Chapter 7

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Mom texted me this morning saying she's sorry she didn't come home last night must be some work friend she's seeing but today is a new day and I tidy and wash up from last nights dinner and once I'm happy with how tidy everything is I get out on of my favourite book which of course is 'Romeo and Juliet' I always wanted to play Juliet and always dreamt of Cole playing my Romeo, I know I am cheesy but I don't care because no-one will ever know. 

My phone buzzes I quickly look and see that Cole has texted me it's the first time today and to be honest with you I really like hearing from him, yeah he was a player and popular in school but since the start of summer we have started to become friends I guess. Anyway whilst I was drifting off to daydreaming I didn't hear my mom back home. "Lisa can you come here please we need to talk" I head into the lounge and mom is sitting on the couch playing with her ring. "Mom what's up?" I sit down next to her "okay so this is kind of big news and I don't want you to get upset with me" she says looking at her ring then to me then back to her ring. "Mom I am a big girl now will be going off to University soon so please tell me" I take her hand in mine to show support. "Well I didn't tell you the truth last night, I met up with my new guy Michael is his name and we are planning to get married at the end of the summer at his house that he shares with his sons they are twins" Mom tells me "wow mom that soon" I am surprised it is that soon. 

"Mom are you happy? I know dad left us and it's just been us but if you are happy then I am happy for you. Have you met the twins now? are they my age?" I ask wanting to know more about my new stepbrothers. "yes they are your age and they are going to Berkeley I think one is a football player and the other I think likes theatre like you" I try and play surprised but I think I know who mom is talking about and I am freaking out deep inside. "Mom what are the name of Michael's twins?" I ask wanting clarification on what I am thinking  "oh I think their names are Cole and Bradley" Mom says and I drop my mouth open shit!! Cole is going to going to be my new stepbrother so he is going to be off-limits to me not fair. I cross my arms over chest and let out a deep breathe. "Mom I know Cole and Bradley Morris, Bradley is a good friend of mine and Cole is becoming a friend of mine too" I say looking at my hands "oh good that you are friends with them already I thought it was going to be awkward" Mom say "are you going to be okay with all this?" she asks me. I have to be don't I maybe I can have fun with Cole before my mom and his dad tie the knot I need to contact Cole and Bradley. I stand up "Mom I'm going to need about five minutes is that okay" I ask her "sure and don't worry about dinner we can order take out for a change" She smiles at me and I walk out of the room. 

I find my phone my head spinning Cole and Bradley are going to be my stepbrothers I dial Cole's number because I need to hear his voice for sure. I realise this is the first time I have ever called Cole and I am nervous he picks up "hey Lisa what's up?" he asks me "is it true?" I ask him not beating around the bush "so she told you then?" he asks shifting about "where are you?" I ask "Oh I am laying on my bed" he says now I can not help but think of him laying there with him then I shake my head he's going to be my stepbrother. "Yeah told me just now and I can't get my head around it we are going to be stepsiblings with you and Bradley" I say sighing down the phone. "Lisa do you want to come here bring your mom and you can hang with us for the evening I am sure my dad wants Sally here and to be honest I kind of want to see you" He says down the phone with slight flirtation in his tone. "I want that too Cole" I say down the phone as I might as well be honest incase nothing happens between us. "Lisa do you have a crush on me?" he asks me with humour "shut up Cole you know I do or if not now you do" I say laying on my back. "Look Lisa can I be honest with you?" He says in a low voice that is really sexy "sure Cole anything" I say turning onto my side phone pressed to my ear. "I have always had a crush on you Lisa you are not like any other girl" he says and I am stunned so I said the first time "then why did you date Britney the bitch then if you liked me for so long" I whisper "because I was embarrassed to ask you out and I know you hate attention so if we dated in school everyone would gossip and you would hate that" he states my deepest fears. We continue to talk till my mom knocks on the door. "Hey sweetie do you fancy going over to Michaels for dinner they have a house keeper" Mom asks from the door I sit up "actually Cole just asked if we wanted to go there" I say to her. "oh good I'll let them know we are going" She turns on her heels and brings out her phone to call Michael. 

**A little later**

Me and mom drive up the Morris's drive way and we park next to Cole's Lexus the one he dropped me home that time. Mom rings the bell and an older gentleman who looks like Cole and Bradley must be their father and mom's fiancé Michael he speaks first. "Sally my love this must be your daughter Lisa, what a lovely girl you have" he shakes my hand and pulls my mom in for a kiss I turn away just as their lips meet. Michael steps aside to let us enter. Cole and Bradley come down stairs I greet them both with a embarrassed shy smile. I get pulled into a hug by Bradley "hey stepsister" he nudges me and I smile "hey stepbrother" I look over at Cole who is standing next to Bradley giving the same smile as mine shy and embarrassed and we hug,, we hug longer that Bradley and I did. "Helen is cooking Italian so I hope you like pasta" Michael says and leads us to the large dinning room with my mom on his arm. Me, Cole and Bradley follow behind with me and Cole brushing fingers. We enter the dinning room and me Bradley and Cole sit one side whilst my mom and Michael sit the other side.

After mine and Cole's phone call things have changed between us there chemistry between us that was lightly burning, as we sat down Helen brought in our food recognising me from one of the girls who stayed over after the massive party where Cole lost his shit, Bradley and Cole shake their head lightly as not to mention anything it seemed like she got the message and smiled. "Thank you" I say smiling at Helen "it's no problem Lisa" she responds "sir, Sally" she addresses my mom and Michael we tuck in to our dinner. I notice Cole's hand move from the table and land on my knee I take in a gasp then reach for my water Cole has never touched me before but I was surprised how good it felt. I reach for my water as Cole leans into me to whisper "I've been dreaming about touching you since I saw you in my t-shirt and now my hand is on your knee I just want to slide it up further to see if you want it as much as I do" then he smiles a shy smile "what do you mean?" I flick my eyes across to my mom and soon to be step father, Bradley was not paying much attention and just eating dinner. "I dare you to touch me Lisa" Cole says flicking his eyes down to his jean covered to crotch "I saw that stepsister" Cole says with a husk to his whisper and a quick wink. I move my hand and place it on his knee "bold move" I look at Cole again then we both go back to our food. "Hey dad can I invite Cassie over, I mean it's great having Sally and Lisa over and this family dinner but Cassie is Lisa's and mine friend and I feel she maybe missing out" Bradley says then rushes "as long as Cole and Lisa are okay with me asking and Sally of course". "Sure son more the merrier and I think we all know Cassie is more than a friend to you" Michael says and Cole sniggers. 

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