Chapter 10

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Dad came in to say goodnight to me and Lisa as him and Sally were heading to bed so that meant Lisa was staying too and I was over the moon. Bradley appears at my door and I could tell he got lucky with Cassie he wanted to loose his virginity to her and I felt proud of him I mean I lost mine to Britney at some house party but I regret it because I wanted Lisa to be my first but Britney wouldn't let me anywhere near her and I hated it but now I get to have her and make her mine and maybe she may let me be her first before we all head off to Uni at the end of summer. Me and Lisa are laying on my bed looking like nothing was going on between us but maybe Bradley could tell something had happened I am not so sure so I am holding my breathe.  

"You joining us Bradley?" Lisa asks moving closer to me as I look at my twin best friend "if Cole's happy to share you?" Bradley asks coming over and laying down on the bed "so you left the dinning room pretty quick once Cassie arrived" I joke with him raising an eye brow "yeah sorry about that and I am sorry I kind of had her all night without her coming down to see you Lisa" Bradley says embarrassed that to me may have hurt her feelings. "It's okay I know you are together now" Lisa says looking at me then to Bradley "so I take it you got lucky then because your cock took over your body" I say "Cole" Lisa says hitting me on my chest "what I am just speaking the truth out loud" I say and Bradley blushes "oh my god! you guys had sex we heard you have sex!" Lisa says leaning back into me and I love it but I almost pretend to gag knowing my dear brother is no longer a virgin and Lisa is the last one remaining. "Anyway lets change the subject please, who fancies a horror movie?" Bradley says not wanting anymore attention on him "you know I hate those types of movies Brad" Lisa says crossing her arms and pouting in a cute way. I lean over so just she can hear "you can lean and cover your face in my chest anytime you get scared I'll keep you safe" I say moving a piece of hair from her face. "Oh bro before I forget there's something going on with Helen, she seems to have lost weight and looking a lot more tired lately" I say wanting to voice my concerns. "She does do a lot of us around the house maybe we should help her out more" Bradley says with concern. 

Halfway through the film Bradley lets out a yawn and gets off the bed "I'm heading to bed, Cole treat her right" Bradley says with a wink "night Brad" Lisa says "night guys behave" He then walks out. I turn off the tv and turn on the bedside lights "I don't want to sleep alone can I sleep here with you" Lisa asks me in a small voice "sure you can plus I will lend you the t-shirt you borrowed last time you stayed" I say getting up and heading over the the chest of draws, I head in to the bathroom to clean my teeth whilst she gets undressed. I walk back into my room and she is already under the cover. I slide in beside her, I feel really nervous having her in my bed it's been a dream of mine for ages. I turn onto my side to face her placing my hand under my pillow "Lisa" I whisper she turns to look at me and smiles "yeah" she whispers "I really want to take you out on a real date soon" I say blushing "I would really like that" She smiles at me and I feel like I am on cloud 9 I bring my head down to hers and our lips meet our tongues chasing each others, I lean away "Lisa I really want to touch you but I won't unless you want me too" I say breathless from our kiss our lips swollen. 

I look into Lisa's eyes they are wide with desire and she gives me a nod I let her keep the t-shirt on I know she has kept her lace boy shorts on under the t-shirt and I am seriously hard and I need a release soon but I just want to touch her and feel her skin under mine. I bring her body close to mine so we can kiss I can't get enough of our kisses her lips feeling perfect against mine I place a hand on her bare thigh sliding it up to cup her ass, she gives a little moan against my lips she must feel how hard I am but she doesn't say anything about it. My hand continues even though I want it to stay on her ass but I want to feel her tits so I bring up her bare back under mine t-shirt and I slide my hand round and cup her breast and we both let out a moan "you feel perfect Lisa you fit in my hand perfectly" I whisper giving her nipples a little pinch that cause her to jump a little. I smile "are you turned on as much as I am" I whisper moving hips so she can feel hard I am, I watch her lick her lips "you want to touch me?" I ask moving my hand to her other breast and Lisa flips onto her back I just want to lean over and suck a nipple into my mouth but I think that might be too far too soon. 

I love touching her "we should get some sleep" Lisa says sighing not answering my previous question maybe she doesn't know what to do I could teach her "Lisa you didn't answer me" I say pushing the subject "fine, yes I do want to touch you Cole but I've never touched anything close to that or me to be honest" She says blushing. I remove my hand from her breast "it's okay I will show you what to do" I say knowing I will get my release because I am getting blue balls by lying here. She nods at me, I kiss her and take her hand in mine, flatting it against my chest mine resting on top I bring the hand down over my abs, with my other hand I pull my pyjama bottoms down to my knees because I do not want cum on my bottoms. I watch Lisa's facial expression change from shock to wonder "is that pre-cum?" she asks me as I know I am close to coming even with just one touch from her but I will try to hold on so I nod then I am surprised by what she does next, she swipes her thumb over my pre-cum and then moves it around the head of my cock. "Now wrap your hand at the base of my cock" I order in a voice full of desire for the girl in my bed, her small hand wraps around the base waiting for my next instruction "now move your hand up and down you can tighten the hold I won't break" I say laying back down letting Lisa practice on me. 

She starts to move her hand at a slow pace "faster Lisa" I moan pumping my hips in time to her movements "oh god that feels so good" I know she is watching me and I don't care her hand feel so good on me, on my cock "Lisa I am close" I say looking at her breathing hard knowing I'm going to cum all over her hand "if you don't want me to cum over your hand move it away now so I can finish" I say but she doesn't move her hand, my balls start to tighten then I let out a low growl as I cum all over her hand in a couple of sprits "that's the best hand job I have ever had, I have never cum so hard even when I do myself" I say feeling proud of her now I want to make her feel good as I do. "I better go and wash my hand" Lisa says getting up and heading to the bathroom and I watch her go. I pull my bottoms back up and wait for her return. 

She returns moments later and I bring her close we kiss "I want to make you feel good like you did me will you allow me to do that?" I ask she shifts laying on her back and rolls her head to look at me again so I place my hand on her stomach stroking my thumb forward and back and moving a piece of her hair away from her face and kiss her lips and lower my hand so her mind is on the kiss not the movement of my hand, I can not believe she is letting me do this what a first! mental fist pump. My fingers slip under her waist brand and I slide my fingers through her curls and long her slip feeling how wet she is, I push a finger through her folds twisting my wrist and curling it up to feel her swollen bud. I move my finger in and out of her and she is moaning getting wetter and wetter. "Oh god Cole that feels so good" Lisa says lifting her hips and lowering like she was fucking my fingers, I can feel her tighten around my fingers and throwing her head from side to side then she comes. It feels so good making her come and I can not wait to give her more and finally be inside her but I won't rush her. 

We cuddle together and have a last kiss "Lisa can I ask you something?" I ask her, she is fighting sleep "yeah of course" she asks yawning "I want to call you babe and things" I say blushing "okay" she says smiling "night babe" I say kissing her lips "night Cole" Lisa says turning on her side rubbing her perfect bum against my cock and we fall asleep like that. 

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