Chapter 4

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Fuck!! Lisa looked so fuckable in my t-shirt knowing she had no bra on underneath the shirt made me so hard plus her legs looked unreal. Normally I am a boob fan but Lisa has the best of both worlds just enough for me to cup those breasts of hers in my hands and a palm full of arse. I am laying here in my bed throwing a football to the ceiling and back catching it every time trying to ignore the throbbing in my cock. I flip on to my stomach and place my hands under the pillow, my cock is screaming in protest, Fuck am I going to have to rub one out whilst the girl I dream about every night almost unless I have a game the next day is just down the corridor from my room. I try to hear any sound but there is nothing. I flip onto my back and pull my pyjamas bottoms down so I am naked in bed I mean I sleep naked most of the time anyway only pyjamas on when we have guests or my dad has lady callers, except lately there hasn't been any I know he's been busy preparing the opening of his new law office. 

Yes my mine and Bradley's dad is none other than Michael Morris lawyer to the rich and famous, you name them and my dad has had to deal with them of some sort in one way or another. Of course we can not name drop for certain reasons but I know my friends have swung by if me or Bradley had muttered a single name of someone then they try to see them to ask for something to be signed. Bradley has told Lisa and Cassie about past cases our dad has worked on but they don't bat an eyelid and I like that. We lost our mom five years ago to a drunk driver she was on her way to collect me from football practice Bradley was in the car with her because his theatre club was cancelled due to teacher being sick. Mom was killed on impact as the drunk driver ran a red light trying not to get caught by the police. Bradley luckily only came away with a few cuts and a broken leg. I felt his pain that day so the twin thing they say is real, he is the sensible twin and I am the fun one but he is only older by two minutes. 

I quickly wipe away alone tear that had escaped me when I think about mom my cock has  softened since I was thinking about mom and the accident. I drift off to sleep not fighting to keep my eyes away any longer and then next thing I know is hearing our special knock on my door and the smell of coffee. "One second Brad mate" I throw my cover back and find my pyjama bottoms at the end of my bed and pull them on and throw open my bedroom door to find Bradley there dressed in bottoms same as mine just in a different colour and a plan grey t-shirt. "Are Lisa and Cassie up?" I yawn rubbing my eyes "yeah they are leaving in about half an hour Lisa said something about her mom coming back from a trip and she wants to be there when she gets home. Plus you had Dillion turn up again to apologise" Bradley says handing over a mug of coffee I did not notice he had been holding. "Thanks bro always looking out for yours truly" I say jokingly and he rolls his eyes at me. "Has Helen started on making breakfast? I am in the mood for an all American fry-up" I say walking down towards the kitchen as I hear Lisa and Cassie talk in hushed tones. "Don't stop on my account ladies" I say as I strut into the kitchen with Bradley shaking his head. "Morning Helen my gorgeous woman, how are we?" I slide onto the bar stall next to Lisa making sure my leg brushes against hers on purpose. She blushes and picks up her own mug. "Morning Cole" Helen says beaming at me and places a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of Lisa and Cassie. I watch them dig in liking the fact that these two girls don't care what they eat they just enjoy food and I love that. Britney would often order a salad whenever we went out and then moan about the food and try to steal some of my fries or such. 

"So do you kids have any plans now that the summer holidays have officially started and now on the countdown to when you leave here and start your college life" Helen asks us making conversation Lisa puts her folk down, swallows her mouthful before speaking I have noticed I tune into whatever Lisa has to say on about anything really. Around school she kept her head down and was quiet but she never got bullied because my brother was her friend and him being my twin gave some power to protect her and I would shut Britney down and ice her out if she spoke badly of Lisa. "Oh my mom is coming back from a vacation today so I am going to be home then start sorting out my life putting it into boxes to get ready to move to Berkeley" Lisa says "oh what are you studying?" Helen asks she has been like another mom to me and Bradley. "Theatre, major in stage direction" Lisa says "and what about you Cassie?" Helen asks "Theatre but major in costume design" She says blushing. "Bright girls the two of you" Helen says then dishes up my breakfast, I watch everyone around me as they are distracted Bradley talking to Cassie and Lisa that I slide my hand off the bar top and place it on Lisa's knee she stops still like frozen then relaxes and continues talking to Bradley and Cassie so I can enjoy the feeling of her skin under my hand and I want more. 

It's time for Lisa and Cassie to leave but me and Bradley agreed we would drop them off. I call out to my brother grabbing my car keys, wallet and cell I had already showered and was dressed in basketball shorts and t-shirt. "I hope you have kept my t-shirt" I whisper into Lisa's ear and I watch her shudder placing her hand over her bag and gives me a little smile just for me then a blank expression when Cassie and Bradley come down the stairs. "Right so we drop Cassie off first then Lisa" I say as I open the front door and unlock my car, Bradley offers Lisa to sit shotgun as he can sit in the back with Cassie. I look at him in my mirror catching his eye knowing what he is trying to do and I give him my best smirk communicating to him without saying anything. "Lisa you can be in charge of music" I say passing my iPhone opening the Spotify app  for her to go through I am interested in what her taste in music is like. She starts putting on some classic film soundtracks and I look over at her and she gives me a sly smile and lifts a shoulder like 'and what I like film soundtracks' I glance down at the sat nav "Cassie we are coming up to your road" I say looking at my brother who nods back at me. 

We pull into Cassie's driveway and we all get out, Lisa hugs her goodbye and I hear her say she will text her later. I want Lisa's number but I can't ask her maybe Bradley could give it to me then I hug her "thank you again for helping clean up my mess yesterday, you are a good friend to my brother" I get back into the car leaving my brother to talk to Cassie alone. I turn to Lisa "so besides me loosing my shit last night did you enjoy your first/last high school party?" I ask waiting to hear her option on such night, "well being a third wheel to those two whilst they get cosy wasn't fun bumping into you after you and Britney not fun, but it did turn out okay in the end" She says blushing "are you referring to our kiss?" I ask wondering if she would bring it up. "Was it a kiss though?" She asks looking directly back at me. "No I guess not but that is a kiss" I point to my brother and Cassie locking lips. "Knew it, knew he liked her and she liked him" Lisa says watching her best friend and my brother, we sit in silence then watch Bradley break away both me and Lisa start an applause, Cassie places her head into Bradley's chest and he laughs shaking his head at us. It is going to be so much fun taking the piss out of him. I am so glad we are all going to University together now. I know I am on the football programme but I am majoring in classic film studies, I want to make films if football doesn't take over my life and I don't make a career out of it. 

Bradley gets back in the car once Cassie shuts her front door, me and Lisa both turn round at the same time "don't" Bradley says clicking his seatbelt into place, Lisa throws her hands up in a surrender motion and I do the same then put the car into reverse and head towards Lisa's house, We pull into her driveway of a two story bungalow, I kind of expected something like this especially when she told me her dad left when she was five and her mom has worked two jobs. I undo my seatbelt and so does Bradley, I walk round and open the passenger door for her. "Thank you" she mutters slightly embarrassed and I know it's because of what we have compared to hers. "Lisa please don't be embarrassed" I tuck a hair behind her ear she slightly leans into my touch. "Thank you for the lift home Cole" She then hugs me and I don't want to let her go but I do, "Look after you mom and send me a text later so we can arrange when we are all going to arrive at Berkeley together" Bradley says giving Lisa a hug then letting her go and sliding into the passenger seat. "Catch you later Lisa" I say looking at my feet embarrassed give her a kiss on the cheek then head to my car. She unlocks her front door and I reveres from her drive. 

"You really like Lisa don't you?" Bradley ask me as we head back to ours "what makes you say that?" I ask him keeping my eyes on the road. "I've never seen you get embarrassed as much as you do when you are around her" Bradley states looking out of the window. "I guess I do then don't I" I mutter to myself but out loud "if you want to know she has always had a crush on you too" Bradley says looking at me out the corner of his eye. "I haven't even got her number though" I state fingers drumming on the steering wheel "I'll give it to you but I have to ask her first if that's okay" Bradley says "what about the warning you gave me last night telling me to stay away from her" I say waiting for the lights to turn green. "I was wrong to think you were just going to use her for your own selflessness just seeing you get embarrassed, shy not the cocky bastard you claim to be" Bradley says lightly punching me on my arm. 

We arrive back home and we play some video games in the cinema room like brothers do and it's nice being just me and Bradley because things are changing and I am not sure I am going to like it. 

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