Chapter 21

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So today is mom and Michaels wedding day, me and mom stayed at the hotel near the venue the night before so we can have some last minute girlie time. There is a knock at our hotel room door so I get up and go to the door as mom just opens the bathroom door. There is a woman standing there with a make-up case and bag of some kind "Good morning, I am here for the bride and bridesmaid of the Hudson-Morris wedding" She smiles "you are at the right room" I say opening the door as my phone rings, I smile as Cole's name flashes on my screen as mom takes a seat in the chair and I take my phone in the bathroom so I can talk to my boyfriend "morning beautiful, I missed you last night" he says and I smiled "morning handsome and I miss you too I dreamed about you last night" I say down the line and I hear him shift about must still be in bed. "What happened in your dream" Cole asks lowing his voice "you putting on your sexy voice" I say breathlessly he has this effect on me every time. "Lis I'm naked and I can not wait to see you all dressed up so tell me was this dream a naughty one? Did it involve us two naked somewhere doing something dirty" Cole says and I moan by just how turned on I am from that sentence alone. "Jeez Cole I want you so much right now but moms started to get ready and then it will be my turn" I mutter lowering my voice. "I'm sorry babe but my body misses you but I will make it up to you" Cole says and I smile "Hey Cole get up you lazy arse!" Bradley shouts "tell Bradley I say hello and see you in a few hours" I say "love you Lis" I smile never getting tired of Cole saying that. "Love you right back" then we hang up.

 I left the bathroom and they are just finished mom's nails she is in a dressing robe with bride in the back and I'm in my bridesmaid pyjamas. There's another knock at the door and mom answers it trying not to knock her nails as I sit in the chair to get mine done, going for a French tip so it was a very pale pink with a white tip. She opens the door and the wedding photographer comes in along with the flowers and a gift box for her and me. "Wonder what's in the box" I say as I nod my head curiosity getting the better of me "I don't know love, oh there's one for you I think it's from Cole" mom says and I start getting excited thinking of what he could of bought me. "Right I need the bride back so I can start on hair and make up" the woman says and I get out of the chair and sit on the bed watching my mom transform, the photographer gets everything set up and starts taking pictures. "Mom can I open my gift" I ask getting excited like it's Christmas "of course" mom smiles at me as she watches me opening the box. A card falls out 

Dear my darling Lisa, 

welcome to the family, I missed you last night and I don't want to be apart from you again, my bed felt so cold without you with me (Bradley was not a good substitute) that makes me laugh out loud then I continue to read I know you are going to look amazing today and I can not wait to see you walk down the aisle today and I hope maybe one day we will be at the end of the aisle me waiting for you. I gasp at that sentence mom looks over and I smile back at her I know you are thinking what the hell! but you own my heart Lisa, actually you own all of me and I am the most happiest that I have ever been so please accept this gift and wear it today. 

All my love 

Cole xxx

I open the box and inside is a simple silver necklace with a diamond hanging down with matching studs to match. I lift them up and show my mom  and she just smiles "gorgeous darling" I grab my phone and send a text to Cole wiping away a tear "oh Cole you made me cry, thank you so much for the lovely gift, I miss you so much can not wait to kiss you later and sneak away to our hotel room because I am sure your dad and mom are going to need this room 😉they can't get more pregnant. xx❤xx

I get a reply "you are welcome 😊 and I can not wait to slow dance with you later and make up for the hours we have spent apart. Xxx"

I can not believe Cole had bought me a gift it was so thoughtful of him I put the earrings in and place the necklace around my neck and sit back watching everything go on around me. Once the make up lady was done with mom she looked like a model who could be on the front page of a magazine because she is beautiful, her hair was up in  a bun with the tiara siting on top and the veil coming out and down to her shoulders as she didn't want a long one. "Mom you look beautiful" I say getting emotional and she opens her arms just as the last touch of lip gloss is placed on her lips and I walked into her arms and buried my head into the crook of her neck. She kissed my head "I love you darling and I am so incredibly proud of the young adult you are becoming" I look at my mom proudness shining through her green eyes. "Try not to cry because it will ruin your make-up" The woman says "now it's time for the bridesmaid turn to get glammed up" The stylist says and I switch with mom. 

I start by getting my nails done it's a pale pink with a  French white tip I sit there whilst a photographer takes my pictures, mom opens her gift box from Michael and it's a gorgeous real silver bracelet covered in diamonds with tear dropped earrings to match but the drop is a real pearl and three little diamonds. Mom puts them in and the bracelet on and it throws colour around the room as the sunshine it's the diamonds at certain points. 

An hour or two later I am standing at the end of the aisle looking at the three men standing there in their matching suits all looking handsome what good genes the Morris men have. As I look them over my eyes meet Cole's and he smiles at me. The wedding march starts all played by string instruments and I make my way down, the guests standing each side my moms parents died before I was born and mom was an only child and the Morris side was similar so the wedding guests consist of celebrities I have never heard of but Michael has helped in court, work friends and partners in business. I am buzzing I made it to the aisle without falling flat on my face then I stand opposite Cole and watch my mom walk down to meet Michael. She looked beautiful and I knew I was crying along with our guests. Bradley handed the rings over then I heard mom say the most important two words "I do" and watching Michael slide the ring on to her finger I realise Cole, Bradley and I are officially stepsiblings. 

Watching the happy couple kiss made me think about my own happy ever after and wondered if it was Cole who I would be spending the rest of my life with and I do for sure see that happening. Mom takes her flowers back "Now will you all please stand and cheer for the new Mr & Mrs Michael Morris" the registrar states the photographer gets into position to get the perfect shot I follow behind with Cole one side and Bradley the other side. "You look stunning Lis" Cole says to me and I blush smiling "thank you and so do you two" I say back and we enter the hall for the wedding breakfast and speeches to begin. 

I find my seat and sit down with Cole and Bradley then Michael and mom walk in hand in hand after photos and they come and sit down except Michael doesn't he stands wanting to get his speech out of the way. "Ladies and Gentlemen thank you so much for spending the day with me and my new wife in celebrating our love. As you know five years ago was a very difficult time for me and the boys I lost the love of my life and the boys lost their mother but then I met this woman here sitting beside and she just turned my life around from when I thought life was black and white after I lost Rose she made me see colour again and for that I am grateful plus she also has a smart, quick wit and beautiful daughter who I now call stepdaughter because I would never replace her real dad. Maybe one day she wouldn't be a stepdaughter but a daughter-in-law" I gasp and look out at the drunk faces to see if they knew who he was talking about but nothing they were drunk from the endless free bar. From that sentence I knew Michael had accepted me and Cole as a couple and I placed my head on his shoulder and he pressed his lips to my head. "So now please raise you glass to Sally and Lisa welcoming them to the Morris family officially" Michael bends down and kisses mom and the women in the room swoon "oh I almost forgot to mention as today is a celebration of love but also of new life! me and Sally are expecting" the room cheers and claps then sits back down as Michael passes the mic to his sons. 

Out of the corner of my eye I notice the double doors open a tiny bit and someone slips through them unnoticed by mom and Michael who are looking up at Bradley and Cole who are about to start their speech but I will not accept the person who walked out on me and mom to return thirteen years later on mom's wedding day or all days. How did he get in here in the first place is an answer to a question before mom can see him.

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