Chapter 9

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Dinner was okay but I felt bad that Helen had to tidy up after us so I had to help her and Cole could tell something was up with Helen so he offered to stay with me and help tidy up, he sent her home to take the night off which I thought was really nice of him actually. Bradley was so excited to have Cassie here that he kind of left us to it. I stacked the plates and he showed me the way to the kitchen and he filled the sink with soap and water and we washed up and he dried I flicked some water at him as a bit of a joke and he grabbed me making me giggle and blush, then the next thing I knew our bodies were so close and I watched as he lowered his head and our lips met. 

Our first kiss I mean proper kiss and he was such a good kisser I can't believe I'm kissing Cole Morris I mean I have dreamt about it for so much. I feel him pick me up and then next thing I feel is my arse sitting down on the cold marble counter our lips never leaving it's like my tongue chasing his I feel his hands on my legs. I pull away breathing hard a kiss never felt so good and I know at the back of my head we are soon to be step-siblings but we are so good together. "Do you fancy watching tv in my room?" Cole asks me eyes burning with desire. "Sure" I say bringing my hands to the back of his head stroking his hair, he looked surprised I think he thought I was going to argue with him but after that kiss I would drop and give him everything anyway. 

We make our way upstairs as Bradley and Cassie are kind of busy, I do not want to think of my best friends getting busy but as we reached the landing heading to Cole's room but we can hear some sexual moaning going on behind closed doors and I can not believe they are going at it. Cole gives me a look and he hurry's up the pace and we reach his room and I head straight to his double bed and get comfy moving to the head of his bed sitting my back to the pillows, Cole followed suit switching on his 50 inch wall flat screen tv bringing up the Netflix menu and me being the theatre geek I am automatically went to the musical section and to my surprise Shrek the musical came up filmed in Broadway so of course I had to put it on. Cole didn't comment on my choice just watched me get comfy by pulling me closer to him, resting my head on his chest as he places one hand behind his head and the other running his fingers through my hair it was very relaxing and a couple thing to do but it felt so good. 

The opening song came on and I couldn't help but mouth along with the words that was my dream to appear or work in Broadway New York along with Bradley and Cassie with me besides of course Cole. I know it seems along shot and maybe we won't work out but I hope we do. "Look at the staging Cole" I say in awe of just how magical it all is, "you want to end up in Broadway don't you?" Cole says looking down at me and I can not help but smile at his question he lowers his head so our lips touch I brought my hand to cup his cheek and held it there, it is like I can not get enough to touch him. The musical played on and we seemed to lost in each other then there's a knock on the door and we jump apart as Cole's dad appears "hey son me and Sally are going to call it a night sorry Lisa we do have a guest room and I am sure Cole can show you where it is" Michael says and we look at each other and smile "hey does Bradley know you're going to bed and is Cassie staying too?" Cole asks I wanted to know too "no Cassie has just left so you may have a third person joining you" Michael says and we just nod our little fingers linked so Michael can't see. "Goodnight Michael" I say "night dad" Cole says and Michael closes the door to then Bradley appears a few moments later to which Cole flips on to his back "great now we won't get any alone time" he mutters and I give him a quick glance and shy smile "we will get more chances you know" I whisper in his ear. 

"Hey you two want to watch a horror movie?" Bradley asks coming into the room Cole roll his eyes "you know I don't like horror Brad" I say making room on the bed for Brad to lay down with me in between the twins just so I could get closer to Cole really. "I'll hold you close and keep you safe" Cole whispers in my ear as he moves some of my hair out of my face and gives me the cutest smile. "Hey Brad how is Cassie?" I ask as I didn't get to see my best friend "she's good sorry I didn't help tidy up or get her to say hi to you" Bradley says embarrassed "your dick did the talking right?" Cole asks lifting a brow I slap his chest and he laughs while Bradley just shrugs "oh my god! you two are having sex now" I lean back more into Cole "Bradley I noticed something kind of off about Helen tonight" Cole says and I am glad Cole changed the subject from my two best friends getting it on so that must mean they've lost their virginities to each other. "What you mean?" Bradley asks propping himself on to his elbow "just see seemed really tired, had dark circles under her eyes and seemed to have lost some weight, I know she was slim before but I don't know she's been like a second mom to us sorry Lisa" Cole says looking at me as he said it still emotional close to the surface and to be honest I did not take any offence to it. "It's okay" I say patting his hand. "Maybe we could ask her if there is anything wrong?" Bradley says "yeah but if Cassie texts you you'll back out of coming with me to talk to Helen" Cole says and I flick my head back and forth between the two guys. "I won't do bro promise you and you know my promises stick" Bradley says 

"So shall we watch a movie?" I ask changing the subject trying to lighten the room "oh have you heard of The Exorcists?" Bradley asks "isn't that the most horror film of all time?" I ask him reading the blur of the film already panicking about it. "Lisa it's okay if you don't want to sleep alone tonight you can crash here with me" Cole says giving me a wink as Bradley gets comfy next to me as the film begins. I naturally scoot closer to Cole and he brings his arm around me, "squeeze my hand if you get scared or turn your head into my chest and close your eyes and I'll tell you when it's over" Cole whispers. Half way through the film Bradley yawns and pauses the film as the girl is walking down the stairs in a crab position. "I'll going to go to bed see you in the morning Lisa, Cole treat her well" Bradley says getting up and stretching "night Bradley" I say moving away from Cole as he turned off the tv and Bradley left us "is it okay to use the bathroom and can I borrow a t-shirt to sleep in?" I ask not wanting to sleep in my jeans and top. "Yeah of course to both" Cole says getting up and going to my chest of draws bringing out the t-shirt she borrowed once before. I finish up in the bathroom finding a spare toothbrush under the sink and clean my teeth then turn off the light. As I re-enter Cole's room and watch his movements he is wearing basketball shorts with Calvin Klein boxers showing at the top. 

"I'm finished if you want to use the bathroom" I say in a quiet voice and Cole turns shirtless of course and I can not help but look at his abs again with the deep V at his hips, he smiles watching me as I let my eyes travel up his body. "I'm going to go and brush my teeth get under the covers I don't mind which side you pick" Cole says as he walks pass me. I go over to his mini fridge and get out bottles of water for us. I place a bottle on each side of the bed and I go in the side closest to the bathroom so I could I watch Cole leave the bathroom and so I am furthest from the door because I am scared. The bathroom door opened and Cole steps out seeing me in his bed he smiles as he walks round and slides in under the covers laying on his back looking up at the ceiling whilst I lay on my side. "You know I have had plenty of dreams having you here in my bed" Cole says "really?" I say looking over at him "yeah I have always fancied you Lisa just never acted on my feelings" Cole says looking at me "wow did you know I fancied you too then?" I ask "yeah I did but I knew you didn't want the attention to date the quarterback so I left you alone" Cole says turning onto his side I do the same so I am facing him "so what are we doing?" I ask pointing him then at me "well I would really like to take you out for dinner just us too and maybe go indoor skating with Cassie and Bradley or just us" Cole says placing his hand on my waist. "I would really like that Cole thank you" I say blushing and we both lean in our lips meeting our tongues chasing each others, we pull apart "We should get some sleep you know and maybe on our date I will ask you an important question" Cole says blushing I love seeing his nervous side. "Night Cole and thank you for letting me stay in your room" I say giving him a quick kiss then turning onto my other side and feeling Cole pull me into is body so he could spoon me. I could feel his cock harden under my bum but I didn't want to say anything and we fell asleep quite quickly and it was great, felt like I always belonged in his arms. 

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