I mean you two are totally honest with one another plus your sex life is good right?" Cassie asks me and I blush at the last part "but aren't we a little young to be thinking about settling down and being with that one person" I ask out loud "Lis you need to ask yourself if Cole asked you today to be his forever what would your answer be?" Cassie asks me looking at me dead in the face "yes of course without question" I state not even having to think about the possibilities of anyone else "well there is your answer" Cassie says then gets out the pool to dry off, leaving myself to wonder. 

"Hey Lis the burgers are almost done you want to get out and dry off before you turn into a prune?" Bradley calls out to me and I swim to the steps as Cole is there with a towel for me. 

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